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释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIRE〕Cuba's adulation of its aging communist leader 古巴对他们年迈的共产党领导人的崇拜朗文写作活用〔BETRAY〕Greene was denounced for betraying his Catholic beliefs and siding with the Communists. 格林因背弃自己的天主教信仰转而支持共产主义者而受到谴责。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕In Communist Russia prices of all common commodities used to be fixed. 在共产党执政时期的苏联,所有的普通商品价格都是固定的。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕In less than five years, he went from being a communist to being a member of the military government. 不到五年时间,他从一名共产主义者转变成了军政府的一员。朗文写作活用〔CP〕Communist Party.共产党美国传统〔Communist〕A member of a Marxist-Leninist party.共产主义者:马克思--列宁主义政党的一员美国传统〔Communist〕A supporter of such a party or movement.共产党员:这样政党或运动的支持者美国传统〔Communist〕Often communist Relating to, characteristic of, or held to resemble communism or Communists. 常作 communist 共产主义者的:有关、特征为或保持像共产主义或共产主义者的美国传统〔DO/NOT DO〕His first move after taking office was to appoint four communists to his cabinet. 他上任后的第一步就是在内阁中任命了四名共产党人。朗文写作活用〔EXTREME〕Both the far-left Communists and the far-right National Alliance are calling for new elections. 极左的共产党人和极右的国民联盟都在呼吁进行新的选举。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕Members of the Communist Party were blacklisted and had great difficulty finding work. 共产党员被列入了黑名单,要找到工作非常困难。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕The Nationalists kept talking about the ‘Communist threat’ to scare people into voting for them. 国民党不断地谈论“共产党的威胁”以恐吓人们投他们的票。朗文写作活用〔Finlandization〕The former policy of neutrality by non-Communist countries under the influence of the Soviet Union.芬兰化:之前受到苏联影响的非共产国家的中立化政策美国传统〔IN CHARGE OF〕Hwang is head of the local Communist Party, and is also a farmer. 黄是当地共产党的领袖,也是一个农民。朗文写作活用〔LEADER〕Jaruzelski led the country's Communist regime for nine years. 雅鲁泽尔斯基领导了该国的共产党政权达九年之久。朗文写作活用〔McCarthyism〕McCarthyism is named after the American politician Joseph McCarthy, who in the 1950s accused many Americans of being Communists.麦卡锡主义以美国政客约瑟夫‧麦卡锡的名字命名,1950年,他指控众多美国公民为共产党人。剑桥高阶〔ORGANIZATION〕He first joined the Communist party when he was a student. 他还是学生的时候就加入了共产党。朗文写作活用〔POWER/POWERFUL〕The communists were particularly strong in the big industrial cities. 共产党人在大工业城市中势力特别大。朗文写作活用〔People's Republic〕A political organization founded and controlled by a national Communist party.人民共和国:由一国的共产党创建并领导的政治组织美国传统〔SIGN〕The hammer and sickle is the emblem of the Communist Party. 锤头和镰刀是共产党的标志。朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕Miller refused to testify and paid for it by being labelled a communist. 米勒拒绝作证,因此付出了代价—他被说成是共产党人。朗文写作活用〔Trotskyism〕The political and economic theories of Communism advocated by Leon Trotsky and his followers, usually including the principle of worldwide revolution.托洛茨基主义:利昂·托洛茨基及其信徒所倡导的共产主义政治、经济理论,通常包括世界革命原则美国传统〔accept〕Some have been accepted into the Communist Party.有几个人已被吸收加入共产党。英汉大词典〔allied〕The party is allied with the Communists.该党与共产党人结成联盟。牛津搭配〔apparatchik〕A member of a Communist apparat.共产党:共产党组织的一员美国传统〔briefly〕As a young man, he had belonged briefly to the Communist Party.年轻时,他曾短期加入过共产党。麦克米伦高阶〔capitalism〕She deplored unbridled capitalism as much as communism.她既强烈反对共产主义,也强烈反对放任自由的资本主义。牛津搭配〔cell〕Communist Party cells.共产党的基层组织柯林斯高阶〔come〕The Communists came to power in 1944.1944年共产党开始执政。柯林斯高阶〔comment〕KPJ officials declined comment.南斯拉夫共产党的官员谢绝评论。牛津搭配〔commie〕A Communist.共产主义者;共产党员美国传统〔communism〕A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.