

单词 分队
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔airborne〕the 82nd airborne division 第82空降分队麦克米伦高阶〔army〕army officers/units/barracks 陆军军官/小分队/军营韦氏高阶〔contingent〕the French contingent in the UN peacekeeping force 联合国维和部队的法国分队牛津高阶〔corps〕seventy-five men, all combat veterans, all members of The Corps' most exclusive unit. 75名队员,个个作战经验丰富,全都来自海军陆战队的精锐分队柯林斯高阶〔detachment〕a detachment of marines. 海军陆战队独立小分队柯林斯高阶〔divisional〕the divisional commander/headquarters 分队指挥官/总部剑桥高阶〔elite〕an elite squad/unit/corps 精锐小分队/部队/军团麦克米伦高阶〔file〕a file of men (一个士兵在前一个士兵在后、奉命离队执行任务的)两人小分队英汉大词典〔flank〕a detachment flanking the main column掩护主纵队侧翼的小分队外研社新世纪〔infantry〕infantry units 步兵分队牛津高阶〔peace〕the first UN contingent assigned to help keep the peace in Cambodia联合国派到柬埔寨的第一支维和小分队外研社新世纪〔raid〕a raiding party(= a group of soldiers, etc. that attack a place) 突袭小分队牛津高阶〔renegade〕a renegade army unit 变节的陆军分队朗文当代〔riverine〕riverine units of the Marine Corps. 海军陆战队的河战分队美国传统〔scout〕a military scouting party 军事侦察小分队牛津高阶〔sergeant〕the unit headed by Sergeant Bell. 由贝尔巡佐带领的分队。柯林斯高阶〔squad__1〕an early-morning raid by a police squad 警察小分队进行的一次清晨突击搜查牛津搭配〔squad〕a squad of commandos. 突击小分队柯林斯高阶〔squad〕the drugs squad 缉毒小分队麦克米伦高阶〔unit〕a Russian army unit 俄罗斯陆军分队朗文当代〔unit〕army/military/police units 陆军╱军事╱警察分队牛津高阶




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