

单词 光顾
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔all〕the restaurant that Hugh and all his friends go to. 休和他所有的朋友都光顾的餐馆柯林斯高阶〔bohemian〕bohemian cafes frequented by artists, musicians, and actors 画家、乐师和演员经常光顾的新潮咖啡馆朗文当代〔clientele〕the boutique's wealthy clientele 经常光顾这家精品店的有钱顾客韦氏高阶〔famous〕a nightclub used by the rich and famous 富人名流光顾的夜总会朗文当代〔fashionable〕a fashionable restaurant 时髦人物光顾的餐馆英汉大词典〔fleshpot〕visiting the fleshpots of the city 光顾这座城市的声色场所韦氏高阶〔frequent〕a bar frequented by criminals 犯罪分子经常光顾的酒吧剑桥高阶〔full〕be full of oneself 光顾自己(或自以为是,或踌躇满志) 英汉大词典〔likely〕a likely customer 有意光顾的顾客英汉大词典〔minstrel〕an inn frequented by travelling minstrels吟游诗人经常光顾的小客栈外研社新世纪〔nightclubbing〕to go nightclubbing 光顾夜总会剑桥高阶〔patronage〕give one's patronage to a store 经常光顾一家商店英汉大词典〔patronage〕take away one's patronage because of poor service 因服务欠佳不再光顾英汉大词典〔regular〕a pretty regular customer 频频光顾的顾客牛津搭配〔resort〕the resort town of Byron Bay 人们经常光顾的拜伦贝城牛津高阶〔tourist〕the part of town most frequented by tourists 游客经常光顾的城区牛津搭配〔type〕a group of executive types; a restaurant frequented by tourist types. 一群行政官代表;旅行者经常光顾的饭店美国传统〔unisex〕the classic unisex hair salon. 男女皆可光顾的传统理发店柯林斯高阶〔unpatronized〕a restaurant unpatronized by the elite 名流不光顾的餐馆英汉大词典the defection of business travellers to low-fare airlines 商务旅行者转向光顾低价航空公司牛津商务




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