共产主义:理论上的经济体系,以集体财产所有制和所有成员共同利益的劳动组织为特征美国传统〔communism〕The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.共产主义:共产主义学说的马克思--列宁主义,拥护通过无产阶级革命推翻资本主义美国传统〔communistic〕Of, characteristic of, or inclined to communism.共产主义的:属于、特征为或倾向于共产主义的美国传统〔communitarian〕A member or supporter of a small cooperative or a collectivist community.共产主义社会成员:小型合作或集体主义制度的成员或支持者美国传统〔comrade〕Often Comrade A fellow member of a group, especially a fellow member of the Communist Party. 常作 Comrade 成员:某组织中的一员,尤指共产党的一员美国传统〔comsymp〕A Communist Party sympathizer.共产主义政党的同情者美国传统〔convinced〕He was a convinced Communist.他是个坚定的共产主义者。柯林斯高阶〔convinced〕He was a convinced Communist.他是名坚定的共产主义者。外研社新世纪〔dalliance〕The 1970s witnessed the first of the pop star's dalliances with communism.二十世纪七十年代出现首位信奉共产主义的流行歌手。剑桥高阶〔declare〕The communists had unilaterally declared a ceasefire.共产党单方面宣布停火。牛津搭配〔depose〕Nicolae Ceausescu, Romania's deposed Communist dictator.尼古拉·齐奥塞斯库,罗马尼亚遭罢黜的共产主义独裁者柯林斯高阶〔disillusioned〕Later in life he grew rather disillusioned with communism.晚年他对共产主义越发不抱幻想了。牛津搭配〔eastern〕Until about 1991, the Eastern bloc was the Soviet Union and the communist countries of eastern Europe.直到1991年左右,东方集团是指苏联和东欧的共产主义国家。剑桥高阶〔east〕The former Communist bloc of countries in Asia and especially in Eastern Europe.东方集团:以前由亚洲和特别是东欧几个国家组成的共产主义集团美国传统〔enemy〕The church and the Communist Party were natural enemies.教会和共产党是天敌。牛津搭配〔environment〕This period provided an ideal environment for the spread of communism.这段时期为共产主义的传播提供了理想的环境。牛津搭配〔espouse〕Jessica espoused an American communist.杰茜卡嫁给了一个美国共产主义者。外研社新世纪〔expand〕The EU could be expanded to include former communist countries.欧盟可以通过吸收前共产主义国家来扩大自己的规模。麦克米伦高阶〔fellow traveler〕One who sympathizes with or supports the tenets and program of an organized group, such as the Communist Party, without being a member.同路人,同情者:同情或支持一个有组织的团体(如共产党)的宗旨和纲领但不是其成员的人美国传统〔flirt〕He flirted with communism when he was young.他年轻时曾闹着玩儿似的参与了共产主义事业。韦氏高阶〔forger〕Tito forged a unique model of communism after breaking with Stalin in 1948.1948 年铁托在和斯大林决裂后创建了一种独特的共产主义模式。柯林斯高阶〔foster〕They were discussing the best way to foster democracy and prosperity in the former communist countries.他们正在讨论促进前共产主义国家民主和繁荣的最佳办法。剑桥高阶〔free world〕The countries of the world that have democratic and capitalistic or moderately socialistic systems rather than communist or totalitarian systems.自由世界:实行民主和资本主义或民主的社会主义制度而不是共产主义或极权主义制度的国家美国传统〔hammer and sickle〕An emblem of the Communist movement signifying the alliance of workers and peasants.锤子镰刀图案:共产主义运动的一种标记,象征着工人与农民的联盟美国传统〔hardline〕East Germany's last hardline Communist leader.东德最后一位强硬派共产党领袖柯林斯高阶〔hardline〕East Germany's last hardline Communist leader东德最后一位奉行强硬路线的共产党领导人外研社新世纪〔hunt〕The investigation turned into a full-scale Communist witch-hunt.调查演变成了一场对共产主义者的大规模政治迫害。牛津搭配〔ideology〕They distanced themselves from the upper class and adopted a communist ideology.他们与上流阶层疏远并接受了共产主义思想。牛津搭配〔kulak〕A prosperous landed peasant in czarist Russia, characterized by the Communists during the October Revolution as an exploiter.富农:沙皇俄国时期拥有土地的富裕农民,在十月革命中被共产党划为剥削者美国传统〔label〕They labelled him as a communist.他们说他是一名共产党员。21世纪英汉〔lose〕The Communist candidate lost by a whisker (=a very small amount) .这位共产党候选人仅以几票之差落选。朗文当代〔materiel〕The general said the communist countries had vast resources in manpower and materiel.那位将军说,共产国家有广大的人力和武器装备等资源。文馨英汉〔member〕He was a paid-up member of the Communist Party.他已缴清共产党党员应交的党费。牛津搭配〔order〕The collapse of Communism at the end of the 1980s encouraged hopes of a new world order.20世纪80年代末,共产主义的瓦解点燃了建立世界新秩序的希望。剑桥高阶〔organ〕The People's Daily is the official organ of the Chinese Communist Party.