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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕The mine owners coerced the workers into going back to work, by threatening to close down the mines completely. 矿主威胁要关闭全部矿井,迫使工人复工。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕They were so hungry they killed the rest of their livestock that winter. 那年冬天他们饿极了,就把余下的牲畜全部宰杀了。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕Because of his gambling, he lost everything he possessed. 他因为赌博输掉了他的全部所有。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕People are entitled to be compensated fully whenever they are injured by others’ carelessness. 因他人的疏忽而受伤的人都有权要求赔偿全部损失。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕Our target is the release of all political prisoners. 我们的目标是释放全部政治犯。朗文写作活用〔WEAPON〕The soldiers kept on firing until they had no more ammunition. 士兵不断射击,直到弹药全部用完。朗文写作活用〔accent〕In all our products the accent is on quality.我们的全部产品都是强调质量。牛津高阶〔active〕Being on full military duty and receiving full pay.现役的:承担全部的军事义务和接受津贴的美国传统〔additional〕This is the total price of your holiday – with no additional charges.这是你度假的全部费用,没有额外收费。麦克米伦高阶〔adopter〕Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops.议会采纳了要求全部撤军的决议。柯林斯高阶〔appointment〕They announced a series of new appointments of key security officials.他们宣布了一连串新任安全部主要官员名单。牛津搭配〔appreciate〕The Government has not appreciated the full implications of it.政府还没有意识到这事的全部含义。英汉大词典〔army〕Often Army The entire military land forces of a country. 常作 Army 陆军军队:一国的全部地面武装力量美国传统〔bag and baggage〕With all one's belongings.连同全部财物美国传统〔bear down〕The roof support structure had collapsed and the entire weight was bearing down on the ceiling.屋顶的支架倒塌了,全部重量都压到了天花板上。柯林斯高阶〔belonging〕He left all his belongings to his brother.他把他的全部财物留给了他兄弟。英汉大词典〔benefit of the doubt〕A favorable judgment granted in the absence of full evidence.有利判决:允许在全部证据不足的情况下给予的有利判决美国传统〔blooming〕We had to read the whole blooming thing! 我们不得不把这该死的东西全部读完!韦氏高阶〔break the back of sth〕We've broken the back of it now and we should be finished by Friday.我们现在已经完成了绝大部分,星期五之前应该能全部完成。剑桥高阶〔buy ... out〕He has enough money to buy out the company.他的钱财多得足够买下那家公司(或收买那家公司的全部股份)。21世纪英汉〔clasping〕Denoting a leaf whose base partially or completely surrounds a stem.抱茎的:指叶柄部分或全部包围茎的美国传统〔close (sth) down〕All the mines in this area were closed down in the 1980s.该地区的矿井在20世纪80年代全部关闭。剑桥高阶〔convict〕They were convicted on all 13 counts.他们被判 13 项罪名全部成立。牛津搭配〔cost〕Consumers will have to bear the full cost of these pay increases.消费者将不得不承担增加工资所需的全部费用。牛津高阶〔counter-attack〕The security forces counter-attacked the following day.次日, 安全部队发起了反击。外研社新世纪〔deprive〕The court ruling deprived us of any share in the inheritance.法庭裁决剥夺了我们全部的继承权美国传统〔discussion〕The whole question of school curriculum is up for discussion.涉及学校课程的全部事项都已提出供大家讨论。外研社新世纪〔done〕I'll be glad when the exams are over and done with (=completely finished) .考试全部结束后我就高兴了。朗文当代〔dossier〕He had made a secret dossier on the whole affair.他已就全部事件编制了一份秘密档案。英汉大词典〔excerpt〕The following excerpts all come from the 'Spring Symphony'.以下片段全部来自《春天交响曲》。