

单词 供给
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DEFEND〕According to the report, only defensive weapons had been supplied to Iran. 该报道称提供给伊朗的仅限于防卫性武器。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕Companies need to know that those with whom they are trading are solvent and can pay for goods and services supplied to them 公司需要知道,和自己有生意往来的商家是有能力为提供给他们的货物和服务支付款项的。朗文写作活用〔accommodate with〕I can accommodate you with two bedrooms and a sitting-room.我可以供给你们两间卧室和一间起居室。21世纪英汉〔accommodate〕I asked them for additional money, and they accommodated me with a loan.我向他们要更多的钱,于是他们提供给我一笔贷款。韦氏高阶〔airlift〕The organization was airlifting supplies to the famine victims.这个组织正在向饥民空投生活供给品。韦氏高阶〔alimentation〕The act or process of giving or receiving nourishment.供给食物,接受食物:供给或接受食物的行为或过程美国传统〔auxiliary〕A vessel, such as a supply ship or a tug, that is designed for and used in instances and services other than combat.辅助性的船只:指补给船或供给船,主要用于辅助及服务而非战事美国传统〔berth〕To provide with a berth.供给舱位美国传统〔best〕We offer only the best to our clients.我们只把最好的服务提供给客户。柯林斯高阶〔caller ID〕A telephone service that provides for subscribers the name and telephone number of a caller, which appear on a display as the call is being received.来电显示:为提供给用户的电话服务,当有人来电时能于屏幕上显示来电者的电话号码及姓名美国传统〔chain〕The people formed a human chain to pass the supplies up the beach.人们排成一列把供给品送上岸。牛津搭配〔choke off〕A growth on the artery wall is choking off the blood supply.动脉血管壁的增厚阻塞了血液的供给。韦氏高阶〔content〕We optimized this content for agencies by drawing on our 20 years of experience.我们根据20多年的经验优化整合出了这些信息, 将其提供给各类机构。外研社新世纪〔critically〕Moscow is running critically low on food supplies.莫斯科的食品供给严重不足。柯林斯高阶〔demand〕Supply should rise to meet demand.增加供给以满足需求美国传统〔drop〕Supplies were dropped by parachute.供给物资用降落伞空投。英汉大词典〔estimate〕Current estimates suggest that supplies will run out within six months.据目前估计,供给品将在 6 个月之内用尽。牛津搭配〔exceed〕World oil supplies still far exceed demand.世界石油供给仍远大于需求。外研社新世纪〔feedback〕The facilitator offers verbal feedback to each student.协调人将反馈信息用语音提供给每个学生。牛津搭配〔feed〕Material or an amount of material supplied, as to a machine or furnace.进料:给机器或炉子供给的原料或进料量美国传统〔feed〕Receptors constantly feed information into the system.感受器不断将信息提供给系统。牛津搭配〔feed〕To move steadily, as into a machine for processing.供给(机器)原料:为生产而往机器里平稳地加入(原料等)美国传统〔finance〕The bank helped to finance our business.银行供给我们生意所需的资金。牛津同义词〔find〕They are found in everything.他们样样东西都有人供给。英汉大词典〔first fruits〕The first gathered fruits of a harvest, offered to God in gratitude.第一批果实:收获时第一批采集供给神以示谢的果实美国传统〔fly〕Supplies were flown to the disaster area.供给物品空运到了灾区。韦氏高阶〔food〕In its natural state all food is provided free by nature.在自然状态下, 所有食物都由自然界免费供给。外研社新世纪〔funding〕Public funding of the arts is essential.政府提供给艺术创作的基金是必不可少的。麦克米伦高阶〔furnish〕Students are furnished with all the necessary materials for the course.这门课程所需的材料都提供给了学生们。韦氏高阶〔give〕They weren't able to give us the information we needed.他们无法提供给我们所需的信息。韦氏高阶〔go〕The heating goes on later.暖气晚一些时候供给。英汉大词典〔grapple〕The company has been grappling with supply problems.公司一直在努力解决供给问题。韦氏高阶〔halfway house〕A rehabilitation center where people who have left an institution, such as a hospital or prison, are helped to readjust to the outside world.过渡疗养地,过渡教习所:一种恢复正常生活的中心,提供给那些刚离开诸如医院、监狱等机构的人, 以帮助他们调整过来去适应外部世界美国传统〔header〕A raised tank or hopper that maintains a constant pressure or supply to a system, especially the small tank that supplies water to a central heating system.