

单词 克服困难
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bootstrap〕The city is well on its way to bootstrapping itself out of its difficulties.那城市正在顺利地依靠自己的力量克服困难。英汉大词典〔clutch〕He is known for his ability to come through in the clutch.他以能在比赛关键时刻克服困难而为人所知。韦氏高阶〔corruption〕The film is about a young police officer and his struggle to expose corruption in the force.影片讲述的是一个年轻警察的故事,表现了他是如何克服困难揭露警方内部腐败的。剑桥高阶〔descried〕He can descry a way of overcoming the difficulty.他能找到克服困难的办法。21世纪英汉〔discouragement〕She expressed discouragement over the difficulty of finding a good job.她表示对克服困难找份好工作已失去信心。韦氏高阶〔hurdle〕You have to hurdle to London and get the intelligence back.你得克服困难到达伦敦把那份情报取回来。21世纪英汉〔knock ... over〕We tried our best to knock over difficulties.我们尽最大努力克服困难。21世纪英汉〔man〕You will surmount your difficulties if only you play the man.只要拿出大丈夫气概来你就能克服困难。英汉大词典〔obstacle〕To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles.必须学会克服困难才能成功。柯林斯高阶〔odds〕She defied the odds to beat the clear favourite / favorite.她克服困难击败了最有希望的夺冠者。牛津搭配〔odds〕They defied/overcame the odds.他们藐视/克服困难。韦氏高阶〔overcome〕Find a way to overcome your difficulties.找到方法克服困难。外研社新世纪〔plan〕I have a plan for overcoming our difficulties.我有克服困难的对策。英汉大词典〔rise〕He was determined to rise to the challenge.他决心克服困难迎接挑战。牛津高阶〔shoulder〕If we all put our shoulders to the wheel, we'll get over the difficulty.如果我们大家都全力以赴,我们将会克服困难。英汉大词典〔taught〕All this taught them how to cope with difficulties.所有这些都教育了他们应如何克服困难。21世纪英汉〔think ... out〕I have thought out a way to get over the difficulty.我已经想出了一个克服困难的办法。21世纪英汉〔thrive〕Creative people are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles.富有创造力的人一般都意志非常坚定,能不断克服困难,事业蒸蒸日上。柯林斯高阶〔win〕To overcome difficulties and attain a desired goal or end.克服困难并达到既定目标或结果美国传统〔worry along〕She must try to worry along for her children.为了孩子们她一定要设法克服困难活下去。21世纪英汉〔worry out〕They have to(try to) worry out the answer to their difficulties.他们必须千方百计想出克服困难的办法。21世纪英汉He can't cope with difficult situations on his own -- he has no inner resources (= he does not have the ability to help himself).他无法独立克服困难----他没有自发力量。剑桥国际He was determined to cut through the difficulties. 他下决心要克服困难。译典通




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