

单词 俯身
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FALL〕Bill was leaning over to watch, and lost his balance. 比尔俯身去看,结果失去了平衡。朗文写作活用〔bend over〕He bent over to tie his shoe.他俯身系鞋带。21世纪英汉〔bend over〕I bent over and kissed her cheek.我俯身亲吻了她的脸颊。外研社新世纪〔bend over〕She bent over to pick up the pen.她俯身拾起钢笔。21世纪英汉〔bend〕A passing medic bent over the casualty.一名过路的救护兵俯身察看伤员。英汉大词典〔bend〕He bent and kissed her quickly.他俯身迅速吻了她一下。麦克米伦高阶〔bend〕She bent down/over/forward to pick up a piece of paper and then she straightened up again.她俯身捡起了一张纸,然后又直起腰。韦氏高阶〔bend〕She was bending over the basin.她俯身在脸盆上。文馨英汉〔boot〕He sat in a kitchen chair, reached down and pulled off his boots.他坐到厨房的椅子上,俯身脱掉了靴子。柯林斯高阶〔careless〕She was bending over the bowl, careless of her hair.她俯身在碗上, 没顾及自己的头发。外研社新世纪〔clasp〕He leaned forward, his hands clasped tightly together.他俯身向前,双手十字交错地紧握着。牛津高阶〔cluck〕The ambulance man leant over the body, clucking his tongue with a disapproving 'tsk, tsk'.救护人员俯身看了看尸体, 嘴里发出啧啧的咂舌声表示不满。外研社新世纪〔confer〕Franklin leant over and conferred with his attorneys.富兰克林俯身和他的律师商议起来。朗文当代〔confidentially〕He leaned forward confidentially and began telling his story.他神秘兮兮地俯身向前,开始讲述他的经历。韦氏高阶〔confiding〕He leant forward confidingly.他很信任地俯身向前。朗文当代〔conspiratorial〕The officer leaned forward conspiratorially and said: 'I shouldn't worry about it, mate.' 警官诡秘地俯身上前说:“老兄,我不用担心这个。”柯林斯高阶〔crouch over〕Meantime, here I crouch over a cup of tea in my unheated study.同时, 我在这冷冰冰的书房里俯身抱着杯茶取暖。外研社新世纪〔crouch〕He crouched over the papers on his desk.他俯身看他桌上的文件。牛津高阶〔crouch〕She dropped to a crouch.她俯身蹲了下来。牛津高阶〔crouch〕She dropped to the ground in a crouch.她俯身蹲了下来。朗文当代〔crouch〕They crouched over the dead animal.他们俯身看那只死去的动物。牛津搭配〔crouch〕They walked in a crouch, each bent over close to the ground.他们每个人都俯身贴近地面蹲伏着前进。柯林斯高阶〔down〕She bent down to pick up her glove.她俯身捡起了手套。牛津高阶〔draw back〕She leaned forward to touch the dog but quickly drew back when she saw its teeth.她俯身去摸那条狗,但看到它的牙齿后马上退了回来。剑桥高阶〔duck behind〕The thief saw a policeman coming, and ducked behind a car.小偷看到一名警察向他走来,便急忙俯身躲到车后。21世纪英汉〔duck down〕They ducked down behind a wall as stones began to fly.他们在石块飞过来时急忙俯身蹲到一堵墙后。21世纪英汉〔earnestly〕He leaned forward earnestly and looked me straight in the eye.他严肃地向前俯身, 直盯着我的眼睛。外研社新世纪〔fall〕A sudden drop from a relatively erect to a less erect position.突然俯身低下:从垂直方向上相对高的位置降到低的位置美国传统〔haul〕He reached down and hauled Liz up onto the wall.他俯身把利兹拉上墙头。牛津高阶〔hunch〕He hunched over the desk.他俯身在书桌上。英汉大词典〔kiss〕He bent to kiss her again.他又一次俯身吻了她。牛津搭配〔kiss〕He contented himself with a stolen kiss as he leaned forward.他向前俯身偷吻成功,这才心满意足。牛津搭配〔kiss〕Maggie leaned forward and kissed her cheek.玛吉俯身吻了她的脸颊。朗文当代〔lean down〕The peasants leaned down to reap wheat.农民们俯身收割小麦。21世纪英汉〔lean forward〕He leaned forward to give her a kiss.他俯身向前吻了她。外研社新世纪〔lean〕I leaned to kiss her.我俯身吻她。外研社新世纪〔lean〕She leaned casually over the railings.她随意地俯身靠在栏杆上。牛津搭配〔lean〕She leaned forward and whispered something in my ear.她俯身过来和我耳语了几句。剑桥高阶〔lean〕The mother leaned forward (down) to whisper something in her child's ear.母亲俯身向前(弯下身子)在孩子耳边说了些悄悄话。英汉大词典〔lean〕The other girl leaned forward to hear what was going on.另一位女孩俯身过来想听一听发生了什么事。麦克米伦高阶〔lean〕They leaned over the table to smell the flowers.他们俯身闻桌子上的花。韦氏高阶〔lever〕Robert leaned lightly on the lever and the rock groaned.罗伯特微微俯身一压杠杆, 岩石便发出了吱吱嘎嘎的声音。