

单词 典范
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEST〕The Silver Pavilion is one of the finest examples of Japanese architecture. 银亭是日本建筑的典范之一。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕The school is a shining example of what parent-teacher cooperation can achieve. 该校是父母和老师合作成果的典范。朗文写作活用〔EXAMPLE〕The school is a shining example of what parent-teacher co-operation can achieve. 这所学校是家长、老师合作成功的一个光辉典范。朗文写作活用〔EXAMPLE〕This court exemplifies the values of fairness and justice. 本法庭是公平和正义这种价值观念的典范。朗文写作活用〔PERFECT〕Mart Kenney was a perfectionist, and his high standards were an example to everyone else. 马特·肯尼是个完美主义者,他的高标准对其他人起到典范作用。朗文写作活用〔Sita〕The wife of Rama, regarded as an ideal of womanhood.悉达:罗摩的妻子,被视为女性的典范美国传统〔apotheosis〕He is the apotheosis of manhood.他是男子气概的典范。英汉大词典〔apotheosis〕The Oriental in Bangkok is the apotheosis of the grand hotel.曼谷的东方酒店是豪华酒店的典范。外研社新世纪〔apotheosis〕The Oriental in Bangkok is the apotheosis of the grand hotel.曼谷的东方饭店是豪华饭店的典范。柯林斯高阶〔archetype〕He came to this country 20 years ago and is the archetype of the successful Asian businessman.他20年前来到这个国家,是成功亚裔商人的典范。柯林斯高阶〔archetype〕He is the archetype of a successful businessman.他是成功商人的典范。韦氏高阶〔art music〕Music composed in a classical tradition and intended as serious art, especially as distinguished from popular or folk music.艺术音乐:按照传统典范或作为严肃艺术创作的音乐,尤指区别于流行音乐或民间音乐美国传统〔benchmark〕Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world.她的精彩表演为全世界歌手树立了新典范。剑桥高阶〔bow〕Since my warning shot across his bows, my colleague had become a temporary paragon of virtue.自从我警告过他以后, 我的同事暂时变成了一个美德典范。外研社新世纪〔brevity〕His essays are models of clarity and brevity.他的散文简洁、清晰,堪称典范。剑桥高阶〔brevity〕The report is a masterpiece of brevity.那份报告是言简意赅的典范。牛津高阶〔canonize〕To approve as being within canon law.使成典范:同意…属于教规所规定的范围以内美国传统〔classic〕His first two goals were classic cases of being in the right place at the right time.他的头两粒进球是站位和时机把握的典范。外研社新世纪〔classic〕His first two goals were classic cases of being in the right place at the right time.他的头两粒进球是站位和时机把握的典范。柯林斯高阶〔classic〕His winning goal was classic.他制胜的一球堪称典范。韦氏高阶〔daddy〕Land Rover, the daddy of the four-wheel family路虎, 四轮汽车家族的典范外研社新世纪〔decentralization〕The German constitution is an excellent model of decentralised government.德国宪法是实行地方政府分权制的优秀典范。柯林斯高阶〔demeanour〕His demeanour at the table is always exemplary.他的餐桌礼节总是可以作为典范。外研社新世纪〔epitome〕Even now in her sixties, she is the epitome of French elegance.即使现在已经年届花甲,她仍堪称法国人优雅风度的典范。剑桥高阶〔epitome〕He is the epitome of a modern young man.他是现代青年男子的典范。牛津高阶〔epitome〕She looked the epitome of elegance.她看上去是举止优雅的典范。朗文当代〔epitome〕She was the epitome of fashionable elegance.她是时尚优雅的典范。麦克米伦高阶〔example〕He is a model professional and an example to the younger lads.他是业界的典范, 是年轻人学习的楷模。外研社新世纪〔exemplary〕Serving as an illustration; typical.典范的:作为例证的;代表性的美国传统〔exemplary〕Underpinning this success has been an exemplary record of innovation.具有典范性的创新确保了这次成功。柯林斯高阶〔exemplar〕He is an exemplar of this new breed of politician.他是新型政治人物的典范。韦氏高阶〔exemplar〕Milt's career is an exemplar of survival in difficult times.米尔特的经历是在艰难时期求生存的典范。