

单词 beijing
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bound〕board a train bound for (或 to) Beijing 登上开往北京的火车英汉大词典〔culinary〕the culinary delights (= good food) of Beijing 北京的美味菜肴剑桥高阶〔direct〕a direct flight to Beijing 直飞北京的航班英汉大词典〔district〕efforts to create a single business district in downtown Beijing 在北京闹市区创建一个单一商业区的努力牛津搭配〔duck〕roast Beijing duck 北京烤鸭英汉大词典〔for〕a plane for Beijing 飞往北京的飞机英汉大词典〔handbook〕a handbook of Beijing 北京旅游指南英汉大词典〔impending〕an impending trip to Beijing 近在眼前的北京之行英汉大词典〔mail〕the mail for Beijing 寄往北京的邮件英汉大词典〔olympic games〕the Beijing Olympics, held in 2008 *2008 年在北京举行的奥林匹克运动会牛津高阶〔photograph〕satellite photographs of Beijing 北京的卫星照片牛津搭配〔radio〕tune in to Radio Beijing 收听北京广播 英汉大词典〔regular〕regular flights from Shanghai to Beijing 上海至北京的定期航班英汉大词典〔route〕the air route from Berlin to Beijing 柏林到北京的空中航线牛津搭配〔sanified〕to sanify Beijing city改善北京市的环境卫生21世纪英汉〔sightseeing〕three days of sightseeing in Beijing 北京 3 日游牛津搭配〔style〕the characteristic style of Beijing opera 京剧的特有风格英汉大词典〔the〕the Beijing of today今天的北京21世纪英汉〔via〕go from Beijing to Guangzhou via Shanghai 从北京取道上海前往广州英汉大词典




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