

单词 分子
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕He has promised to take tough measures to retaliate against extremists. 他承诺要采取严厉措施,对极端分子予以还击。朗文写作活用〔BEFORE〕The bombing is being blamed on a previously unknown group of terrorists. 一群以前不知名的恐怖分子被指为造成这次爆炸的罪魁祸首。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕The area is now controlled by rebels. 该地区现在由叛乱分子控制。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕These men are ruthless terrorists and will kill anyone who tries to stop them. 那些家伙是残忍的恐怖分子,会杀死任何企图阻止他们的人。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕Activists were calling for a free press and political reforms. 积极分子要求自由出版权和进行政治改革。朗文写作活用〔HOLD〕Home was a cramped two rooms in a street where gun-wielding criminals walked. 家就是两间狭小的房间,所在的那条街上有挥枪乱指的犯罪分子游荡。朗文写作活用〔Hispanophile〕An admirer of Spain or of Spanish-speaking countries or peoples.亲西班牙派,亲西班牙分子:偏爱西班牙或特别喜欢西班牙语国家或民族的人美国传统〔INTELLIGENT〕The restaurant was once the meeting place for leading French left-wing intellectuals such as Sartre and de Beauvoir. 这家餐馆一度是萨特和德·波伏瓦等法国主要的左翼知识分子的聚会场所。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The management has been trying to buy off union activists with substantial pay offers. 管理层试图以高薪收买工会中的积极分子。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕A large number of rebels escaped to the east as the army closed in on Jaffra. 当军队逼近贾夫拉时,大批叛乱分子逃往东部。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The rebel leader has repeated his demands for the release of political prisoners. 反叛分子的首领一再要求释放政治犯。朗文写作活用〔abduct〕The company director was abducted from his car by terrorists.公司董事被恐怖分子从自己的车里劫走了。剑桥高阶〔arraign〕He was arraigned on charges of aiding and abetting terrorists.他被控伙同恐怖分子作案,所以被提审。剑桥高阶〔beating-up〕South Africa's ruling National Party has beaten off a right-wing challenge.南非执政的国民党已经击退了右翼分子的一次挑战。柯林斯高阶〔blast〕The plane was blasted out of the sky by a terrorist bomb.飞机在空中被恐怖分子放置的炸弹炸成了碎片。朗文当代〔bomb〕The rebels bombed the munition factory.反叛分子用炸弹炸毁兵工厂。21世纪英汉〔bot〕Criminals create networks of bots that roam the internet infecting PCs with malware.犯罪分子制造网上机器人网络,通过恶意软件感染电脑用户。剑桥高阶〔bounce out of〕They bounced the troublemakers out of the club.他们把捣乱分子撵出了俱乐部。21世纪英汉〔buckyball〕A molecule of buckminsterfullerene.巴克球:巴克敏斯特富勒烯分子美国传统〔captive〕Rebels in Liberia have released four foreigners after holding them captive for a week.利比里亚的叛乱分子在关押四名外国人一周之后将他们释放了。外研社新世纪〔carboxylation〕The introduction of a carboxyl group into a compound or molecule.羧化:把一个羧基引入一个化合物或一个分子美国传统〔carry out〕Police say they believe the attacks were carried out by nationalists.警方称他们相信袭击系民族主义分子所为。外研社新世纪〔chain〕Four activists chained themselves to the gates.四名积极分子把自己拴在大门上。朗文当代〔chemical〕A substance with a distinct molecular composition that is produced by or used in a chemical process.化学品:化学变化过程中产生或使用的具有明显分子构成的物质美国传统〔chiral〕Of or relating to the structural characteristic of a molecule that makes it impossible to superimpose it on its mirror image.对掌性的,手征性的:一种特征为不能和自身的镜像重叠的分子结构或与之相关的美国传统〔collaborate〕He still denies that he collaborated with the Nazis.他仍然否认他勾结纳粹分子。麦克米伦高阶〔collaborate〕Vigilantes began combing the city for anyone known to have collaborated with the enemy.治安维持会会员开始在城里仔细搜索通敌分子。朗文当代〔condensation〕Chemistry A chemical reaction in which water or another simple substance is released by the combination of two or more molecules.【化学】 聚合:一种由两个或多个分子化合生成水或其它简单物质的化学反应美国传统〔conjugated protein〕A compound, such as hemoglobin, made up of a protein molecule and a nonprotein prosthetic group.缀合蛋白:由一蛋白质分子和一非蛋白质的弥补基所构成的化合物,如血红蛋白美国传统〔covertly〕Terrorists have been operating covertly in England.恐怖分子已在英格兰秘密活动。剑桥高阶〔cyberterrorist〕Such a strategic attack, mounted by cyberterrorists, would shut down everything from power stations to air traffic control centres.