

单词 加选
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Electoral College〕A body of electors chosen to elect the President and Vice President of the United States.总统选举团:美国参加选举总统和副总统的选举团美国传统〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Party leaders have said they will not take part in the election. 党的领导人说他们不打算参加选举。朗文写作活用〔advertising campaign〕The Government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.政府已发起一系列广告宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。柯林斯高阶〔butcher〕To kill brutally or indiscriminately.屠杀,虐杀:残忍地或不加选择地滥杀美国传统〔candidate〕Our organization is putting up five candidates in the elections.我们这个组织推荐 5 个候选人参加选举。牛津搭配〔electorate〕The dignity or territory of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire.选帝侯的身份或领地:德国有权参加选举神圣罗马帝国皇帝的王侯的身份或领地美国传统〔elector〕One of the German princes of the Holy Roman Empire entitled to elect the emperor.选帝侯:有权参加选举神圣罗马帝国皇帝的日耳曼王侯美国传统〔gangbang〕Sexual intercourse involving several people who select and change partners in an indiscriminate manner.集体性交:涉及许多不加选择互相交换性伙伴的人的混杂性交美国传统〔horseback〕In remote mountain areas, voters arrived on horseback.在偏僻的山区, 选民骑着马来参加选举。外研社新世纪〔identification〕To vote, Florida law requires a photo identification with a signature.佛罗里达州的法律要求必须持有带照片和签名的身份证明才能参加选举。牛津搭配〔illiterate〕Is it surprising that young people who are politically illiterate do not bother to vote? 对政治一窍不通的年轻人不屑于参加选举,这有什么奇怪?牛津搭配〔ineligible〕She would be ineligible to stand in the election.她将没有资格参加选举。外研社新世纪〔muttering〕He will lead the party into the election, in spite of the mutterings about his leadership.尽管人们对他的领导颇有微词,他仍将领导其政党参加选举。柯林斯高阶〔obscenely〕The number of people who vote in elections is obscenely low.参加选举投票的人极少。麦克米伦高阶〔participate〕Everyone can participate in an election (NOT Everyone can participate an election).每个人都可以参加选举。朗文当代〔prepare〕The people are preparing to vote in the elections.人们正在为参加选举投票做准备。外研社新世纪〔put sth/sb up〕Is Chris willing to be put up for election? 克里斯愿意接受提名参加选举吗?剑桥高阶〔selectively〕If public figures seek publicity to further their careers, they can't be selective about it.如果公众人物想通过吸引公众的关注来推进事业,他们可能会不加选择。柯林斯高阶〔soul-searching〕After much soul-searching, he decided it was wrong to vote in the elections.经过深刻的内省之后,他认定参加选举投票是错误的。剑桥高阶〔spam〕To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.向…发送垃圾电子邮件:不加选择地将信件寄送至多个电子邮件清单、个人或是新闻群组美国传统〔spam〕Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.垃圾电子邮件:主动发出的电子邮件,通常为商业性质,不加选择地将信件寄送至多个电子邮件清单、个人或是新闻群组;垃圾电子邮件美国传统〔till〕Up till 1918, women in Britain were not allowed to vote.在1918年以前,英国不允许妇女参加选举。剑桥高阶〔transparency〕Parents are demanding greater transparency in the selection process.家长们要求增加选拔过程的透明度。麦克米伦高阶〔try〕To undergo a competitive qualifying test, as for a job or athletic team.参加选拔:为了工作或运动员资格而参加竞争性资格测试美国传统〔turn out〕Few people turned out for the election.出来参加选举活动的人很少。韦氏高阶〔unselective〕Not selective; indiscriminate.不选择的:没有进行选择的;不加选择地美国传统〔vote〕She returned home in order to vote in the elections.她回国是为了能参加选举投票。牛津搭配〔vote〕You're only16; you're too young to vote.你才16岁,还太小,不能参加选举。英汉大词典〔write〕The campaign to write in Johnson for governor failed.试图加选约翰逊为州长候选人的活动失败了。朗文当代After much soul-searching, he decided it was wrong to vote in the elections.在深刻的反省之后,他确信参加选举是个错误。剑桥国际I'll be rooting for you in the election.我将会支持你参加选举。剑桥国际The army, which held power at that time, imposed draconian penalties on the non-voters.那时候掌权的军队对不参加选举的人实行了严酷的惩罚。剑桥国际Up till 1918, women in Britain were not allowed to vote.在1918 年以前,英国妇女不允许参加选举。剑桥国际Women were excluded from the poll. 妇女被排斥,不让参加选举。译典通




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