

单词 凌乱的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONDITION〕She lived in a rambling Victorian house that had certainly seen better days. 她住在一幢布局凌乱的维多利亚时代的房子里,无疑,那房子曾经辉煌一时。朗文写作活用〔SIDE〕Portland is a sprawling city on the banks of the Willamette River. 波特兰是一座布局凌乱的城市,位于威拉米特河的两岸。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕Jan found the professor in a small, untidy office. 简在一间凌乱的小办公室里找到了教授。朗文写作活用〔brow〕His shaggy hair fell loosely across his brow.他凌乱的花白头发蓬松地搭在额头前。牛津搭配〔bun〕She pulled her hair back into a messy bun.她把头发拢在后面盘成一个凌乱的发髻。牛津搭配〔clean〕Joe can clean up the mess.乔能够把这堆凌乱的东西清理出去。麦克米伦高阶〔clutter〕The cat managed to find a spot to sleep amid all the clutter of my study.猫儿设法在我一片凌乱的书房中找了个地方睡觉。牛津搭配〔clutter〕We’ll have to clear up all this clutter.我们得把这一切凌乱的东西整理清楚。牛津同义词〔disaster area〕His office is a disaster area. How can he find anything in all this clutter? 他的办公室乱七八糟。他在这么凌乱的地方如何找东西呢?韦氏高阶〔discredit〕Her untidy garden is a discredit to the whole street.她那凌乱的花园是全体街坊的耻辱。英汉大词典〔disheveled〕Being in loose disarray; unkempt, as hair or clothing.头发凌乱的;衣冠不整的:松散的;凌乱的,如头发或衣着美国传统〔disordered〕Moretti ran a hand through his disordered hair.莫雷蒂用一只手理了理自己凌乱的头发。外研社新世纪〔disordered〕Moretti ran a hand through his disordered red hair.莫雷蒂用手理了理他那一头凌乱的红发。柯林斯高阶〔goof〕Please don't straighten the mess on my desk! You'll goof up my system.我书桌上凌乱的东西请你不要整理!那会把我的体系搞乱。英汉大词典〔house〕It was easy to get lost in the rambling house.在布局凌乱的大宅子里容易迷路。牛津搭配〔peter〕The street petered out suddenly into a waste of scrub and grass.街道通到草木凌乱的荒地,一下子就断了。英汉大词典〔pigpen〕Slang A dirty or very untidy place.【俚语】 肮脏地方,邋遢地方:肮脏或非常凌乱的地方美国传统〔shaggy〕Thoughts without words are vague and shaggy.不用言语表达的思想是模糊又凌乱的。英汉大词典〔stroke〕She walked forward and embraced him and stroked his tousled white hair.她走上前拥抱他并轻抚他凌乱的白发。柯林斯高阶〔wall in〕He is walled in by a mountain of papers in his cluttered Broadway office.在他凌乱的百老汇办公室里,他被堆成山的文件团团包围。柯林斯高阶〔wall in〕He is walled in by a mountain of papers in his cluttered Broadway office.在百老汇凌乱的办公室里, 他被堆成山的文件团团围住。外研社新世纪An unmade bed was strewn with dirty clothes and beer cans leaned against one wall.一张凌乱的床乱堆着脏衣服,还有啤酒罐靠在一堵墙上。剑桥国际He sprawled on the disarranged bed.他伸开四肢躺在凌乱的床上。剑桥国际




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