

单词 加速
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accelerable〕to accelerate economic growth加速经济增长(或发展)21世纪英汉〔accelerate〕accelerate economic growth 加速经济发展英汉大词典〔acceleration〕acceleration of a timetable 时间表的加速实施英汉大词典〔acceleration〕acceleration of gravity 重力加速度英汉大词典〔acceleration〕positive [negative] acceleration 正[负]加速度文馨英汉〔accelerator〕compost containers and accelerators堆肥容器和加速剂外研社新世纪〔apocalyptic〕a gloomy and apocalyptic vision of a world hastening towards ruin. 未来世界加速迈向毁灭的暗淡而恐怖的景象柯林斯高阶〔burst〕a burst of speed/applause/laughter 突然的加速/一阵掌声/一阵大笑剑桥高阶〔burst〕put on a burst of speed 突然加速英汉大词典〔crank ... up〕to crank up production加速生产21世纪英汉〔death〕drugs which will hasten the death of a terminally ill patient 加速末期病人死亡的药物牛津搭配〔degradation〕the accelerating degradation of our planet's natural environment. 地球上自然环境的加速退化柯林斯高阶〔drug〕the legitimacy of drugging patients not to hasten death but to relieve suffering不是为加速其死亡而是为缓解其痛苦而给病人用药的合法性外研社新世纪〔expedite〕expedite the expansion of the country's productive capacity 加速扩大国家的生产能力英汉大词典〔expedite〕to expedite shipments加速装运21世纪英汉〔expedite〕to expedite the repairs of the roof加速修理屋顶21世纪英汉〔forge〕forged into first place with seconds to go. 在还剩几秒时突然加速跃居第一美国传统〔gather〕gather speed (或velocity) 逐渐加速英汉大词典〔gather〕gather speed. 逐渐加速美国传统〔growth〕the exponential growth in world population 世界人口不断加速的增长牛津搭配〔hard〕hard acceleration 猛烈加速韦氏高阶〔jazz〕jazz a motor 使马达加速运转英汉大词典〔pickup〕a sports car with good pickup 有良好加速性能的赛车英汉大词典〔pickup〕a sports car with good pickup. 加速性能良好的赛车美国传统〔posigrade〕a posigrade manoeuvre 正加速度火箭操纵英汉大词典〔precipitate〕precipitate an economic crisis 加速经济危机英汉大词典〔process〕factors that accelerate the ageing process加速衰老进程的因素外研社新世纪〔retrieval〕a new system that should speed up information retrieval 能加速信息检索的新系统朗文当代〔rev〕the sound of a car revving up. 汽车加速的声音柯林斯高阶〔roar〕roar a car into speed 使汽车轰鸣加速英汉大词典〔seed〕a breeder reactor seeded with plutonium 用钚加速的增殖反应堆英汉大词典〔send along〕to send the car along at high speed加速急驰21世纪英汉〔short〕a short burst of speed 突然加速韦氏高阶〔slingshot〕to slingshot at the corner在转弯处加速超车21世纪英汉〔speeded-up〕speeded-up reading 加速阅读英汉大词典〔speed〕gain [gather] speed=get [pick] up speed 增加速度文馨英汉〔step on〕to step on the pedal of the accelerator一脚踩在加速器踏板上21世纪英汉〔transverse〕the transverse acceleration 切向加速度英汉大词典〔velocity〕accelerated velocity 加速度英汉大词典〔vroom〕the vrooms of engines being revved 引擎加速时的呜呜声韦氏高阶




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