牛津搭配〔extinguish〕News of the bombing extinguished all hope of peace.轰炸的消息使和平的希望全部破灭。牛津高阶〔flight〕All flights out of Chicago were cancelled .芝加哥所有的出发航班全部取消。朗文当代〔flow〕The Everton keeper needed all his courage to thwart a charging Vinny Jones in full flow.埃弗顿的守门员需要鼓足全部勇气才有可能抵挡住状态正佳的维尼·琼斯的冲锋射门。柯林斯高阶〔ghastly〕Today's newspaper gives all the ghastly details of the murder.今天的报纸刊登了谋杀案的全部细节,令人毛骨悚然。剑桥高阶〔goods〕The plastic bag contained all his worldly goods(= everything he owned).这塑料袋里装着他的全部家当。牛津高阶〔gut〕The house had to be completely gutted before renovation work could start.翻新开始之前, 房子必须要全部腾空。外研社新世纪〔hand in〕All eighty opposition members of parliament have handed in their resignation.议会中80名反对党成员全部递交了辞呈。柯林斯高阶〔hear〕I'm sure we haven't heard the whole story yet.我确信我们还没有听到事情的全部经过。外研社新世纪〔inflected〕In all dictionaries to date we give the headword and all the inflected forms.迄今为止, 我们在所有的词典里都给出词目及其全部屈折形式。外研社新世纪〔injury〕All the passengers in the vehicle escaped injury.这辆车上的全部乘客均未受伤。麦克米伦高阶〔instinct〕He seems so honest and genuine and my every instinct says he's not.他看起来这么老实诚恳,但我的全部直觉告诉我他一点都不。柯林斯高阶〔invest〕His whole life was invested with a new significance.他的全部生活有了新的意义。英汉大词典〔kit〕The whole kit and caboodle was sold out.货全部卖光了。英汉大词典〔lay out〕The work for tomorrow is all laid out.明天的工作全部安排妥当。韦氏高阶〔lesson〕Lesson 5 is all about the subjunctive.第5课的内容全部是关于虚拟语气的。麦克米伦高阶〔locally〕Education comprises two-thirds of all local council spending.教育占地方市政会全部开支的三分之二。柯林斯高阶〔lot〕Give her the lot.全部给她。牛津同义词〔make〕The full story was never made public.全部情况从未公之于世。牛津高阶〔make〕The printer decided to make up all the defective sheets.印刷商决定重印全部有毛病的印张。英汉大词典〔matter〕It was all over in a matter of minutes.几分钟就全部结束了。牛津高阶〔medium〕In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education.在塞拉利昂,基础教育阶段全部用英语授课。柯林斯高阶〔mingy〕All I scored was a mingy three points! 我的全部得分是少得可怜的3分!麦克米伦高阶〔nonsense〕This decision makes nonsense of all our hard work.这一决定使我们的全部辛劳完全白费。牛津搭配〔operative〕The station will be fully operative again in January.该站将于一月份全部恢复运营。牛津高阶〔or〕We've cleaned it all up, or at least most of it.我们把它全部清扫了一遍,或者说至少是清扫了大部分。朗文当代〔ounce〕I miss him with every ounce of my being.对他的思念占据了我的全部身心。外研社新世纪〔out of the way〕Let's get these issues out of the way before we start working on any other issues.在处理其他任何问题之前,我们先把这些问题全部处理完吧。韦氏高阶〔out〕The examination will start when all the question papers have been handed out.试卷全部分发完后考试就会开始。朗文当代〔panorama〕An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area.全景:包括周围所有区域的全部画景美国传统〔pay〕To give over the full monetary amount demanded.付清全部款项:缴清所要求的全部资金数额美国传统〔pharyngectomy〕Surgical removal of part or all of the pharynx.咽喉切除术:切除部分或全部咽的外科手术美国传统〔plenary indulgence〕An indulgence that remits the full temporal punishment incurred by a sinner.全免免罪:赦免一个罪人所招致的全部暂时惩罚的一种免罪美国传统〔plow into〕For the first 10 years, the profits were all plowed back into the company.头10年,利润全部用于公司再投资。韦氏高阶〔presently〕Presently I got the whole story.我不久便了解到了全部情况。英汉大词典〔profit〕All the profits from the sales of the CD will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.销售这张CD所得的全部利润将捐给多发性硬化症协会。麦克米伦高阶〔put〕He could completely dismantle a desktop and put it back together.