蓄水塔:一个处于高处的用以维持某系统的稳压或供给状况的水箱或漏斗,尤指将水供给中央供暖系统的小水箱美国传统〔hostel〕A supervised, inexpensive lodging place for travelers, especially young travelers.旅社,招待所:供给旅行者,特别是青年旅行者的受监督的便宜的住宿处美国传统〔housing〕He works in housing.他在住房供给部门工作。麦克米伦高阶〔housing〕She's very active in fields such as education and housing.她在教育和住房供给等领域十分活跃。外研社新世纪〔indignation〕Some benefits apply only to men, much to the indignation of working women.对职业女性大为不平的是有些福利只提供给男性。牛津高阶〔inexhaustible〕The world's supply of oil is not inexhaustible.世界上的石油供给并非无穷无尽。韦氏高阶〔inexhaustible〕We do not have an inexhaustibly large supply of oil.我们的石油供给并不是多得取之不尽。韦氏高阶〔interest〕Domestic consumers of petroleum products have an interest in a secure source of petroleum products.石油产品的稳定供给对其国内消费者有益。外研社新世纪〔lectureship〕He was offered a lectureship in mathematics at Bristol University.布里斯托尔大学提供给他一个数学讲师的职位。朗文当代〔less〕Many basic goods are now rationed. Less and less is available.很多基本商品现在都要定量供给。能买到的东西越来越少。外研社新世纪〔low〕Our supplies are running low(= we only have a little left).我们的供给品快用完了。牛津高阶〔member〕Copies of the report are available to schools and members of the public .这份报告有复印件可以提供给学校和民众。朗文当代〔microfilm〕The museum microfilmed all the drawings we required and provided us with microfilm prints.博物馆把我们需要的所有绘画都拍摄在缩微胶卷上, 并提供给我们缩微胶卷的冲印相片。外研社新世纪〔military-industrial complex〕The aggregate of a nation's armed forces and the industries that supply their equipment, materials, and armaments.军队军工厂混和型基地:一个国家的军队及供给设备、原物料及军备的混和型基地美国传统〔noose〕They tightened the noose around the enemy by cutting the supply lines.他们切断了供给线,将敌人置于更为困难的境地。韦氏高阶〔parcel〕They didn't want the federal government parceling out food supplies.他们不希望联邦政府分配食品供给。朗文当代〔pipeline〕The pipeline supplies Jordan with 15% of its crude oil.该管道供给约旦 15% 的原油。牛津搭配〔poor farm〕A farm that houses, supports, and employs the poor at public expense.济贫农场:用公费维持的农场,以供给穷人住房或雇佣穷人美国传统〔poverty-stricken〕There are few jobs for the peasants who have flooded into the cities from the poverty-stricken countryside in search of work.几乎没有什么工作可以提供给从贫困的乡下涌入城市谋生的农民。剑桥高阶〔power pack〕A usually compact, portable device that converts supply current to direct or alternating current as required by specific equipment.电源组,动力单元:通常能折叠手提的装置,能按照具体设备的要求将供给的电流转化为直流电或交流电美国传统〔proviso〕The money was given to the museum with the proviso that it is spent on operating costs.那笔钱提供给博物馆,前提条件是必须用于博物馆的营运。朗文当代〔purvey〕To supply (food, for example); furnish.提供:供给;供应(例如食物)美国传统〔ration〕To restrict to limited allotments, as during wartime.定量供给:在例如战争期间等时候,把某物供应制定在一定数量以下美国传统〔reply〕I haven't had a reply to my request for information.我要求提供给我一些信息, 但仍未得到回复。外研社新世纪〔run〕Our supplies finally ran out.我们的供给终于耗尽了美国传统〔scant〕Food was in scant supply.食物供给不足。韦氏高阶〔shortfall〕The amount by which a supply falls short of expectation, need, or demand.不足之数:所供给的与所希望的,所需要或所要求的量之间的差额美国传统〔side〕What can we do on the supply side to make this market more competitive? 为使市场更具竞争性,我们在供给方面能做些什么?牛津搭配〔slop〕To serve unappetizingly or clumsily; dish out.引不起食欲或拙劣地供食;供给美国传统〔source〕The statement was sourced to the Secretary of State.那个声明已提供给了(美国)国务卿。21世纪英汉〔standard〕The food provided yesterday was not up to standard.昨天供给的食物未达到标准。麦克米伦高阶〔strain〕The supply of oil has been strained.石油供给几乎到了危机的边缘。21世纪英汉〔strait〕Affording little space or room; confined.狭窄的:仅供给很小空间或余地的;有限制的美国传统〔stretch〕They were forced to stretch out their food supplies for another week.