

单词 偷钱
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CATCH〕Pat caught her daughter stealing money from her purse. 帕特当场抓住女儿从自己的钱包中偷钱。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕It was alleged that he was stealing money from the till, but we never had any conclusive proof. 据称他从钱柜里偷钱,但我们从来没有确切的证据。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕They knew that money was going missing and Davy was eventually caught with his fingers in the till. 他们发现钱总是少,而戴维终于在偷钱的时候被逮到了。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕We think that what she says is the truth -- she probably didn't intend to steal the money. 我们认为她说的是实情—她大概没有打算偷钱。朗文写作活用〔addiction〕He stole money from his parents to feed his addiction.他从父母那儿偷钱以满足自己的嗜好。牛津搭配〔admittedly〕She was admittedly the one who had stolen the money.她显然是那个偷钱的人。文馨英汉〔anticipatable〕The bank staff anticipated his dismissal by stealing money.那名银行职员因偷钱而遭提前开除。21世纪英汉〔beg〕If she got caught stealing money and she's still here, it begs the question: What would she have to do to get fired? 如果她偷钱被抓住了还能在这里工作,这就让人纳闷:她得做什么才能被解雇?麦克米伦高阶〔blanch〕She blanched and remained silent when the store owner accused her of taking the money.店主指责她偷钱时,她顿时脸色煞白,一句话也说不出来。韦氏高阶〔boot〕She got the boot for stealing money from the cash register.她因为从收银机里偷钱而被解雇了。剑桥高阶〔brand〕Stealing that money has branded Jim for life – no-one will trust him again.吉姆偷了那笔钱之后,终身背上了偷钱的恶名,再也没有人信任他。朗文当代〔catch sb red-handed〕He was caught red-handed taking money from the till.他从收银机里偷钱时被当场抓获。剑桥高阶〔catch〕He was caught redhanded (=as he was doing something wrong) taking money from the cash register.他从现金出纳机里偷钱时被当场抓住。朗文当代〔caught with her hands in the till〕He was accused of putting his hand in the till.他被指控从自己工作的地方偷钱。韦氏高阶〔cover〕Whoever had taken the money had covered their tracks pretty well.偷钱的不管是谁,掩盖得都够巧妙的。麦克米伦高阶〔discover〕The boss discovered him stealing money from the cash register.老板发现他从钱箱里偷钱。剑桥高阶〔drug habit〕They steal money to feed their drug habit.他们偷钱来满足自己的毒瘾。外研社新世纪〔explanation〕The judge didn't believe his explanation that he had stolen the money in order to give it to charity.他辩解说偷钱是为了捐给慈善机构,但是法官并不相信。剑桥高阶〔flog〕You will be flogged for stealing the money.你偷钱要挨揍的。英汉大词典〔forgive〕She'd find a way to forgive him for the theft of the money.她会让自己原谅他偷钱的行为的。柯林斯高阶〔funny〕The funny thing is, they stole my CDs but didn't take any money.奇怪的是,他们偷了我的CD却没有偷钱。麦克米伦高阶〔hacker〕One who illegally gains access to or enters another's electronic system to obtain secret information or steal money.黑客:用非法手段接近或进入别人的电子系统去获取秘密信息或偷钱美国传统〔help〕He'd been helping himself to money from my purse for months.几个月来他一直从我的钱包里偷钱。麦克米伦高阶〔help〕Obviously he had been helping himself to the money.他显然一直在偷钱。朗文当代〔pilfer〕She was sacked after being caught pilfering from the till.被撞见从出纳机抽屉里偷钱以后她被解雇了。朗文当代〔positive〕This is proof positive that he stole the money.这就是他偷钱的肯定证据。牛津高阶〔push〕James did not push her into stealing the money.詹姆斯没有怂恿她去偷钱。柯林斯高阶〔qualm〕He stole the money without the slightest compunction.他偷钱却丝毫不感到良心受谴责。美国传统〔relieve〕It was a clever attempt to relieve him of his fortune.能想到从他那里偷钱真是高明。麦克米伦高阶〔reputation〕His reputation was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.他偷钱时被当场抓住,这使他声名扫地。剑桥高阶〔rope into〕The big boys roped him into stealing some money.大孩子们引诱他去偷钱。21世纪英汉〔solicit〕He solicited the boy to steal the money.他教唆那个男孩去偷钱。外研社新世纪〔steal〕Bridge stole the money from clients' accounts.布里奇从客户的账户里偷钱。外研社新世纪〔steal〕She has since been jailed for six months for stealing from the tills.后来她因从现金出纳机里偷钱而被判了 6 个月的监禁。柯林斯高阶〔steal〕She has since been jailed for six months for stealing from the tills.她因从现金出纳机偷钱已入狱6个月。外研社新世纪〔suspicion〕The suspicion exists that Harris is stealing money from the company safe.有人怀疑说哈里斯从公司保险箱偷钱。牛津搭配〔understand〕I just can't understand him taking the money.我真想不通他为什么会偷钱。牛津高阶〔understand〕I just can't understand his taking the money.我真想不通他为什么会偷钱。牛津高阶He posed as a health-worker in order to get into the old lady's house, and then stole her money.他扮作保健人员企图进入老妇人的房子偷钱。剑桥国际He was caught red-handed (=found doing something illegal) taking money from the till.他在从放钱的抽屉里偷钱时给当场抓获。剑桥国际He was caught red-handed taking money from the till.他在从放钱的抽屉里偷钱时给当场抓获。剑桥国际His dad gave him a shellacking (= beating) for stealing the money.他因为偷钱被父亲痛打了一顿。剑桥国际His reputation was destroyed when he was caught stealing some money.当他偷钱被抓住时,他的名誉扫地。剑桥国际She got the boot because she stole money from the till.她因为从钱柜里偷钱而被解雇了。剑桥国际The boss discovered him (= unexpectedly found him) stealing money from the till. 老板发现他从钱柜里偷钱。剑桥国际The judge didn't believe his explanation (= reason) that he had stolen the money in order to give it to charity.法官不相信他的辩解说偷钱是为了送给慈善机构。剑桥国际The prevailing sentiment in the school is that Andrew did not steal the money.学校里普遍的看法是安德鲁没有偷钱。剑桥国际You're off the hook--they've found out who really stole the money.你没事了,他们已找到真正偷钱的人。剑桥国际




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