

单词 共同决定
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔collectively〕They collectively decided to recognize the changed situation.他们共同决定要认清到形势的改变。外研社新世纪〔consensus〕The question of when the troops should leave would be decided by consensus.军队应该何时撤离的问题将由大家共同决定。外研社新世纪〔consensus〕The question of when the troops should leave would be decided by consensus.部队应该何时撤离的问题将由大家共同决定。柯林斯高阶〔formant〕Any of several frequency regions of relatively great intensity in a sound spectrum, which together determine the characteristic quality of a vowel sound.共振峰:声谱中有相应强度的几个共鸣带中的任何一个,他们共同决定着元音的音质美国传统〔jointly〕Jackie and Ben came to a joint decision as to where they would live.关于他们将住哪里是杰姬和本共同决定的。柯林斯高阶The rise and fall of global oil price are often decided by members of OPEC. 世界石油价格的涨跌通常是由 OPEC 成员国共同决定的。译典通




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