

单词 俱全
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔appoint〕We appointed the house with all the latest devices.我们为房子提供一应俱全的最新设备。21世纪英汉〔assorted〕The jumper comes in assorted colours.各种颜色的针织套衫一应俱全。牛津高阶〔convenience〕She lived in an apartment with all the modern conveniences.她住在一所现代化便利设备一应俱全的公寓里。外研社新世纪〔convenience〕The house has every modern convenience.这所房子里现代化便利设施一应俱全。剑桥高阶〔full monty〕There was everything from simple piano to a full orchestral finish. The full monty.从单音的钢琴演奏到最后的管弦乐队齐奏, 什么都有了。真是一应俱全。外研社新世纪〔full monty〕There was everything from simple piano to a full orchestral finish. The full monty.从单音的钢琴演奏到最后的管弦乐队齐奏,什么都有了。真是一应俱全。柯林斯高阶〔furnished〕He moved from a furnished room to an unfurnished apartment.他从家具一应俱全的单间搬进了没有家具的公寓。韦氏高阶〔halo〕She played the part of an angel, complete with wings and a halo.她扮演天使,身上的双翼和头上的光轮一应俱全。牛津高阶〔mod cons〕The house has been restored to include all mod cons.房子经过了整修, 现代化设备一应俱全。外研社新世纪〔mod cons〕The house is spacious with all mod cons, handy for the station and has a garden.这座房子十分宽敞,现代化生活设施一应俱全,距离车站很近,而且还有一个花园。柯林斯高阶〔mod cons〕Well, I see your new house has got all the mod cons you'd expect: a washing machine, a dishwasher, central heating… 哇,我看到你的新家里你想要的现代化生活设备一应俱全:洗衣机、洗碗机、中央暖气…韦氏高阶〔present〕The restaurant likes to present food with style.那家餐馆的食物总是色香味俱全。朗文当代〔range〕Dress sizes range from petite to extra large.连衣裙的尺码从小号到特大号,一应俱全。剑桥高阶〔ran〕The colours of this flower run from white to dark grey.这种花的颜色从白到深灰,色色俱全。21世纪英汉〔run〕Shades run from white to dark grey.颜色的浓淡从白到深灰,色色俱全。英汉大词典〔sae〕Please enclose an sae for your test results.请附姓名地址邮资俱全的信封,以便通知化验结果。牛津高阶〔shape〕Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes.学院和大学林林总总, 一应俱全。外研社新世纪〔shape〕Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes.学院和大学林林总总,一应俱全。柯林斯高阶〔shooting match〕We're having a big church wedding with bridesmaids, a pageboy – the whole shooting match.我们将在教堂举行盛大的婚礼,有伴娘,有花童 — 一应俱全。朗文当代〔spoon-feed〕They've been spoon-fed, provided with a house, servants, bank balance.他们一直娇生惯养, 房子、仆人、银行存款, 一应俱全。外研社新世纪〔spoon-feed〕They've been spoon-fed, provided with a house, servants, bank balance.他们一直娇生惯养,房子、仆人、银行存款一应俱全。柯林斯高阶〔stamped addressed envelope〕Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope to get your test results.请附姓名地址邮资俱全的信封,以便把化验结果寄给你。牛津高阶〔the whole enchilada〕Let's throw a party - birthday cake, balloons, the whole enchilada.我们开个晚会吧——生日蛋糕、气球等等一应俱全。剑桥高阶〔whole〕We offer a whole variety of weekend breaks.我们提供的周末假日活动丰富多彩,一应俱全。牛津高阶〔with〕With all the night school courses available, there is no excuse for not getting some sort of training.夜校课程一应俱全,没理由不去接受一些培训。柯林斯高阶〔work〕Amazing place he's got there—squash courts, swimming pool, jacuzzi, the works.他的那个地方真是太棒了——壁球场、游泳池、按摩浴池,一应俱全。柯林斯高阶〔work〕The hotel had everything – sauna, swimming pool, the works.这家酒店设施一应俱全 — 桑拿浴室、游泳池,应有尽有。朗文当代It says in the ad that the bathroom is spacious and well-appointed.广告上说,浴室很宽敞,设施一应俱全。剑桥国际




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