

单词 傧相
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MARRY〕It is traditional for the groom to buy presents for the bridesmaids. 按照传统,新郎应该给女傧相买礼物。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕It's the best man's job to arrange the groom's stag night. 安排新郎的婚前庆祝夜是男傧相该做的事。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕My three sisters were bridesmaids for me. 我的三个妹妹做了我的女傧相。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕We need one groomsman for each bridesmaid. 有多少个女侯相就要有多少个男傧相。朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕There were three bridesmaids at the wedding, and even the little one behaved beautifully. 婚礼上有三个女傧相,甚至连年纪最小的一个都举止优雅。朗文写作活用〔best man〕My brother was the best man at her wedding.我的兄弟在她的婚礼上担任男傧相。外研社新世纪〔best man〕The bridegroom's chief attendant at a wedding.男傧相:婚礼中新郎的主要陪伴人美国传统〔best man〕The groom asked his brother to be his best man and the bride asked her sister to be her maid of honor.新郎请他的弟弟做男傧相,新娘则让她的妹妹当女傧相。韦氏高阶〔bridesmaid〕A woman who attends the bride at a wedding.女傧相:婚礼中照料新娘的女人美国传统〔bridesmaid〕I was bridesmaid to Nina.我当纳娜的女傧相。英汉大词典〔compliment〕The groom was so nervous he forgot to compliment the bridesmaids.新郎非常紧张,都忘了夸奖女傧相。朗文当代〔groomsman〕He asked his two closest college friends to be his groomsmen.他请最要好的两位大学同学当他的男傧相。韦氏高阶〔guest〕The best man welcomed the wedding guests as they arrived.男傧相迎候来参加婚宴的客人。牛津搭配〔maid of honor〕The chief unmarried woman attendant of a bride.首席女傧相:由未婚女子担当的主要伴娘美国传统〔matron of honor〕A married woman serving as chief attendant of the bride at a wedding.伴娘:由已婚妇女担任的婚礼上的首席女傧相美国传统〔pageboy〕The little pageboys were dressed in kilts and the bridesmaids in pink dresses.小男傧相们身着苏格兰式短裙,伴娘们则穿着粉红色礼服。剑桥高阶〔page〕A boy who holds the bride's train at a wedding.男小傧相:在婚礼上执裙裾的男孩美国传统〔page〕The bride was attended by three bridesmaids and a page.3个伴娘和1个小男傧相伴着新娘。外研社新世纪〔quartet(te)〕Behind the happy couple was a quartet(te) of bridesmaids.在那对幸福的新人后面是4个女傧相。英汉大词典〔stand up with〕Why don't you ask me to stand up with you?让我来做你的傧相吧。21世纪英汉〔stand〕To act as best man or maid of honor for (the groom or bride) at a wedding.做傧相:在婚礼中做新郎的男傧相或新娘的女傧相美国传统I was bridesmaid to Cathy. 我当凯丝的女傧相。译典通The best man at Neil's wedding spiced (up) his speech with some rude jokes.尼尔婚礼上的男傧相在致辞中插入了一些粗鲁的笑话,增添了一点趣味。剑桥国际The best man's speech at Jill and Peter's wedding was full of humour (= was amusing).在吉尔和彼得的婚礼上,傧相的讲话妙趣横生。剑桥国际The best man's speech contained all sorts of witticisms about the bridegroom.男傧相的发言充满了各种各样关于新郎的俏皮话。剑桥国际The little pageboys were dressed in kilts and the bridesmaids in pink dresses.小傧相们身着苏格兰式短裙,伴娘身着粉红礼服。剑桥国际The young bridesmaids carried posies of spring flowers.女傧相拿着一束春花。剑桥国际We toasted the bridesmaids and the bride's parents and all the usual people.我们为女傧相,新娘的父母和所有有关的人干杯。剑桥国际




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