朗文当代〔exemplar〕They viewed their new building as an exemplar of taste.他们认为他们的新大厦品位独特,可作为典范。柯林斯高阶〔exemplifiable〕The plays of Wilds exemplify the comedy of manners.王尔德的戏剧是风尚喜剧的典范。21世纪英汉〔exemplify〕The room's style exemplifies Conran's ideal of 'beauty and practicality'.那个房间的风格是体现康兰“美观和实用”观念的典范。柯林斯高阶〔exemplify〕This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.这幅油画是那个时期风靡一时的自然主义风格的完美典范。剑桥高阶〔fine〕Hatfield House is a fine example of Jacobean architecture.哈特菲尔德宅第是英王詹姆斯一世时期建筑的优秀典范。朗文当代〔gold standard〕Articles like his are the gold standard of news reporting.类似他写的文章就是新闻报道的典范。牛津高阶〔gold standard〕This car is the gold standard for luxury automobiles.这辆车是豪华型轿车的典范。韦氏高阶〔grunge〕They were anointed as fashion icons of grunge.他们被选为垃圾风尚的典范。外研社新世纪〔harmony〕On the surface their life was a model of domestic harmony.表面上,他们的生活似乎是家庭和睦的典范。牛津搭配〔hold sth up as sth〕Sweden is often held up as an example of a successful social democracy.瑞典经常被视为社会民主主义的成功典范。剑桥高阶〔ideally〕In conformity with an ideal; perfectly.完美地:与典范相符的;完美的美国传统〔ideal〕Are our ideals of beauty changing? 我们的美的典范在改变吗?朗文当代〔ideal〕One that is regarded as a standard or model of perfection or excellence.典范,典型:被认为优秀或完美的标准或榜样的人美国传统〔ideal〕She considers the actress her ideal.她把这名女演员看作自己的典范。韦氏高阶〔ideal〕Sophie represented his ideal of beauty.索菲是他心中美丽的典范。麦克米伦高阶〔image〕The character projected to the public, as by a person or an institution, especially as interpreted by the mass media.模范,典范:由某组织或某个人向大众推荐的人物,往往通过大众媒介作宣传美国传统〔incarnation〕Miss Lenaut, that incarnation of feminine beauty勒诺小姐, 女性美的典范外研社新世纪〔manly〕He was the ideal of manly beauty.他是男性美的典范。外研社新世纪〔masterpiece〕Her study of apes is a masterpiece.她关于猿的研究堪称典范。韦氏高阶〔masterpiece〕Her work is a masterpiece of(= an excellent example of)simplicity.她的作品是朴实的典范。牛津高阶〔masterpiece〕The whole thing was a masterpiece of crowd management.整件事情就是人群管理的典范。柯林斯高阶〔mirror〕She is the very mirror of virtue.她是贞洁的典范。英汉大词典〔model〕His marriage and family life is a model of propriety.他的婚姻和家庭生活都规规矩矩, 堪称典范。外研社新世纪〔model〕She was a model of honesty and decency.她是诚实和正派的典范。朗文当代〔model〕The educational system was a model for those of many other countries.这种教育体制是许多其他国家学习的典范。剑桥高阶〔model〕This clause was a model of lucidity.这一条款是明晰文体的典范。英汉大词典〔monument〕His life is a monument to what people can endure and overcome.他的人生就是个典范,说明了什么是人能够忍受和克服的。韦氏高阶〔monument〕The building is a monument of architecture.这幢大楼是建筑艺术的典范。英汉大词典〔monument〕The interior is a monument to the taste of an 18th-century gentleman.房屋的内部装潢是18世纪绅士品味的典范。外研社新世纪〔oratory〕The President's inauguration speech was a fine demonstration of political oratory.那位总统的就职演说是政治演讲的典范。韦氏高阶〔paradigmatic〕Their great academic success was paraded as paradigmatic.他们辉煌的学术成就被当作了典范。柯林斯高阶〔paradigm〕He had become the paradigm of the successful man.他已经成为成功人士的典范。柯林斯高阶〔paragon〕Compared with our cousin, he was a paragon of honesty.与我们的堂弟相比, 他是个诚实的典范。外研社新世纪〔paragon〕In the novel, Constanza is a paragon of virtue.在这部小说中,康斯坦萨是一个美德的典范。剑桥高阶〔pattern〕The book set the pattern for over 40 similar historical romances.这本书为 40 多本类似的历史爱情小说树立了典范。朗文当代〔pattern〕We're building a transport system that sets a pattern for the future.