

单词 依从
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔advice〕Foreign nationals have mainly left the area on the advice of their governments.外国侨民主要是依从他们政府的劝告才离开了这个地区。外研社新世纪〔beck〕Ready to comply with any wish or command.唯命是从:愿意依从任何愿望或命令美国传统〔compliance〕Medicine Willingness to follow a prescribed course of treatment.【医学】 依从:愿意接受预定的疗程美国传统〔discipline〕Control obtained by enforcing compliance or order.规律,纪律:由履行命令、依从而形成的克制美国传统〔insistence〕On my insistence that he answer the question, he complied.经我坚持他非回答这问题不可,他总算依从了。英汉大词典〔jawbone〕To urge voluntary compliance with official wishes or guidelines.游说:极力主张自觉依从政府的意愿或领导方针美国传统〔obedience〕He did it in obedience to her wishes.他依从她的愿望做了这件事。外研社新世纪〔pliant〕Yielding readily to influence or domination; compliant.易受影响的:准备服务从于影响或统治的;依从的美国传统〔surrender〕A look of disbelief came into his eyes, but was quickly replaced by one of dismal surrender.他眼里闪现出一丝怀疑,但又马上代之以可怜无助的依从。柯林斯高阶




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