

单词 供应品
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔base〕The Red Cross established a base to distribute supplies to flood victims in the area.红十字会设立了总部,以便把供应品分发给这个地区遭受水灾的灾民。英汉大词典〔bear〕Horses bore supplies up the steep mountain.马匹驮着供应品走上陡峭的山路。21世纪英汉〔commissariat〕A department of an army in charge of providing food and other supplies for the troops.军粮部门:军队的一个部门,为军队提供食品和其他供应品美国传统〔corner〕A speculative monopoly of a stock or commodity created by purchasing all or most of the available supply in order to raise its price.垄断:通过购买所有的或大部分的可获得的供应品以期提高其价格,而对股票或商品的一种投机的控制美国传统〔deliver〕They set off to deliver supplies to an isolated village.他们出发把供应品送到一座偏僻的村庄。朗文当代〔hereunder〕Some salient provisions are summarized hereunder. 一些重要的供应品归结于下。剑桥高阶〔out〕The supplies have run out.供应品已用完了美国传统〔provision〕Something provided.供应品:被供应的物品美国传统〔refresh〕All the battleships can refresh in this harbor.所有战舰都能在这个港口装上补充供应品。21世纪英汉〔refresh〕The supply ship refreshed the submarines between battles.补给船利用战斗间隙给潜水艇以新的供应品。21世纪英汉〔resupply〕To provide with fresh supplies, as of weapons and ammunition.再供给,再供应:提供新的供应品,如武器或弹药的供应美国传统




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