由网络恐怖分子发起的这种有战略性的袭击,可能会使得从发电厂到空中交通管制中心的所有设施全部瘫痪。朗文当代〔dialogue〕The government refused to engage in direct dialogue with the terrorists.政府拒绝与恐怖分子直接对话。牛津搭配〔diehard〕The president hopes the diehards will resign over the reform proposals.总统希望那些顽固分子会因为这些改革提案而辞职。外研社新世纪〔discharge〕The policeman discharged his gun at the fleeing terrorists.警察朝正在逃跑的恐怖分子开枪。21世纪英汉〔discredit〕Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the mayor.市长与贩毒分子有瓜葛的证据使他名誉扫地。剑桥高阶〔disguised〕The extremists entered the building disguised as medical workers.极端分子伪装成医务工作者进入了大楼。柯林斯高阶〔duplicate〕You've made a duplicate of the original molecule.你已经对原来的分子进行了复制。外研社新世纪〔eggheaded〕Befitting or having the qualities of an intellectual.自以为有学问的:适合或具有知识分子的品质的美国传统〔en masse〕The peace activists marched en masse to the capitol.和平激进分子全体游行到议会大厦美国传统〔enter〕The government had entered into a genuine dialogue with the terrorists.政府已经开始和恐怖分子进行真正的对话。麦克米伦高阶〔fade〕Sympathy for the rebels is beginning to fade.对叛乱分子的同情开始消退。外研社新世纪〔fiercely〕The town was captured after a fierce battle with rebels at the weekend.该镇在周末与叛乱分子一番激战后被攻占。柯林斯高阶〔finished〕The rebels' ammunition is almost finished and it is only a matter of time before they surrender.叛乱分子的弹药就快耗尽了,他们投降只是时间问题。剑桥高阶〔formula〕We had to learn chemical formulas at school, but I can only remember H2O for water.我们上学时都得学习化学分子式,但是我现在只记得得 H2O 代表的是水。剑桥高阶〔fortress〕Fear of terrorist attack has turned the conference centre into a fortress.由于害怕恐怖分子袭击,会议中心已变成了堡垒。牛津高阶〔frustrate〕Activists and reformers are frustrated by the public's lack of interest.公众缺乏兴趣使积极分子和改革推进者们备受打击。麦克米伦高阶〔gulf〕It is hoped that the peace plan will bridge the gulf (= reduce the very large difference) between the government and the rebels.人们希望和平计划能够缩小政府和叛乱分子之间的分歧。剑桥高阶〔gun〕Two armed men held a gun to his head and made him empty the safe.两名武装分子用枪指着他的头,让他把保险柜中的东西全拿了出来。牛津搭配〔hard core〕An intractable core or nucleus of a society, especially one that is stubbornly resistant to improvement or change.铁杆分子:社会中的难以驾驭的核心或中心,尤其是顽固地反对进步或变化的人美国传统〔hardliner〕Unionist hardliners warned the U.S. President he would not be welcome.统一派强硬分子警告美国总统,他是不会受欢迎的。柯林斯高阶〔heckler〕There were several hecklers at the rally.集会上有几个捣乱分子。韦氏高阶〔hold〕Terrorists are holding the passengers hostage.恐怖分子扣押这些乘客当人质。韦氏高阶〔hunt sb/sth down〕The terrorists must be hunted down and brought to justice.必须把恐怖分子缉拿归案、绳之以法。剑桥高阶〔hydrogenolysis〕The breaking of a chemical bond in an organic molecule with the simultaneous addition of a hydrogen atom to each of the resulting molecular fragments.分解氢:一个有机体分子中的化学键的断裂,同时给每个产生的分子分裂物加一个氢原子美国传统〔ill-equipped〕The rebels were ill-equipped to cope with Western weapons and forces.叛乱分子的装备不足,不能和西方国家的武器和兵力相抗衡。朗文当代〔monomolecular〕Of or relating to a single molecule.单分子的:一分子的或与单个分子有关的美国传统〔mow〕Terrorists mowed down 15 people in one attack.恐怖分子在一次攻击中扫杀了十五人。文馨英汉〔murder〕In the last year, terrorists have murdered several local journalists.去年,恐怖分子杀害了几名当地记者。剑桥高阶〔opportunist〕Voters dislike opportunists – politicians who change their policies according to opinion polls.选民不喜欢机会主义分子,即那些根据民意调查的结果来改变方针的政治家。朗文当代〔optical activity〕A property caused by asymmetrical molecular structure that enables a substance to rotate the plane of incident polarized light.旋光性:由不对称分子结构引起的特性,它能使物质旋转产生极光美国传统〔oxide〕Atoms of iron in the nail combine with atoms of oxygen from the air to form molecules of iron oxide, or rust.钉子里的铁原子与空气中的氧原子结合后形成氧化铁分子,也就是锈。柯林斯高阶〔oxygenase〕An oxidoreductase that catalyzes the incorporation of molecular oxygen into its substrate.氧酶:对有机化合物与分子氧反应起催化作用的一种酶美国传统〔paramilitary〕Loyalist paramilitaries were blamed for the shooting.非法军事组织中的死硬分子被视为这起枪击事件的罪魁祸首。柯林斯高阶〔particulate matter〕Material suspended in the air in the form of minute solid particles or liquid droplets, especially when considered as an atmospheric pollutant.