外研社新世纪〔look〕He bent forward to get a better look.他俯身想看得更清楚些。外研社新世纪〔low〕He bent low over the engine.他俯身查看引擎。朗文当代〔next〕I had leaned over to pick up some change, and the next thing I knew I felt this terrible pain in my ankle.我俯身去拿那些零钱,接下来就突然感到脚踝剧痛。柯林斯高阶〔off〕As he leaned forward, his hat fell off.他往前俯身时帽子掉了。朗文当代〔over〕Sam leant over to open the door of the car.萨姆俯身去开车门。外研社新世纪〔over〕Sam leant over to open the door of the car.萨姆俯身去开车门。柯林斯高阶〔over〕She leaned over and kissed him.她俯身吻他。韦氏高阶〔over〕She leaned over and kissed me.她俯身过来吻了我。剑桥高阶〔over〕She leaned over the desk to answer the phone.她俯身靠在书桌上接电话。朗文当代〔peruse〕She leant forward to peruse the document more closely.她俯身向前,更仔细地读那份文件。朗文当代〔pick〕She stooped to pick the book up off the floor.她俯身把书从地板上拾起来。牛津搭配〔possessively〕Leaning over, he kissed her possessively on the mouth.他俯身过来强吻了她。外研社新世纪〔possessively〕Leaning over, he kissed her possessively on the mouth.他俯身过来强行亲吻了她。柯林斯高阶〔reach〕He reached down to help her to her feet.他俯身扶她站起来。朗文当代〔recoil〕He leaned forward to kiss her and she recoiled in horror.他俯身去吻她,她惊恐地后退避开。剑桥高阶〔recollection〕My earliest recollections are of my mother bending over my cot.我最早的记忆是母亲俯身站在我的小床前。朗文当代〔rise〕He rose to his full height and leaned across the table.他站直身体,然后俯身探过桌子。牛津搭配〔shoulder〕When one writes, one ought to consider a reader over his shoulder.写作的时候应当想到那仿佛俯身在作家背后的读者。英汉大词典〔singe〕My sweater started to singe when I leaned over a burning candle.我俯身靠向燃着的蜡烛时把套头衫烧焦了。剑桥高阶〔slightly〕He leaned forward ever so slightly .他微微向前俯身。朗文当代〔slouch〕To cause to droop; stoop.使垂下;俯身美国传统〔sly〕He leaned forward with a sly smile.他俯身向前诡秘地一笑。朗文当代〔smell〕She leaned over and smelled the flowers.她俯身闻了闻花儿。韦氏高阶〔softly〕She bent forward and kissed him softly.她俯身向前, 轻轻地吻他。外研社新世纪〔softly〕She bent forward and kissed him softly.她俯身轻轻地吻了他一下。柯林斯高阶〔speck〕Billy leaned forward and brushed a speck of dust off his shoes.比利俯身擦掉了鞋子上的一丝灰尘。外研社新世纪〔speck〕Billy leaned forward and brushed a speck of dust off his shoes.比利俯身擦掉了鞋子上的一丝灰尘。柯林斯高阶〔squat〕He bent to a squat and gathered the puppies on his lap.他俯身蹲下, 把小狗们都抱到自己大腿上。外研社新世纪〔steal〕I thought of leaning down and stealing a kiss before she knew what was happening.我想趁她没明白过来之前俯身偷吻她一口。外研社新世纪〔stooping〕Stooping down, he picked up a big stone and hurled it.他俯身捡起一块大石头扔了出去。柯林斯高阶〔stoop〕He stooped and picked up his case.他俯身提起箱子。外研社新世纪〔stoop〕She stooped down to pick up the child.她俯身抱起孩子。牛津高阶〔stoop〕To bend (the head or body) forward and down.俯身:向前向下弯曲(头或身体)美国传统〔stoop〕We had to stoop to pass through the low entrance.我们得俯身才能通过那低矮的入口。朗文当代〔throw〕Georgia was bent over the basin, throwing up.乔治娅俯身在脸盆上呕吐。朗文当代〔towards〕She leant across the table towards me.她隔着桌子俯身向我靠过来。外研社新世纪〔tweak〕She leant forward and tweaked both ends of his moustache.她俯身向前,揪住他的两撇胡子。朗文当代〔watch〕He leant in and kissed her as I watched enviously.他俯身亲吻她,我羡慕地看着这一切。牛津搭配〔whisper〕James leaned over to whisper something to Michael.詹姆斯俯身跟迈克尔低声说了点什么。朗文当代〔whisper〕She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.她俯身对他耳语了些什么。剑桥高阶I saw the ball hurtling towards me and ducked (down).我看见球向我猛飞过来,便急速俯身。剑桥国际She slowly leaned forward in a provocative way.她以一种挑逗的方式缓缓俯身向前。剑桥国际Something fell out of her coat pocket and she stooped down and picked it up.有东西掉出了她的外衣口袋,她俯身捡了起来。剑桥国际They leaned over the low stone parapet and stared into the pool. 他们伏在低矮的石墙上俯身凝视著游泳池。译典通




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