他能把一台台式电脑全部拆开,然后再装配起来。英汉大词典〔research and development〕All our profits are re-invested in research and development.我们的利润全部被再投入到研发上。剑桥高阶〔reservation〕After three days, the strikers' demands were met almost without reservation.3天以后,罢工人员的要求几乎全部得到了满足。柯林斯高阶〔responsibility〕The Chairman of the airline accepted full responsibility for the accident.航空公司的总裁对这起事故负全部责任。朗文当代〔run after〕Poor Harry spends all his time running after his idle so-and-so of a wife.可怜的哈里全部时间都花在鞍前马后伺候他那个讨厌的懒婆娘上面了。外研社新世纪〔run〕The treasurer ran off with all the club's funds.司库携俱乐部的全部款子潜逃。英汉大词典〔seizure〕The courts ordered the seizure of all her property.法院下令没收她的全部财产。英汉大词典〔self〕He put his whole self into the job, working night and day.他夜以继日把全部身心投入工作。英汉大词典〔silva〕The trees or forests of a region.全部林木:一个地区的树木或森林美国传统〔small print〕Read all the small print before signing.把小号字印刷的附加条款全部看过以后再签字。牛津高阶〔soccer mom〕An American mother living in the suburbs whose time is often spent transporting her children from one athletic activity or event to another.足球妈妈:居住在市郊的美国母亲,她的全部时间都用于把自己孩子从一种体育活动或体育项目的地点送到另一处体育活动或体育项目的地点美国传统〔sum total〕That small room contained the sum total of the family's possessions.那个小房间放着这家人的全部家当。外研社新世纪〔swallow〕The trip swallowed up all my savings.那趟旅行耗掉了我全部的储蓄。文馨英汉〔tactical〕The security forces made a tactical withdrawal from the area.安全部队已从该地区战术性撤军。外研社新世纪〔themselves〕The kids prepared the whole breakfast themselves.孩子们自己准备了全部的早餐。麦克米伦高阶〔tool〕He became the tool of the security services.他成了安全部门的工具。柯林斯高阶〔truth〕I don't think you are telling me the whole truth about what happened.我认为你没有把事情的全部真相都告诉我。牛津高阶〔twelve〕The aircraft crashed after takeoff, killing all twelve people on board.飞机起飞后坠毁, 机上12名乘客全部遇难。外研社新世纪〔untreated〕All the bedding is made of simple untreated cotton.所有床上用品全部用天然棉布制成。外研社新世纪〔up〕He won all the money up in the game.他赢了赌赛中所押的全部赌金。英汉大词典〔watch〕Security forces kept a close watch on our activities.安全部队密切注视着我们的活动。朗文当代〔whole〕Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.未经准许,不准全部或部分翻印。英汉大词典〔wide〕To the full extent; completely.全部地;充分地,完全地美国传统〔window〕The windows along 5th Avenue were all decorated for Christmas.第五大道沿街的橱窗全部装饰一新迎接圣诞节。韦氏高阶〔worsen〕The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening.安全部队不得不介入,以防止局势进一步恶化。柯林斯高阶All her hopes centered on her son. 她的全部希望集中在她儿子身上。译典通He bought up all the land in the surrounding area.他买下了周围地区的全部土地。剑桥国际His latest movie is a recapitulation of all his most personal themes and preoccupations.他最近的一部电影是对他全部个性化主题和主要关注的问题的概述。剑桥国际Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case. 只有少数几个人能看到有关该案全部事实的材料。译典通She keeps a full inventory of company assets and updates it every six months.她编制公司全部资产的清单,每六个月更新一次。牛津商务She told him all her woes. 她向他倾诉全部苦恼。译典通Somehow, she managed to spin her story out so that it took her the whole train journey to tell it.她想尽一切办法拉长她的故事,这样她可以用全部旅途时间来讲述它。剑桥国际The $3.5 bn takeover has now been declared unconditional.这项 35 亿元的并购的条件已全部得到满足。牛津商务The full impact of the tax changes is yet to be felt.税收变化所产生的全部影响还要过些时间才会被人们感受。剑桥国际We stock the whole range of model railway accessories.我们库存有全部铁路附件产品样品。剑桥国际




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