

单词 修补
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPENSIVE〕There are some places that can mend the suit in a couple of hours, but it's going to cost you. 有一些地方几个小时就可以修补好这套衣服,但是价钱很贵。朗文写作活用〔HOLE〕It is going to cost the city at least $500,000 to patch potholes created by winter rains. 这个城市至少要花费50万美元修补冬天下雨后形成的坑洼。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕Before you start painting, prepare the walls by cleaning them and filling any cracks. 粉刷之前,先清理墙面、修补裂缝,做好准备工作。朗文写作活用〔REPAIR〕Builders are carrying out repairs to the roof and walls. 建筑工人正在修补屋顶和墙壁。朗文写作活用〔REPAIR〕Builders spent several weeks repairing the roof. 建筑工人花了几个星期时间修补屋顶。朗文写作活用〔REPAIR〕The boat's got a hole in the side, but I'm just going to try and patch it up for now. 船的一侧有个洞,我正在设法把它暂时修补一下。朗文写作活用〔USEFUL〕Scotch tape is very useful for making quick repairs. 透明胶带对于快速修补十分有用。朗文写作活用〔adept〕She's adept at fixing flaws in the system.她擅长修补系统的漏洞。韦氏高阶〔autoplasty〕Surgical repair or reconstruction of a body part using tissue taken from another part of the body.自体移植术,自体成形术:用取自同一身体的另一部分对身体一部分的外科修补或重塑美国传统〔battle〕We've tried to mend the fence several times, but we're fighting a losing battle .我们多次试图修补围栏,可都没有成功。朗文当代〔botch〕To repair or mend clumsily.修补得不好美国传统〔breach〕They repaired a breach in the fence.他们修补了栅栏缺口。韦氏高阶〔brickwork〕The brickwork was cracked and in need of repair.砖墙出现裂缝,需要修补。朗文当代〔caisson〕A large box open at the top and one side, designed to fit against the side of a ship and used to repair damaged hulls under water.修船箱:一个顶端和一侧开口的大箱子,为合上船体的一侧而设计,用于在水下修补破损的船身美国传统〔deal〕I'll make you a deal. If you help me fix my flat tire, I'll buy you dinner.我们做个交易吧。如果你帮我修补漏气轮胎的话,我请你吃饭。韦氏高阶〔doctor〕He doctored the chipped vase with a little plastic cement.他用一些塑胶修补了破裂的花瓶。21世纪英汉〔fashion〕I mended it, after a fashion.我勉强算是把它修补好了。外研社新世纪〔fill ... in〕The workmen dug a hole, mended the pipe, and then filled the hole in again.工人挖了一个洞,修补了管道,然后又把洞填平。21世纪英汉〔fix〕I fixed a small leak in the roof.我修补了屋顶上的一个小洞。外研社新世纪〔fix〕To improve the appearance or condition of; refurbish.修理好,修补:改善…的状况或条件;刷新美国传统〔flap〕Medicine Tissue that has been partially detached and used in surgical grafting to fill an adjacent defect or cover the cut end of a bone after amputation.【医学】 组织:部分切割下来的生物体组织,在外科移植中用以修补临近的身体缺陷处或在截肢后用来覆盖骨骼切除端美国传统〔fracture〕One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places.一根撑木出现了裂痕,有几处已进行了粗略的修补。柯林斯高阶〔fracture〕One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places.一根支柱出现了裂痕, 有几处已粗略修补过。外研社新世纪〔furrier〕One whose occupation is the dressing, designing, cleaning, or repairing of furs.毛皮加工者:从事毛皮处理、设计、洗涤或修补的人美国传统〔graft〕Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.移植物:通过外科手术联接或植入身体一部分用以替换受损部分或修补缺陷的材料,尤指活组织或活器官美国传统〔graft〕To transplant or implant (living tissue, for example) surgically into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.移植:用外科手术移植或植入(例如活组织) 到躯体的一部分来替换损伤的部分或修补缺陷美国传统〔graving dock〕A dry dock where the hulls of ships are repaired and maintained.干船坞:干船坞,在其内船壳得到修补和维护美国传统〔hatter〕One whose occupation is the manufacture, selling, or repair of hats.