

单词 倒置
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔inversion〕a strange inversion of priorities. 令人奇怪的主次倒置柯林斯高阶〔inversion〕a strange inversion of priorities一种奇怪的本末倒置外研社新世纪〔inverted〕an inverted glass 倒置的玻璃杯英汉大词典〔invert〕to invert a glass把杯子倒置21世纪英汉〔reverse〕inverting subject and verb to form an interrogative. 倒置主语和动词以形成疑问语气。美国传统〔reverse〕reversed the paintings for a more satisfying effect. Toinvert is basically to turn something upside down or inside out, but the term may imply placing something in a reverse order: 倒转绘画品以得到更满意的效果。 Invert 基本含义是指把某物倒置或里面转到外面, 但此词可能意指以相反顺序放置某物: 美国传统〔trivial〕put the trivial above the important 本末倒置英汉大词典〔upside down〕an upside down U shape 倒置的 U 形朗文当代〔upturned〕an upturned trash can 倒置的垃圾桶韦氏高阶〔up〕wrong end up 倒置着 英汉大词典




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