

单词 冠状动脉
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CABG〕Coronary artery bypass graft.冠状动脉旁通接合美国传统〔arcus〕Corneal arcus is frequently associated with early coronary artery disease.老年环是冠状动脉疾病早期常见病症。剑桥高阶〔artery〕Hardening of the coronary arteries can lead to a heart attack.冠状动脉硬化可能导致心脏病发作。剑桥高阶〔bypass〕Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries.从腿部取出一些细小血管,用来对堵塞的冠状动脉进行分流。柯林斯高阶〔coronary artery〕Either of two arteries that originate in the aorta and supply blood to the muscular tissue of the heart.冠状动脉:起自主动脉的两条动脉之一,供血给心脏的肌肉组织美国传统〔coronary care unit〕A hospital unit that is specially equipped to treat patients with serious heart conditions, such as coronary thrombosis.心脏特诊室:医院的特别装备,来治疗有严重心脏问题(如冠状动脉血栓形成)的病人的诊室美国传统〔coronary occlusion〕The partial or complete obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery, as by a thrombus or the progressive buildup of atherosclerotic plaque.冠状动脉阻塞:冠状动脉的部分阻塞或完全阻塞,如由于血栓或粥样沉着而不断形成美国传统〔coronary thrombosis〕Obstruction of a coronary artery by a thrombus, often leading to destruction of heart muscle.冠状动脉血栓形成:血栓造成的冠状动脉阻塞,常导致心脏肌肉的衰竭美国传统〔coronary〕A coronary thrombosis.冠状动脉血栓形成美国传统〔coronary〕He's in hospital after having a coronary last week.上星期他因冠状动脉血栓住进了医院。剑桥高阶〔coronary〕If all the coronary arteries are free of significant obstructions, all parts of the heart will receive equal amounts of oxygen.如果所有的冠状动脉均没有较大的阻塞物,心脏各部分将得到等量的氧气。柯林斯高阶〔coronary〕Of, relating to, or being the coronary arteries or coronary veins.冠状动脉或静脉:冠状动脉的或冠状静脉的,或与两者之一有关的美国传统〔fatty〕The coronary arteries were narrowed, and fatty deposits were present in the aorta.冠状动脉变狭窄, 主动脉中出现脂肪沉积。外研社新世纪〔spasm〕A muscular spasm in the coronary artery can cause a heart attack.冠状动脉痉挛能够引发心脏病。外研社新世纪〔spasm〕A muscular spasm in the coronary artery can cause a heart attack.冠状动脉的肌肉痉挛可能导致心脏病。柯林斯高阶Artificial blood was pumped into the man's heart during an operation to widen a coronary artery.在扩大冠状动脉的手术中,将人造血液注入这个人的心脏。剑桥国际Hardening of the coronary arteries can lead to a heart attack.冠状动脉硬化可导致心脏病发作。剑桥国际He's in hospital after having a coronary last week.上星期他因冠状动脉血栓住进了医院。剑桥国际Her grandfather has recently had coronary bypass surgery.她的祖父最近接受了冠状动脉的外科分流手术。剑桥国际




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