我们正在建设一个为将来树立典范的交通系统。麦克米伦高阶〔perfect〕Their win was a perfect example of teamwork.他们的胜利是团队合作的最佳典范。外研社新世纪〔pink〕He is the pink of politeness.他是礼貌待人的典范。英汉大词典〔poster boy〕A male poster child.典范男孩,代言男孩美国传统〔poster child〕Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction.齐达内已成为在法国出生、有着北非血统的年轻一代的典范。柯林斯高阶〔poster girl〕A female poster child.典范女孩,代言女孩美国传统〔quintessence〕John is the quintessence of good manners.约翰是彬彬有礼的典范。朗文当代〔representative〕One that serves as an example or a type for others of the same classification.典型事物:作为同一类别中的其它事物的典例或典范的事物美国传统〔shine〕The house is a shining example of Art Deco architecture.这幢房子是艺术装饰派建筑的杰出典范。朗文当代〔show (sb) the way〕Sweden has shown the way forward on energy efficiency.瑞典在提高能效方面做出了典范。剑桥高阶〔showpiece〕The new stadium is a showpiece for the Greeks.这座新体育场对希腊人来说是一个成功的典范。朗文当代〔showpiece〕The project was meant to be a showpiece of European cooperation.这个项目应该成为欧洲合作的典范。外研社新世纪〔sparkling〕The building is a sparkling example of modern architecture at its best.这栋建筑是现代建筑全盛时期的杰出典范。韦氏高阶〔standard〕Laurence Olivier set the standard for(=was the best example of) acting in the 20th century.劳伦斯·奥利弗是20世纪表演的典范。麦克米伦高阶〔striking〕The library is a striking example of modern architecture.这座图书馆是现代建筑的典范之作。剑桥高阶〔success story〕That company is one of this area's biggest success stories.那家公司是这个地区最成功的典范之一。韦氏高阶〔summation〕Her introduction is a model of fairness, a lively summation of Irish history.她的导论是客观公正的典范,是对爱尔兰历史的生动概括。柯林斯高阶〔textbook〕France Telecom is a textbook model of what can be achieved by a state-owned company.法国电信是国有公司成功的典范。外研社新世纪〔textbook〕France Telecom is a textbook model of what can be achieved by a state-owned company.法国电信是国有公司成功的典范。柯林斯高阶〔textbook〕That was a textbook goal from Taylor.泰勒那个进球堪称典范。剑桥高阶〔think〕You're the paragon of virtue, I don't think.你是美德的典范, 才怪呢。外研社新世纪〔virtue〕She was seen as a paragon of domestic virtue.她被看成是家庭美德的完美典范。牛津搭配By focusing on the elimination of waste, the plant has become a model of lean manufacturing.着眼于消除浪费,这厂已成为精益生产的典范。牛津商务He is the pink of diligence. 他是勤奋的典范。译典通He's the IT industry's poster boy for success.他是信息技术产业成功者的典范。牛津商务His tact was exemplary, especially considering the circumstances.他的机敏可以当作典范,尤其是考虑到当时的情形。剑桥国际Louis Armstrong's playing represented (= was an example of) the best of traditional jazz.路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的演奏是传统爵士乐的典范。剑桥国际She gave a model (= extremely good) presentation to the directors.她向董事们作了堪称典范的介绍。剑桥国际The author seems to view the British system as a paragon of democracy.作者似乎把英国的制度看成是民主的典范。剑桥国际The cathedral is one of the glories of Norman architecture.这座大教堂是诺曼式建筑的典范。剑桥国际The nightingale was anciently selected as the highest example of a perfect singer. 夜莺在古代被选为歌唱家的最高典范。译典通The people who built this city had wanted it to be a Utopia which would be a shining example to all nations.建造这座城市的人们希望它成为一个乌托邦,作为世界各国的光辉典范。剑桥国际Wearing a stained jacket and trousers, he made even my scruffy brother look a model of good grooming (= extremely neat and tidy).他穿着沾满污迹的茄克和裤子,甚至使我邋遢的弟弟成了整洁的典范。剑桥国际




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