制帽人,帽商,修帽工:以制作、出售或修补帽子为职业的人美国传统〔job〕There is no point in just patching it up; We may as well make a job of it.修修补补没多大意思,我们不妨彻底好好干一下。英汉大词典〔junker〕A car or truck that is old and in poor repair.破车:破旧且无法修补的小车或卡车美国传统〔keloid〕A red, raised formation of fibrous scar tissue caused by excessive tissue repair in response to trauma or surgical incision.瘢痕瘤:一种红的、隆起的纤维状疤痕组织,是在治疗损伤中由于过度的组织修补或外科伤口而引起的美国传统〔leak〕The plumber fixed the leak.管道工对泄漏处进行了修补。牛津搭配〔leap into〕The workers leaped into the work of repairing the roof of the storehouse.工人们急切地开始修补仓库的屋顶。21世纪英汉〔light〕You could see the imperfections in the repair when the light caught it.你能在光的照射下看到一些修补不完善的地方。牛津搭配〔mend〕Fishermen were mending their nets.渔民们在修补他们的渔网。韦氏高阶〔mend〕My father used to mend our shoes.我父亲过去常为我们修补鞋子。朗文当代〔mend〕She helped me mend the puncture.她帮助我修补轮胎上扎出来的小孔。外研社新世纪〔mend〕The town needs to mend these roads.小镇上的路需要修补。韦氏高阶〔mend〕You can watch the fishermen mending their nets.你可以看着渔夫们修补渔网。外研社新世纪〔money〕The flaws in our school system will never be fixed as long as the government continues to just throw money at the problem.只要政府仍然光靠砸钱来处理问题,我们学校体制中的缺陷就永远无法得到修补。韦氏高阶〔operation〕Medicine A surgical procedure for remedying an injury, an ailment, a defect, or a dysfunction.【医学】 外科手术:为修补伤口、缺陷或畸形等治疗疾病的外科手术美国传统〔ought〕That leak ought to be fixed.那个裂缝应该修补。韦氏高阶〔paint〕They started to mend the woodwork and paint the walls.他们开始修补木建部分,粉刷墙壁。柯林斯高阶〔patch up〕She's gone on holiday with her husband to try and patch up their marriage.她和丈夫外出度假, 试图修补他们的婚姻。外研社新世纪〔patch up〕We can patch up those holes.我们可以修补这些破洞。柯林斯高阶〔patch〕A small piece of cloth used for patchwork.补钉:一小片用来修补用的布美国传统〔patch〕A small piece of material affixed to another, larger piece to conceal, reinforce, or repair a worn area, hole, or tear.补片,补钉:补缀在较大的一片材料上的一小片材料,用来添补、加强或修补一磨损部分、小洞或撕裂处美国传统〔patch〕He patched the barn roof.他修补了谷仓的顶部。外研社新世纪〔patch〕One of the mechanics took off the damaged tyre, and took it back to the station to be patched.其中一个机修工卸下坏轮胎,把它带回维修站修补。柯林斯高阶〔patch〕The fence needs to be patched.栅栏需要修补。韦氏高阶〔patch〕The road needs resurfacing, not just patching up.道路需要重铺路面,而不是草草修补了事。麦克米伦高阶〔patch〕We'll have to patch up the hole in the roof.我们得修补屋顶上的洞。朗文当代〔piecemeal〕They've done piecemeal repairs in the past, but the bridge now needs major reconstruction.过去他们对这座桥做了些零零星星的修补,但现在这座桥需要大修。韦氏高阶〔piece〕To mend by adding pieces or a piece to.修补:通过给…加上一部分或几部分来修补美国传统〔plaster〕To cover, coat, or repair with plaster.涂灰泥:用灰泥覆盖,涂上或修补美国传统〔plastic surgery〕Surgery to remodel, repair, or restore body parts, especially by the transfer of tissue.成形外科学:对身体部分重塑,修补或恢复,尤指通过组织移植的外科学美国传统〔practical〕My husband is not very practical around the house.我丈夫不太擅长家里修修补补的事情。韦氏高阶〔prosthetic〕Serving as or relating to a prosthesis.弥补的:用作修补物的或与之有关的美国传统〔puncture〕Somebody helped me mend the puncture.有个人帮我修补扎破的轮胎。柯林斯高阶〔repair〕He made a few repairs to the stairs.他对楼梯做了几处修补。韦氏高阶〔repair〕He repairs old furniture.他修补旧家具。朗文当代〔repair〕The overcoat is so old,it won't repair.这件大衣太旧了,不能修补了。21世纪英汉〔repair〕The repair is barely visible.修补处几乎看不出来。英汉大词典〔repair〕The roof needs repairing in a few places.屋顶有几个地方需要修补。朗文当代〔repair〕The vase was damaged beyond repair.花瓶破损得无法修补了。