

单词 农舍
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-roofed〕tile-roofed farmhouses. 屋顶铺瓦的农舍柯林斯高阶〔-year-old〕their 200-year-old farmhouse in Ohio. 他们在俄亥俄州的有两百年历史的农舍柯林斯高阶〔about〕cottages dotted about the fields 田野上星罗棋布的农舍英汉大词典〔beam〕a cottage with low oak beams 有低矮橡木横梁的农舍麦克米伦高阶〔beam〕a cottage with original beams and a thatched roof 一直没有更换房梁的茅草顶小农舍牛津搭配〔bucolic〕a charming bucolic farmhouse 迷人的田园农舍韦氏高阶〔cluster〕a cluster of low farm buildings 一片低矮的农舍朗文当代〔dominate〕a view from the cliffside chalet that dominates the valley. 从能俯瞰山谷的悬崖上的农舍所看到的风景美国传统〔farm〕farm machinery; farm buildings; farm policy. 农场机器;农舍;农业政策美国传统〔fence〕old farmhouses and fenced gardens 旧农舍和带围栏的花园朗文当代〔furthest〕the fields which lay furthest from his farm离他的农舍最远的田地外研社新世纪〔humble〕a humble farmhouse 小农舍牛津高阶〔isolated〕an isolated farmhouse.偏僻的农舍。牛津同义词〔lonely〕a lonely farmhouse.偏远的农舍。牛津同义词〔mews〕a mews cottage由马厩改建的农舍外研社新世纪〔moated〕a moated farmhouse 围有壕沟的农舍文馨英汉〔nowhere〕a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. 遥远偏僻处的一所农舍柯林斯高阶〔nowhere〕a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere一座偏远的农舍外研社新世纪〔old〕a beautiful old farm house in the country 乡下一间漂亮的古老农舍剑桥高阶〔outbuilding〕a big farmhouse with a cluster of outbuildings around it一座附属建筑环绕的大农舍外研社新世纪〔outbuilding〕a farmhouse with a few outbuildings 带几间外屋的农舍朗文当代〔peep〕get a peep of a distant cottage through the trees 从树丛中隐约看见远处的农舍英汉大词典〔plain〕a modest cottage; 简朴的农舍;美国传统〔quintessence〕an old stone cottage, the quintessence of rural England. 一座堪称英格兰乡村风格之典范的石砌农舍柯林斯高阶〔rambling〕a rambling old farmhouse 布局凌乱的旧式农舍韦氏高阶〔rambling〕a rambling old farmhouse 格局凌乱的旧农舍朗文当代〔rambling〕a rambling old farmhouse.凌乱的旧农舍。牛津同义词〔remotely〕a remotely situated farmhouse 地处偏僻的农舍剑桥高阶〔roofed〕a peasant hut roofed with branches. 屋顶用树枝搭成的农舍柯林斯高阶〔rude〕a rude stone farmhouse 简陋的石砌农舍韦氏高阶〔rustic〕an old cottage full of rustic charm 充满了乡村魅力的旧农舍牛津高阶〔setting〕an old farmhouse in a beautiful setting 环境优美的一座古老农舍朗文当代〔shell〕the shell of a burned-out farmhouse 大火后农舍的残骸剑桥高阶〔sprinkle〕a sprinkle of farmhouses 稀稀拉拉的几处农舍英汉大词典〔tatterdemalion〕an old tatterdemalion farmhouse 破旧的农舍英汉大词典〔tied〕a tied cottage (由农场主出租的)雇工农舍英汉大词典〔tied〕a tied cottage on a farm 农场里租给雇工的农舍牛津高阶〔towards〕a cottage somewhere up towards the lake 离湖不远的一座农舍英汉大词典〔unapproachable〕an unapproachable chalet high in the Alps. 远在阿尔卑斯山上的难以接近的农舍美国传统〔uninhabited〕a charred, uninhabited farmhouse一座被烧焦的无人居住的农舍外研社新世纪




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