他们被迫靠这些食物供给又撑了一周。韦氏高阶〔stretch〕They were forced to stretch their food supplies.他们被迫靠这些食物供给再撑一段时间。韦氏高阶〔supply〕An amount available or sufficient for a given use; stock.拨款:对于某一用金可供给的量;存货美国传统〔supply〕Aquarium fish need a constant supply of oxygen.水族箱里的鱼需要有稳定的氧气供给。麦克米伦高阶〔sustain〕To supply with necessities or nourishment; provide for.补给,提供:供给必需品及营养;提供美国传统〔sync〕Normally, when demand and supply are out of sync, you either increase the supply, or you adjust the price mechanism.通常,当供需失衡时,要么加大供给,要么调整价格机制。柯林斯高阶〔underfeed〕To supply (an engine) with fuel from the underside.从底部加燃料:从下部供给(引擎)燃料美国传统〔unprovided〕Not supplied, furnished, or equipped.无供给的:未被提供,装饰或装备的美国传统〔water supply〕The water available for a community or region.给水:供给一个居住地或地区的水美国传统〔wherein〕Adequate housing is possible in developed, mixed economies wherein the interests of the poor have prevailed.在发达的混合经济体中,充足的房源供给是可能的,在那里贫困阶层的利益较有保障。柯林斯高阶A pro forma invoice is always sent out by the publisher before books are supplied to the customer.在把书供给顾客以前,一直由出版商开出一张估价发票。剑桥国际Demand determines supply. 需求决定供给。译典通During the war, no one was allowed more than their ration of food ,clothing and fuel.战时,没有人被允许供给超过他们定量供应的食物、衣服和燃料。剑桥国际Food supplies are being exported to the starving refugees.食品已经出口,供给挨饿的难民。剑桥国际He has to work hard to feed and clothe his family. 他必须努力工作以供给全家吃、穿。译典通He seems pathetically grateful for every little bit of help that's offered him.他像是对别人提供给他的每一丁点的帮助都感激涕零。剑桥国际If he provided us with any information, no one passed it on to me.如果他提供给我们任何信息的话,没人传给我听过。剑桥国际In London, demand for cheap housing far outstrips supply (= what is provided).在伦敦,廉价住房的需求大大超过供给。剑桥国际Newspapers are supplied to the shop on sale or return.提供给零售店的报纸是可以包退剩货的。剑桥国际She gave her college tutor as her referee to the interviewer.她把大学导师作为推荐人提供给面试者。剑桥国际Supply is restricted, creating constant pent-up demand.供给受到限制,形成持续不断的被抑制的需求。牛津商务The air supply will hold out (=last) for another two hours.空中供给将再维持2小时。剑桥国际The airline was only able to offer us seats in (the) tourist class at the back of the aircraft.这家航空公司只能提供给我们飞机后部经济舱里的位子。剑桥国际The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 脑需有不断的血液供给。译典通The enemy (= opposing armed forces) has/have succeeded in stopping our supplies from getting through.敌人已成功地阻断了我们供给的运入。剑桥国际The father has to find food and clothing for his children. 父亲得供给孩子衣食。译典通The new service will be available to customers next month.这项新服务将于下月提供给顾客。牛津商务The rise in oil prices has been driven by fears of a supply crunch (= a situation where there is not enough oil available).对供给短缺的担心促使石油价格上涨。牛津商务The scheme offers home buyers the option to overpay their mortgage by amounts of £50 to £500 a month.这个计划提供给房屋买主一个选择,即以每月50至500英镑的数额多支付他们的抵押借款。剑桥国际There are few jobs for the peasants who have flooded into the cities from the poverty-stricken countryside in search of work.几乎没有工作可以提供给从贫困的乡下涌入城市寻求工作的农民。剑桥国际These plants have an impressive spread of leaves to enable them to produce enough food by photosynthesis to support their size.这些植物的叶子展开得很大,这使它们通过光合作用制造足够的养分供给自己庞大的躯体。剑桥国际They rafted (= transported on a raft) their supplies down the river.他们用筏子把供给品沿河运送。剑桥国际This moving belt feeds the machine with raw material. 这条传送带供给机器所需之原料。译典通When the government increased taxes, supply-siders predicted an economic collapse.当政府增加税收时,供给学派预测经济会崩溃。牛津商务




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