

单词 克制的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Spartan〕He adopted a new routine—simple food and Spartan habits, etc.他开始了一种新的生活规律——吃简单的伙食,养成自我克制的习惯,等等。英汉大词典〔breed〕Reminding all concerned that violence breeds violence, they repeat their appeal for calm and restraint.他们提醒所有相关人士暴力会滋生出更多的暴力, 并重申了对冷静和克制的诉求。外研社新世纪〔canny〕Steady, restrained, and gentle.稳定的,克制的,轻柔的美国传统〔classic〕Formal, refined, and restrained in style.拘谨的,精炼的:风格正式、精致和克制的美国传统〔cultivate〕Wilson carefully cultivated a reputation for moderation.威尔逊潜心经营了自己温和克制的名声。外研社新世纪〔fast〕A period of such abstention or self-denial.断食期,节食期:这种戒除或自我克制的时期美国传统〔forbearance〕The act of forbearing.抑制:克制的行为美国传统〔key〕Let's treat the whole affair in a very low key.让我们以十分克制的态度来处理整个事件。英汉大词典〔overwhelming〕She felt an overwhelming desire to hit him.她有一种难以克制的想要揍他的欲望。朗文当代〔restrained〕In the circumstances he felt he'd been very restrained.在那种情况下, 他感觉自己是非常克制的。外研社新世纪〔restraint〕The President sent a letter to both nations urging restraint.总统给两个国家都发出了一封信以敦促双方保持克制的态度。麦克米伦高阶〔second〕The Prime Minister seconded the call for restraint.首相对呼吁保持克制的声音表示赞同。外研社新世纪〔titter〕To laugh in a restrained, nervous way; giggle.窃笑:以一种克制的、紧张的方式笑;傻笑美国传统An austere man of unquestioned moral rectitude, Nava inspired deep devotion in those who worked for him.纳伐是个品行端正无瑕和自我克制的人,他激发起每个为他工作的人全心奉献。剑桥国际Instead of screaming, shouting and humiliating his players to get them to play well, the manager's tone is more measured now.为了使球员表演出色,经理用了比较克制的语气,而不是又叫又嚷着羞辱他们。剑桥国际




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