

单词 六点
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔along〕along about six o'clock 将近六点文馨英汉〔at〕at 6.30 在六点半朗文当代〔from〕walked home from the station; from six o'clock on.See Usage Note at escape See Usage Note at whence 从家走到车站;从六点钟开始 参见 escape 参见 whence美国传统〔news〕the six o'clock news六点的新闻节目外研社新世纪〔o'clock〕at six o'clock in the morning清晨六点钟外研社新世纪〔of〕at five (minutes) of six 六点差五分文馨英汉〔on〕going on six o'clock; came on the answer by accident. 到快六点了;偶然找到了答案美国传统〔past〕ten (minutes) past six 六点过十分牛津高阶〔stroke〕on [at] the stroke of six 在钟鸣六点时,在六时正文馨英汉〔to〕at (a) quarter to six 六点差一刻文馨英汉a six-point survival guide for new managers 给新任经理的六点生存指南牛津商务




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