

单词 凹槽
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Corinthian order〕The most ornate of the three classical orders, characterized by a slender fluted column having an ornate bell-shaped capital decorated with acanthus leaves.科林斯式:三种古典式样中最华丽的一种,特点是柱子细长,有凹槽,柱头华丽,钟状,饰有叶板美国传统〔LINE〕Then you cut a groove into the wood, so that the two pieces can be slotted together. 然后在木头里刻一道凹槽,那两块就可以插接起来。朗文写作活用〔Tuscan order〕A classical order similar to Roman Doric but having columns with an unfluted shaft and a simplified base, capital, and entablature.托斯卡纳柱型:一种古典建筑柱型,与罗马多里克柱型类似,但其柱子的柱身上无凹槽,底座、柱头和柱上楣构风格简朴美国传统〔band〕Any of the distinct grooves on a long-playing phonograph record that contains an individual selection or a separate section of a whole.凹槽:慢速照片上任何清晰的纹路,该照片包含个别选择或整体中一部分美国传统〔cannelure〕A groove around the cylinder of a bullet.弹壳槽线:一圈环绕着子弹的圆柱状凹槽美国传统〔chamfer〕To cut a groove in; flute.在…开槽;制作凹槽美国传统〔channel〕Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather.天冷时齿轮润滑油可能凝结并形成凹槽。21世纪英汉〔chase〕A trench or channel for drainpipes or wiring.沟:埋下水管或电线的沟渠或凹槽美国传统〔dado〕A rectangular groove cut into a board so that a like piece may be fitted into it.开榫槽:把木板切割成长方形的凹槽,以便相似的板能被放进去美国传统〔dado〕The groove so cut.榫槽:这种切割的凹槽美国传统〔fillet〕A ridge between the indentations of a fluted column.木折:在饰有凹槽的柱子的缺口间的棱条美国传统〔fluted〕He leaned his shoulder against a fluted pilaster.他把肩膀靠在刻有凹槽的壁柱上。外研社新世纪〔fluted〕The mansion has six fluted columns across the porch.大厦的门廊有六根带凹槽的柱子。韦氏高阶〔flute〕A similar groove or furrow, as in a pleated ruffle of cloth or on a piece of furniture.凹槽,褶痕沟:如在布的折皱边或家具上的类似的槽或纹美国传统〔flute〕Architecture A long, usually rounded groove incised as a decorative motif on the shaft of a column, for example.【建筑学】 长凹槽:一种作为装饰性图案刻在柱身上的修长的、通常为环状的糟美国传统〔flute〕To make flutes in (a column, for example).刻凹槽:刻凹饰纹于(例如一根柱子)美国传统〔fluting〕Architecture A decorative motif consisting of a series of uniform, usually vertical flutes, as those incised in the surface of a column.【建筑学】 凹槽饰纹:由一系列相同的、通常是垂直的槽组成的装饰性图案,如柱身表面所刻的凹糟饰纹美国传统〔fluting〕The act of incising or making grooves.凹槽雕刻:切刻或做出凹槽的行为美国传统〔gadroon〕An ornamental band, used especially in silverwork, embellished with fluting, reeding, or another continuous pattern.串珠状缘饰:用凹槽、芦苇形线脚或其它串状装饰来点缀的尤用于银器的装饰线脚美国传统〔golf ball〕A small hard dimpled ball used in golf.高尔夫球:在高尔夫球运动时所使用的小型、有着小凹槽的硬球美国传统〔groove〕Running water had carved a groove down the face of the wall.流水在墙上冲刷出了一道凹槽。牛津搭配〔gudgeon〕The socket of a hinge into which a pin fits.铰链上插钉的凹槽美国传统〔hosel〕The socket or neck in the head of a golf club into which the shaft is inserted.凹槽:在高尔夫俱乐部顶端的插口或是凹槽可将旗竿插入之处美国传统〔knurl〕One of a series of small ridges or grooves on the surface or edge of a metal object, such as a thumbscrew, to aid in gripping.刻槽,压花:金属物体表面或边缘上的一系列小峰或凹槽,如指旋螺钉,使更容易握紧美国传统〔knurl〕To provide with knurls; mill.在…上滚花:刻上滚花;刻凹槽美国传统〔leg〕The teak table has fluted legs.这张柚木桌子的桌腿有凹槽纹饰。外研社新世纪〔leg〕The teak table has fluted legs.这张柚木桌子的桌腿有凹槽纹饰。柯林斯高阶〔needle〕A small, pointed stylus used to transmit vibrations from the grooves of a phonograph record.唱针:小而尖的唱针用来传递唱片凹槽的振动美国传统〔riffle〕A groove or block in such a lining.槽沟:在这种隔离物中的凹槽或支撑物美国传统〔scour sth out〕The fast-moving water had scoured out a channel in the rock.急流在岩石上冲刷出一道凹槽。剑桥高阶〔scrobiculate〕Marked with many shallow depressions, grooves, or pits.有浅槽的:有许多浅的洼陷、凹槽或小坑的美国传统〔shiplap〕Wooden siding rabbeted so that the edge of one board overlaps the one next to it in a flush joint.搭叠:刻有凹槽的木制壁板,这样一块板的边可以和紧接着的一块板叠起来美国传统〔slot〕He slotted the piece of wood into the groove.他把那块木头塞进了凹槽。韦氏高阶〔spline〕The groove or slot for such a projection.键槽:凸起物上的凹槽或狭槽美国传统〔striate〕Marked with striae; striped, grooved, or ridged.有条纹的:划有条纹的;有条纹,凹槽或参差不平的美国传统〔swage block〕A metal block with holes or grooves for shaping metal objects.型砧,金属砧:有洞或凹槽的金属块,用以塑造金属物品美国传统〔swallow〕Nautical The channel through which a rope runs in a block or a mooring chock.【航海】 通索孔,停泊钩:供缆绳穿过进入滑轮或系泊导缆钩的凹槽美国传统〔trough〕A gutter under the eaves of a roof.水槽:屋檐下的凹槽美国传统〔velvety〕I rubbed the velvety grooves inside the calf's ears.我摩挲着小牛耳朵里面柔软的凹槽。柯林斯高阶〔wear〕Over many years, flowing water wore deep grooves into the rock.多年之后,流水在岩石上冲刷出一道道深深的凹槽。剑桥高阶He went round the table filling each fluted glass until the froth reached the brim.他绕桌子给每个凹槽杯倒酒,直至泡沫到达杯口。剑桥国际Over many years flowing water wore deep grooves into the rock.经过许多年,流水在岩石上磨出了深深的凹槽。剑桥国际The juice is extracted and runs down this channel here into a large container.果汁榨出来后沿着这个凹槽流到一只大容器中。剑桥国际The window slides along a deep/shallow metal groove to open and close.窗户在一条深/浅的金属凹槽上滑动来实现开和关。剑桥国际




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