

单词 供血
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Kawasaki disease〕Kawasaki disease can affect the blood vessels that supply the heart.川崎氏病会影响向心脏供血的血管。剑桥高阶〔angina pectoris〕Severe paroxysmal pain in the chest associated with an insufficient supply of blood to the heart.心绞痛:由于心脏供血不足引起的胸部突出性疼痛美国传统〔cerebrovascular〕Of or relating to the blood vessels that supply the brain.脑血管的:属于或关于给大脑供血的血管的美国传统〔code〕Slang To go into cardiac arrest.【俚语】 成为心脏已不能供血的心脏病人美国传统〔coronary artery〕Either of two arteries that originate in the aorta and supply blood to the muscular tissue of the heart.冠状动脉:起自主动脉的两条动脉之一,供血给心脏的肌肉组织美国传统〔cross matching〕The process of determining the compatibility of blood from a donor with that of a recipient before transfusion.交叉配血:在输血前决定供血者和受血者的血是否亲和的过程美国传统〔donor〕Medicine One from whom blood, tissue, or an organ is taken for use in a transfusion or transplant.【医学】 供者:为输血或器官移植提供血液、组织或器官的人美国传统〔embarrass〕The blood supply to the heart was embarrassed.心脏供血机能紊乱。21世纪英汉〔femoral artery〕The main artery of the thigh, supplying blood to the groin and lower extremity.股动脉:大腿上给腹股沟和更低的肢体供血的主要的动脉美国传统〔gangrene〕Death and decay of body tissue, often occurring in a limb, caused by insufficient blood supply and usually following injury or disease.坏疽:身体组织坏死或衰退,常在四肢发生,因供血不足以及随后的受伤或疾病而引起美国传统〔group〕The patient and donor have been grouped.已给病人和供血者验了血型。英汉大词典〔hilum〕Anatomy The area through which ducts, nerves, or blood vessels enter and leave an organ or a gland.【解剖学】 门:腺或某些器官的供血管、神经或小管出入的部位美国传统〔ischemia〕A decrease in the blood supply to a bodily organ, tissue, or part caused by constriction or obstruction of the blood vessels.局部缺血:身体某一器官,某一组织,或某一部位因血管收缩或阻塞而出现的供血减少美国传统〔myocardial infarction〕Necrosis of a region of the myocardium caused by an interruption in the supply of blood to the heart.心肌梗塞:由心脏供血的中断而引起的心肌层部位的坏死美国传统〔open-heart surgery〕Surgery in which the thoracic cavity is opened to expose the heart and the blood is recirculated and oxygenated by a heart-lung machine.心内直视外科,开心手术:打开胸腔以暴露心脏的手术,然后通过人工心肺机来供血和氧美国传统〔specimen〕He refused to provide a specimen.他拒绝提供血样。柯林斯高阶〔stiffen〕The blood supply to the skin is reduced when muscles stiffen.当肌肉变得僵硬时,皮肤的供血量就减少了。柯林斯高阶〔supply〕A clot in the brain cut off her blood supply.脑部凝血块阻断了她的大脑供血。牛津搭配〔supply〕This muscle controls the supply of blood to the heart.肌肉控制对心脏的供血。麦克米伦高阶〔syncope〕Postural syncope occurs when the body cannot supply enough blood to the brain in the upright position because of low blood pressure.直立时因血压过低导致大脑供血不足时会出现直立性晕厥。剑桥高阶〔thereby〕Diets that are high in saturated fat clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.高饱和脂肪和高胆固醇的饮食容易阻塞我们的动脉,从而减少向心脏和大脑的供血。剑桥高阶〔universal donor〕A person who has group O blood and is therefore able to serve as a donor to a person of any other blood group in the ABO system.一般输血者,万能供血者:有O群血的人,因此能在ABO系统中作为输血者为其他任何血群的人服务美国传统〔vessel〕A heart attack is caused by the blood vessels that supply the blood to the heart muscle getting blocked.心脏病发作是由于向心肌供血的血管堵塞引起的。剑桥高阶




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