粒状物质:悬浮于空气中以固体或液体微分子状存在的物质,尤指大气污染物美国传统〔parton〕A hypothetical elementary particle believed to be a constituent of hadrons.部分子:一种假定的元素粒子,被认为是强子的组成部分美国传统〔peacenik〕His campaign attracted the support of feminists, peaceniks and ecologists.他发起的运动得到了女权主义者、反战分子和生态学家的支持。柯林斯高阶〔pin〕The rebels have been pinned down in a camp to the south of the river.叛乱分子已被火力压制在河南岸的营地里。朗文当代〔plant〕Terrorists planted a bomb in the bus station.恐怖分子在公交车站安放了一枚炸弹。韦氏高阶〔potent〕Surprise remains the terrorists' most potent weapon.突袭仍是恐怖分子最强有力的武器。剑桥高阶〔purge〕The organization has been purged of many of its active members.该机构的很多激进分子都被清除出去了。外研社新世纪〔push〕The troops will be deployed in the final push against the insurgents.将部署兵力向叛乱分子发动决定性攻势。外研社新世纪〔quantum mechanics〕Quantum theory, especially the quantum theory of the structure and behavior of atoms and molecules.量子力学:量子理论,尤指原子及分子结构与运动的量子理论美国传统〔random〕The gang picked their victims at random.这帮犯罪分子随意选择对象下手。朗文当代〔rebel〕The government captured six armed rebels.政府抓获了六名武装叛乱分子。韦氏高阶〔responsibility〕Terrorists have claimed responsibility for (= stated that they caused) yesterday's bomb attack.恐怖分子声称他们对昨天的炸弹袭击事件负责。剑桥高阶〔right〕He's a man of the far (= extreme) right.他是一个极右翼分子。剑桥高阶〔sabotage〕The pipeline supplying water was sabotaged by rebels.供水管道遭到了叛乱分子的蓄意破坏。外研社新世纪〔softly〕The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals.总统说这一举措对犯罪分子过于宽容,力度太小。柯林斯高阶〔stockpile〕The rebels have been stockpiling weapons.叛乱分子一直在储备武器。剑桥高阶〔tetratomic〕Having four atoms per molecule.四原子的:每个分子有四个原子的美国传统〔throne〕Left-wing revolutionaries toppled the king from his throne.左翼革命分子推翻了国王的统治。牛津搭配〔torch〕The rioters torched the local library.骚乱分子纵火烧了当地的图书馆。外研社新世纪〔use〕He was charged with having information likely to be of use to terrorists.他被控掌握着对恐怖分子可能有用的信息。朗文当代〔valence〕Immunology The number of components of an antigen molecule to which an antibody molecule can bind.【免疫学】 效价:能和抗体分子结合的抗原分子的组成成分的数目美国传统〔way station〕The city has become a way station for travelling insurgents and foreign fighters.该城市已成为流亡叛乱分子和外国武装分子的一个中途停留地。外研社新世纪〔weed out〕A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks. We must weed them out as soon as possible.队伍中混入了一小撮新纳粹分子,我们必须尽快将其清除。柯林斯高阶〔worry〕They worry that extremists might gain control.他们担心极端分子可能会取得控制权。柯林斯高阶About 100,000 men, women and children were gassed by these Fascists. 大约十万男人,女人以及小孩被这些法西斯分子用毒气杀害。译典通He cultivated Latin America's leftists and ultra-leftists.他培养出了拉丁美洲的左翼分子和极左派。剑桥国际He used to be very right-wing, but he's undergone something of a conversion recently.他过去是个极右翼分子,但最近有些转变。剑桥国际In his speech, the politician criticized what he called ‘the deviant minorities’in society.讲话中,政客批评了社会上他所谓的“少数越轨分子”。剑桥国际It is a widely held axiom that governments should not negotiate with terrorists.政府不应与恐怖分子谈判是普遍接受的公理。剑桥国际Political irresolution and military doubts created a climate of inaction and strengthened the rebels’defiance.政治上的优柔寡断及军事上的举棋不定,形成了一种毫无作为的局面,加强了反叛分子的不服。剑桥国际The authorities launched a massive manhunt, and were able to catch them in one clean sweep. 有关单位对于恐怖分子展开了大规模的追缉,终于将他们一网打尽。译典通The mosque/shrine/temple had been desecrated by vandals.清真寺/神殿/神庙已被破坏分子亵渎。剑桥国际The radicals swept all the seats on the committee.激进分子轻易地获取了委员会的所有席位。剑桥国际The statement said there would be no end to the violence until the terrorists demands were met.声明说,恐怖分子的要求不满足,暴力就不会停止。剑桥国际The terrorist attack was a sharp reminder of how dangerous the world can be.恐怖分子的袭击清楚地提醒人们这个世界有多么危险。剑桥国际These fanatics are in deadly earnest (=completely serious) when they say they want to destroy all forms of government.这些狂热分子在说他们要摧毁所有形式的政府时,神情极为严肃。剑桥国际These two terrorists were canonized as martyrs after they died. 这两位恐怖分子在死后被封为圣徒。译典通




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