

单词 农村的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IN GENERAL〕I think generally speaking that the rural schools provide a better environment for the students. 我认为一般说来农村的学校给学生提供的环境更好。朗文写作活用〔agrarian〕Relating to agricultural or rural matters.农业的;农村的:涉及农业或农村的问题或事情的美国传统〔bit〕It sounds like a rural version of the coals-to-Newcastle bit: giving farmers wheat, corn, rice and cotton.给农民小麦、玉米、大米和棉花,这做法听上去无异是“运煤到纽卡斯尔——多此一举”在农村的翻版。英汉大词典〔countrified〕Resembling or having the characteristics of country life; rural.农村的:象农村生活的,具有农村生活特点的;乡下的美国传统〔delight〕Enjoy the delights of rural Spain.享受西班牙农村的乐趣吧。麦克米伦高阶〔drift〕As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities.由于农村的工厂纷纷裁员,人们逐渐流向城市。柯林斯高阶〔general store〕A retail store, usually located in a rural community, that sells a wide variety of merchandise but is not divided into departments.百货店:一种通常位于农村的零售商店,售卖品种繁多的商品,但不按类划分部门美国传统〔guardian〕Farmers should be guardians of the countryside.农民应是农村的保衞者。牛津高阶〔jobless〕Many of the rural jobless moved into the towns.农村的许多失业人员流动到城镇。麦克米伦高阶〔mainstay〕Cotton is the mainstay of the surrounding country.棉花是周围农村的主要收益。英汉大词典〔pastoral〕Of or relating to the country or country life; rural.乡村的:乡村或乡村生活的,与乡村成乡村生活有关的;农村的美国传统〔pattern〕Patterns of employment in urban areas are different from those in the countryside.城区的就业模式和农村的不同。麦克米伦高阶〔romantically〕He has a romantic view of rural society.他对农村的看法不切实际。柯林斯高阶〔rural〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the country.农村的,田园的:农村的,与乡村有关的,具有乡村特点的美国传统〔stratum〕The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society.叛乱分子绝大多数来自农村的最贫困阶层。外研社新世纪〔stratum〕The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society.叛乱分子绝大多数来自农村的最贫困阶层。柯林斯高阶〔town〕It had the advantages of town and country combined.它兼有城市和农村的优势。外研社新世纪Most of the villages in the north of the country are virtually rural slums.该国北部的大多数村庄实际上是农村的贫民区。剑桥国际Once the system of local government is reorganized, the checks and balances provided by district councils to protect the local countryside will be lost.一旦地方政府系统重组,就会失去区议会所提供的保护当地农村的制约与平衡了。剑桥国际The government is developing policies to promote non-farm rural employment.政府正在制订政策以促进农村的非农岗位就业。牛津商务The gravitation of country people to/towards the capital began in the 1920s.农村的人们受吸引流向首都始于20世纪20年代。剑桥国际




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