牛津搭配〔repair〕The work, act, or process of repairing.修补:修补的工作、行为或过程美国传统〔repair〕There is no doubt now that her marriage is beyond repair.毫无疑问, 她的婚姻已经无法修补。外研社新世纪〔reparation〕The act or process of repairing or the condition of being repaired.修理,修补:修理或修补的行为或过程或者被修的状况美国传统〔reparative〕Tending to repair.修理的:倾向于修补的美国传统〔revamp〕To patch up or restore; renovate.修补,修复:修理或修复;更新美国传统〔rift〕He set out to heal the rifts in the party.他着手修补党内的裂痕。朗文当代〔rift〕He tried to heal the rift with his brother.他试图修补和兄弟之间的裂痕。牛津搭配〔run ... in〕Though the roof has been mended,the rainwater is still running in.尽管屋顶已经修补过,但雨水还向屋里流。21世纪英汉〔see〕Your shoes need seeing to.你的鞋得修补了。英汉大词典〔set〕After lunch, they set to work fixing the roof.午饭后,他们开始修补屋顶。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕Try and set aside time to do some mending jobs.设法留出时间做一些修修补补的活儿。英汉大词典〔show〕They managed to fix it so that the break wouldn't show.他们设法将它修补好,这样断裂处就看不出来了。麦克米伦高阶〔solder〕To unite or repair things with solder.焊接:用焊料连接或修补美国传统〔sort〕I'll sort the old shoes for you.我将为你把旧鞋修补一下。英汉大词典〔spoil〕To damage irreparably; ruin.毁掉:毁坏到不可修补的地步;摧毁美国传统〔structural〕The school needs major structural repairs.这所学校需要在建筑结构方面进行重大修补。麦克米伦高阶〔sunburned〕Fishermen with sunburned faces sat on the beach mending their nets.脸被晒得黝黑的渔民们坐在沙滩上修补渔网。剑桥高阶〔tap〕To repair (shoe heels or toes) by applying a thin layer of leather or a substitute material.补鞋底,加鞋掌:贴上一层薄皮革或一种替代的材料来修补(鞋后跟和脚尖处)美国传统〔tree surgery〕Treatment of diseased or damaged trees by filling cavities and pruning and bracing branches.树木修补术:对患病或受到破坏的树木的修治,方法是填补洞穴,修剪和支撑枝条美国传统〔tyre〕He fixed a flat tyre on his bike.他修补了他自行车上一个撒了气的轮胎。牛津搭配〔upend〕He upended the bicycle to fix its flat tire.他把自行车倒过来修补瘪了的车胎。韦氏高阶〔use〕I'm no use at mending things.我不擅长做修修补补的事情。麦克米伦高阶〔vamp〕To patch up (something old); refurbish.修补(旧的东西);拼凑美国传统〔weather〕I wanted to mend the roof before the cold weather set in.我想在冷天到来之前修补一下房顶。牛津搭配〔xeroderma pigmentosum〕A rare hereditary skin disorder caused by a defect in the enzymes that repair DNA damaged by ultraviolet light.着色性干皮病:一种罕见的遗传性皮肤病,由于修补DNA的有瑕疵的酶被紫外线所破坏而引起的失调美国传统Gas supplies were shut off (= stopped operating) for four hours while the leak was repaired.修补漏洞时,煤气供应停止了四个小时。剑桥国际I started out to fix a bug but I ended up writing a new program.我最初打算修补一个错误,而最终编写了一个新程序。牛津商务I'm a gardener-cum-handyman.我是个园丁兼修补工。剑桥国际I'm trying to find someone to do (= repair) the garden wall.我想找人来修补花园里的墙。剑桥国际Mr. Brown bought some turfs to repair the lawn in his front yard. 布朗先生买了一些草皮块来修补他家前院的草坪。译典通My house was broken into twice within 24 hours -- the putty used to repair the broken window was still wet when they broke in the second time.我的房子24小时内两次有人破门而入----第二次来时用来修补碎玻璃窗的油灰还是湿的。剑桥国际She managed to sandwich the repairs in between taking the kids to school and starting work.她设法将修修补补的工作安插在送孩子上学和自己上班之间的这段时间里。剑桥国际The restorers will work on the paintings in situ rather than take them out of the museum.修补者将就地修复这些画,而不是将它们带出博物馆去修补。剑桥国际This suit has several repairs. 这套衣服有几处修补过的地方。译典通When he is off-duty, he likes to tinker with little things. 当他不上班时,他喜欢修补一些小东西。译典通




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