

单词 刚果语
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Benue-Congo〕The branch of the Niger-Congo language family that contains the Bantu languages.班图-刚果语:包括班图语的尼日尔-刚果语系分支美国传统〔Efik〕The Niger-Congo language of the Efik people, closely related to Ibibio.埃菲克语:埃菲克人讲的尼日尔-刚果语,与伊比比奥语相似美国传统〔Ibibio〕The South Central Niger Congo language of the Ibibio, closely related to Efik.伊比比奥语:伊比比奥的中南尼日尔-刚果语,与伊菲克密切相关美国传统〔Ibo〕The South Central Niger Congo language of the Ibo.伊博语:伊博人讲的中南尼日尔-刚果语美国传统〔Kru〕A group of Niger-Congo languages spoken primarily in Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire.克鲁语:主要在利比里亚及科特迪瓦使用的尼日尔刚果语系美国传统〔Kwa〕Any of several West African languages belonging to the South Central Niger-Congo language family, including Efik, Ewe, Ibibio, Ibo, and Yoruba.克瓦语:任何一种属于中南尼日尔-刚果语系的西非语言,包括埃菲克语、埃维语、伊比比奥语、伊博语和约鲁巴语美国传统〔Mande〕A branch of the Niger-Congo language family, spoken in the upper Niger River valley.曼丁哥语:尼日尔刚果语族中的一支,尼日尔河上游河谷地区的人说此语美国传统〔Mende〕A language of the Mande branch of the Niger-Congo language family spoken in southern Sierra Leone and eastern Liberia.曼第语:尼日尔刚果语系家族的曼第分支语言,主要是在撒哈拉里昂南部及利比亚东部使用美国传统〔Niger-Congo〕A large and widely dispersed language family of sub-Saharan Africa that includes the Mande, West Atlantic, and Central Niger-Congo branches.尼日尔一刚果语系:非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南一个大的分散型语系,包括曼迪、西大西洋和中央尼日尔一刚果等语支美国传统〔South Central Niger-Congo〕A branch of the Niger-Congo language family.中南尼日尔-刚果语:尼日尔-刚果语系中的一支美国传统〔West Atlantic〕The westernmost branch of the Niger-Congo language family.西大西洋语言:尼日尔-刚果语系的最西部语言分支美国传统〔Yoruba〕The South Central Niger-Congo language of this people.约鲁巴语:该民族所说的中南尼日尔—刚果语美国传统




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