

单词 偷去
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Golden Fleece〕The fleece of the golden ram, stolen by Jason and the Argonauts from the king of Colchis.金羊毛:金公羊的羊毛,被贾森和阿尔文英雄从科尔奇斯的国王那里偷去美国传统〔abstract〕The man abstracted a pen from my pocket.那人从我口袋里偷去了一支笔。21世纪英汉〔before〕Put that money somewhere safe before it gets stolen.把钱放在安全的地方,以防被人偷去。朗文当代〔cash〕The thieves stole $200 in cash.那些窃贼偷去了 200 美元的现金。牛津搭配〔might〕They might as well have a badge on them saying 'Steal me'.他们倒不如别枚徽章,写上“把我偷去吧”。朗文当代〔mooch〕The urchin mooched an apple when the huckster wasn't looking.那个小顽童乘小贩不注意偷去一只苹果。英汉大词典〔oddly〕Oddly enough, nothing valuable was stolen.说也奇怪,值钱的东西倒一件也没有偷去。英汉大词典〔relieve〕He was relieved in Las Vegas of a gold watch.他在赌城拉斯韦加斯被人偷去一块金表。英汉大词典〔rifle〕He rifled my wallet.他偷去了我的皮夹。文馨英汉Bearer bonds can be stolen, and should therefore be treated in the same way as cash.不记名债券有可能被偷去,因此应像现金一样(小心)保管。牛津商务Hugh never thought his car was worth stealing, but someone took it and stripped it.休从未想到他的车值得偷,可那辆车被人偷去拆掉。剑桥国际If your coat is stolen from your car, your household insurer may seek a contribution from your car insurer.如果你的外衣从你的汽车里被偷去,你的家居物品保险人可以从汽车保险人那儿寻求损失分摊。牛津商务




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