

单词 克劳
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕a vogue for the paintings of Claude Lorraine 喜爱克劳德·洛兰的绘画的时尚朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕an early picture by the French Impressionist painter Claude Monet 一幅法国印象主义画家克劳德·莫奈的早期作品朗文写作活用〔alum〕a Crawford High alum 克劳福德高中的一位校友朗文当代〔clan〕the Macleod clan 麦克劳德氏族牛津高阶〔co-star〕a new movie co-starring Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett 由罗素 · 克劳和凯特 · 布兰切特联袂主演的一部新电影牛津高阶〔co-star〕a new movie in which Russell Crowe co-stars with Cate Blanchett 由罗素 · 克劳和凯特 · 布兰切特联袂主演的一部新电影牛津高阶〔invocation〕the magical invocations of Aleister Crowley阿莱斯特•克劳利的神秘咒语外研社新世纪〔portray〕the landscape as portrayed by painters such as Claude and Poussin. 克劳德和普桑等画家所描绘的风景柯林斯高阶〔tartan〕the MacLeod tartan 麦克劳德花格图案牛津高阶




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