

单词 再开始
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕I've had a good vacation and I'm not exactly looking forward to starting work again. 假期我过得十分愉快,我并不盼望再开始上班。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕First let's sort out all the pieces before we try putting them together. 首先,我们要把所有的部件整理一下,再开始拼装。朗文写作活用〔alignment〕The door needs to be in alignment with the frame before you start work on it.首先得使门和门框成一条直线,然后再开始干。牛津搭配〔begin〕Once it has finished, the DVD automatically begins again.数字激光视盘放完后会自动从头再开始播放。牛津搭配〔break〕We'll take a break now and resume in an hour.现在休息一下,一小时后再开始。牛津搭配〔breathing space〕I wanted a little breathing space between jobs.上一份工作结束后,我需要短暂休整一下再开始下一份工作。剑桥高阶〔build-up〕We should wait at least until winter before we start the build-up to Christmas.我们至少应该等到冬天再开始准备过圣诞节。外研社新世纪〔build-up〕We should wait at least until winter before we start the build-up to Christmas.我们至少要等到冬天再开始着力营造圣诞节的气氛。柯林斯高阶〔coal〕It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking.很重要的一点是要把煤块烧到白热状再开始做饭。柯林斯高阶〔coal〕It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking.把煤块烧到白热状态后再开始做饭, 这一点很重要。外研社新世纪〔fill〕Fill in any cracks before starting to paint.先把裂缝填塞好再开始油漆。朗文当代〔first down〕A gain of ten or more yards entitling the offensive team to a new series of downs.再开始四次十码进攻权:推进十码或更远后使进攻队获得再一次进攻的权利美国传统〔gubbins〕I've just got to clear all this gubbins off my desk before I start working.我得先把桌上这些乱七八糟的东西都清理了再开始工作。剑桥高阶〔knot〕Knot the end of the thread before you begin sewing.先在线头上打好结再开始缝纫。英汉大词典〔level〕Level the ground carefully before you start to lay the paving stones.先把地仔细整平再开始铺石头。麦克米伦高阶〔off〕Finish off one job before you start another.做完一件工作以后再开始做另一件。英汉大词典〔put〕You'll soon put back all the weight that you lost if you start eating cakes again.假如你再开始吃蛋糕的话,你马上会恢复你已减去的体重。英汉大词典〔reopen〕To take up again or be taken up again; resume.再开始:重新开始;被重新开始;继续美国传统〔rest up〕I'll rest up for an hour or two before starting work again.我要好好休息一两个小时后再开始工作。21世纪英汉〔save〕Don't wait until you're 40 to start saving for retirement.别等到40岁时再开始为退休而储蓄。麦克米伦高阶〔short shrift〕He'll get short shrift from me if he starts complaining about money again, now that I know how much he earns! 现在我知道他挣多少钱了,如果他再开始抱怨钱,我就不会再理他!剑桥高阶〔start〕We could have breakfast before we start on the painting.我们可以先吃早饭再开始画画。麦克米伦高阶〔suit〕It suits me to start work at a later time.对我来说,最好晚一点再开始工作。牛津高阶〔together〕Get all the ingredients together before you start cooking.把所有的材料放在一起再开始烹饪。牛津高阶〔until〕We won't start until Bob comes.我们要到鲍勃来了再开始。英汉大词典〔up〕Finish up the old loaf of bread before you start a new one.先把旧的那个面包吃完,再开始吃新的。剑桥高阶〔well〕The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint.一定要把表面打磨好再开始粉刷。牛津高阶Suddenly it was borne in on him that he was becoming too old to start a new career.他突然认识到自己年龄太大了,无法再开始新的事业。剑桥国际When you've finished your talking I shall commence! 等你结束你的谈话,我再开始!剑桥国际




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