

单词 偿付
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔continual〕the continual need to pay the mortgage. 必须经常偿付抵押美国传统〔crowd〕crowd a debtor for payment 催逼债务人偿付欠款英汉大词典〔demand〕demand repayment of a loan. 要求偿付贷款美国传统〔demand〕tax payments required by law. 法律规定的税款偿付 美国传统〔destine〕money destined to pay for their child's education. 被指定用来偿付他们孩子的教育费用的钱美国传统〔foreclosable〕to foreclose a mortgage因逾期不偿付取消抵押品21世纪英汉〔indebtedness〕the bonus payments on which most workers rely to pay off indebtedness 大多数工人赖以偿付债务的奖金英汉大词典〔instalment〕repayment is by fixed monthly instalments 通过每月定额分期付款方式进行的偿付牛津搭配〔liquidate〕liquidate a debt/loan 偿付债务/贷款韦氏高阶〔meet〕meet debts 偿付债务英汉大词典〔moratory〕a moratory law 延期偿付法英汉大词典〔moratory〕moratory interest 延缓偿付的利息英汉大词典〔mortgage〕a monthly mortgage payment 每月偿付的抵押贷款剑桥高阶〔payout〕a large insurance payout 巨额保险偿付韦氏高阶〔payout〕an insurance payout 巨额保险偿付牛津高阶〔redemption〕redemption of the loan. 偿付贷款柯林斯高阶〔redemption〕regional differences in the frequency of cash redemptions and quota payment. 现金偿付和定额支付频率的区域性差异柯林斯高阶〔refund〕to refund expenses.偿付费用。牛津同义词〔sound〕sound credit 有充分偿付能力的信贷英汉大词典〔stipulate〕stipulate a date of payment and a price. 规定偿付日和价格美国传统〔undated〕an undated stock 无偿付期债券英汉大词典〔unpaid〕debts left unpaid 未偿付的债务韦氏高阶〔unpaid〕unpaid debts 未偿付的债款文馨英汉〔unsettled〕unsettled debts 未偿付的债务韦氏高阶creditors falling due within one year (= debts that must be paid within a year) 债务一年之内必须偿付牛津商务foreign debt payments/repayments 外债偿付/偿还牛津商务




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