《人民日报》是中国共产党的官方报纸。牛津高阶〔organ〕The newspaper Pravda was the official organ of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union.《真理报》曾是苏联共产党的官方报纸。剑桥高阶〔pain〕Communist activity was prohibited on pain of death.过去禁止共产主义活动,违者处死。朗文当代〔politburo〕The chief political and executive committee of a Communist party.政治局:一个共产党主要的政治和执行委员会美国传统〔predict〕The author boldly predicts the end of the Communist Party’s rule.作者大胆地预测了共产党统治的结束。牛津搭配〔progenitor〕Marx was the progenitor of communism.马克思是共产主义的创始人。剑桥高阶〔progress〕Under communism, nothing was allowed to get in the way of the great march of progress .在共产主义制度下,一切阻挡进步洪流的事都是不允许的。朗文当代〔propagandist〕Communist/Nazi/Republican/right-wing propagandists 宣扬共产主义/纳粹/共和党理念/右翼思想的人剑桥高阶〔purge〕Between 1934 and 1938, Stalin mounted a massive purge of the Communist Party, the government and the armed forces in the Soviet Union.1934至1938年间,斯大林对苏联的共产党、政府和军队实行大清洗。剑桥高阶〔realign〕They have tried to realign themselves with the communists.他们试图再次站到共产党人这一边。朗文当代〔red〕Often Red A Communist. 常作 Red 共产主义者美国传统〔red〕Often Red Communist. 常作 Red 共产主义的美国传统〔reference〕A reference to “the Party” meant the Communist Party.凡提到的“党”意指共产党。英汉大词典〔regime〕The communist regime came to power in 1975. 该共产主义政权 1975 年开始执政。牛津搭配〔rename〕The former Communist party, now renamed Socialists, have won nearly half the vote.以前的共产党,现在更名为社会党,赢得了近半数的选票。柯林斯高阶〔socialism〕The building of the material base for communism under the dictatorship of the proletariat in Marxist-Leninist theory.社会主义物质基础的建立:马克思列宁主义理论中在无产阶级专政下共产主义物质基础的建立美国传统〔state〕In 1949 China became a communist state.1949 年中国成为了一个共产主义国家。牛津搭配〔take root〕Communism has never really taken root in England.共产主义从未真正在英格兰扎根。剑桥高阶〔tendency〕Political conservatives fear a drift toward communism in Latin America.政治保守派们对拉丁美洲的共产主义倾向感到恐惧。美国传统〔traitor〕The Chinese Communist Party branded (= called) Mr Gorbachev "a traitor to socialism".中国共产党称戈尔巴乔夫先生为“社会主义的叛徒”。剑桥高阶〔ultimately〕Elections might ultimately produce a Communist victory.选举的最终结果可能是共产党获胜。外研社新世纪〔underground〕The Communist Party was forced (to go) underground, and its leaders went into hiding.共产党被迫转为地下活动,其领导人也隐藏了起来。剑桥高阶〔under〕The North has been under Communist rule since 1954.北方自1954年起就一直处于共产党的统治之下。柯林斯高阶〔witch hunt〕In America, Senator McCarthy led a witch hunt against people suspected of being communists.在美国,参议员麦卡锡发动了一场对共产党嫌疑分子的迫害。剑桥高阶〔world〕Communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution.俄国革命之后,共产党在世界范围内成立起来。牛津搭配〔yoke〕Both countries had thrown off the communist yoke.两国都已经摆脱了共产主义的枷锁。剑桥高阶A group of extremists split (off) from the Labour Party to form a new “Workers’Communist Party”.一群激进分子从工党中脱离出来,成立了新的“工人共产党” 。剑桥国际Despite everything, he is an unabashed communist.无论如何, 他是个不掩饰自己的共产主义者。剑桥国际He continued to serve the Communist cause in its fight against a succession of rightist governments.他继续为共产党的反对一系列右翼政府斗争的事业服务。剑桥国际He got the crackpot that the president is a Communist. 他疯狂地以为总统是共产党员。译典通McCarthyism is named after the American politician Joseph McCarthy, who in the 1950s accused many Americans of being Communists.麦卡锡主义以美国政治家约瑟夫·麦卡锡命名,其在50年代曾指控许多人为共产党人。剑桥国际She cast her vote (= voted) for the Communist Party.她把票投给了共产党。剑桥国际The Communist Party was forced (to go) underground, and its leaders went into hiding.共产党被迫转入地下, 它的领导也隐藏了起来。剑桥国际The country is dominated by a power struggle between the communists on the one hand and the nationalists on the other.国家现在被一边为共产主义者而另一边为民族 主义者之间的权力斗争所主宰。剑桥国际The minister accused his opponent of being a crypto-communist.部长谴责他的对手是个秘密的共产党人。剑桥国际 |
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