

单词 减免
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abatable〕to abate all taxes减免一切税收21世纪英汉〔agitate〕agitate for a tax reduction. 鼓动减免税收美国传统〔allowable〕an allowable tax deduction 合法的税款减免(额)英汉大词典〔carrot〕the electoral carrot of early tax cuts 早期减免税的选举承诺麦克米伦高阶〔child〕tax concessions for families with dependent children 对有子女要抚养的家庭的税收减免牛津搭配〔concession〕tax concessions 税收减免牛津高阶〔concession〕the ending of tax concessions for home owners 对房主的税收减免的终止朗文当代〔deductible〕deductible expenses. 可减免的花费美国传统〔deductible〕tax-deductible expenses(= that you do not have to pay tax on) 可减免税款的开支牛津高阶〔exemption〕tax exemptions for companies relocating to deprived areas 对迁置到贫困地区的公司的税款减免麦克米伦高阶〔forgiveness〕urge a 10% forgiveness of the tax 要求减免10%的税英汉大词典〔investment〕tax cuts aimed at stimulating investment and expanding the economy 旨在刺激投资、发展经济的税收减免朗文当代〔limitation〕a limitation on the tax deductions for top earners对最高收入者的课税减免限制外研社新世纪〔peak time〕a 10 per cent reduction in traffic at peak times交通高峰期减免10%的费用外研社新世纪〔relaxation〕ask for a relaxation of a fine 要求减免罚款英汉大词典〔relief〕relief on mortgage interest payments 支付按揭利息的税收减免牛津高阶〔relief〕tax relief 税的宽减[减免]文馨英汉〔relief〕the abolition of mortgage interest relief 按揭利息减免的取消牛津搭配〔remission〕fee remissions 费用减免韦氏高阶〔remission〕tax remissions 税收减免韦氏高阶〔tax relief〕mortgage interest tax relief. 抵押贷款利息的税收减免柯林斯高阶〔write-off〕get a gigantic tax write-off 获得巨额的税金减免英汉大词典a research and development tax credit to boost business innovation 为促进业务创新实施的研发税减免牛津商务




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