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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIRE〕Logan, a long-serving Congressman, was both feared and respected by his political opponents. 洛根这位供职多年的国会议员,政敌们对他又敬又怕。朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕He was jailed in 1992 for attempting to swindle the insurance company he worked for. 1992年,他因企图从自己供职的保险公司那里骗钱而入狱。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕During his 28 years in Parliament, the 59-year-old Chuan has been untainted by corruption. 在议会供职的28年里,59岁的川没有沾上一点腐败风气。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕The Job Corps is a vocational training program for low-income youths. 职业培训团是一项为低收入青年提供职业培训的计划。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕He left his local paper to become the Daily Telegraph's defence correspondent. 他离开原来供职的地方报社,成了《每日电讯报》的国防事务记者。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕She works for Le Monde, where the staff hold a significant stake in the company. 她在《世界报》供职,那里的员工持有公司大量的股份。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕Ambassador Thompson is an experienced diplomat who has served in France, South America, and the Middle East. 汤普森大使是位老练的外交官,曾在法国、南美以及中东地区供职。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕Employers support the training program by offering places for young people. 雇主们支持这个培训计划,为年轻人提供职位。朗文写作活用〔anchor〕He worked in the news division of ABC – he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast.他供职于美国广播公司的新闻部, 是15分钟晚间新闻节目的主播。外研社新世纪〔armed forces〕He has had a long career in the armed forces.他已经在部队供职很久了。韦氏高阶〔ating〕He operated in an American company.他在一家美国公司供职。21世纪英汉〔beg off〕I begged off serving on that committee.我请求免去在那个委员会的供职。21世纪英汉〔body〕Kaplan served on the governing body of the museum (=the group who control the museum).卡普兰在博物馆的行政机构供职。朗文当代〔book〕Around 12 per cent of the people on our books are in the computing industry.我们的名册中有大约12%的人供职于计算机行业。柯林斯高阶〔circuit〕The judge had served for many years on the northeastern Circuit.这位法官多年来供职于东北部巡回法庭。剑桥高阶〔concerning〕It is particularly concerning that he is working for non-British companies while advising on foreign policy.让人尤为不安的是,他在提供外交政策咨询的同时却又供职于一些外国公司。柯林斯高阶〔content〕He is not someone who could content himself with sitting on charity committees.他不是那种安于在慈善委员会供职的人。外研社新世纪〔cynical〕She works in that most cynical of industries - advertising.她供职于最具煽惑性的行业——广告行业。剑桥高阶〔differ〕Conditions of employment differ according to the type of company you are working for.雇用条件因供职公司的不同而有差异。牛津搭配〔exact〕She has worked at the bank for many years, nine to be exact.她已在银行供职多年,确切地说是九年。朗文当代〔firm〕He works for a law firm called Neil and Vigliano.他在一家名为尼尔和维利亚诺的律师事务所供职。剑桥高阶〔hold〕He held office for fifty years.他供职五十年。文馨英汉〔indemnity〕They were charged with failing to have professional indemnity cover.他们被指控未能提供职业保险保障。柯林斯高阶〔kick〕Fred was kicked downstairs to a job in a small city.弗雷德被降级到一个小城市供职。 英汉大词典〔maintain〕Though now in government, he has maintained close contact with his former colleagues in the oil industry.虽然现在供职于政府,他仍和以前在石油业的同僚保持着密切联系。麦克米伦高阶〔memento〕They gave him a watch as a memento of his time with the company.他们送了他一块手表作为曾在公司供职的纪念品。牛津搭配〔nonprofit〕She works for a local nonprofit that provides care to recovering drug addicts.她供职于当地一家照看戒毒人员的非营利机构。韦氏高阶〔official〕One who holds an office or a position, especially one who acts in a subordinate capacity for an institution such as a corporation or governmental agency.公务员,职员:一个供职的人,尤指在如公司或政府机构的下属机构工作的人美国传统〔officiary〕Having a title resulting from the holding of an office. Used of a dignitary.有头衔的:从供职而来的头衔的。用于要人或名流美国传统〔presidency〕She worked in the White House throughout the Clinton presidency.克林顿任总统期间,她一直在白宫供职。麦克米伦高阶〔provide〕Careers advice is provided free of charge.免费提供职业咨询。牛津搭配〔public sector〕The typical member of Parliament has worked elsewhere in the public sector.典型的国会会员都曾在其他公共部门供职。麦克米伦高阶〔reference〕My last boss gave me a good reference.我上次供职那地方的老板给我写了一封德才兼优的推荐信。英汉大词典〔serve〕They served under the king.他们在国王手下供职。英汉大词典〔swipe〕She took a swipe at her former company in her latest column.她在最近一期专栏文章中抨击了她以前供职的公司。韦氏高阶〔training school〕A detention home that offers vocational training to juvenile offenders.少年犯教养所:给少年犯罪者提供职业培训的临时拘留所美国传统〔training〕The college provides vocational training for actors, directors, technicians, and designers.学院为演员、主管、技术员和设计师提供职业培训。麦克米伦高阶〔transport〕He sits on the passenger transport authority.他在客运局供职。牛津搭配〔venerable〕She has worked at such venerable institutions as Boston's Museum of Fine Arts and the Metropolitan Art Museum in New York.她曾供职于一些久负盛名的机构,比如波士顿美术馆和纽约的大都会艺术博物馆。剑桥高阶〔wind up〕Little did I know that I would actually wind up being on the staff.我完全没有想到自己最后竟会在这里供职。柯林斯高阶He was in the RAF for thirty years.他在皇家空军供职三十年。剑桥国际His father had been in the diplomatic service. 他的父亲曾在外交部门供职。译典通I've had job offers from two firms of international lawyers and plenty more besides.除了两家国际律师事务所之外还有许多公司向我提供职位。剑桥国际Sir Wynn is the longest-serving minister at the Welsh Office.温爵士是威尔士事务部供职最长的部长。剑桥国际The college's careers service offers careers advice and counselling.学院的职业服务提供职业咨询及辅导服务。牛津商务




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