

单词 分离主义
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Black Nationalist〕A member of a group of militant Black people who urge separatism from white people and the establishment of self-governing Black communities.黑人民族主义者:黑人好战团体成员之一,力主脱离白人的分离主义及确立黑人团体自治美国传统〔EXTREME〕Hardline separatists have rejected the proposed constitution. 态度强硬的分离主义者拒绝了所提议的宪法。朗文写作活用〔EXTREME〕His government has supplied weapons to fanatical separatist groups abroad. 他的政府向国外狂热的分离主义组织提供了武器。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The economic crisis and the threat from separatist guerrillas led to a military takeover. 经济危机和分离主义游击队的威胁导致了军事接管。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Kurdish separatists have abducted a Japanese tourist and are demanding money for his safe return. 库尔德分离主义分子劫持了一名日本游客,并索要赎金以换取安全释放人质。朗文写作活用〔integrity〕Separatist movements are a threat to the integrity of the nation.分离主义运动对国家统一是个威胁。柯林斯高阶〔integrity〕Separatist movements are a threat to the integrity of the nation.分离主义运动对该国的统一构成威胁。外研社新世纪〔rack〕The country is now racked by three violent separatist movements.这个国家目前正被3场激烈的分离主义运动所困扰。柯林斯高阶〔secessionist〕Lithuanian secessionists立陶宛的分离主义者外研社新世纪〔secessionist〕The government is trying to crush a secessionist movement.政府正试图镇压一场分离主义运动。外研社新世纪〔separate〕Separate churches.分离主义派教会美国传统〔separationist〕A separatist.分离主义者美国传统〔separatist〕Basque separatists 巴斯克分离主义者麦克米伦高阶〔separatist〕Basque separatists.巴斯克分离主义者美国传统〔separatist〕One who advocates cultural, ethnic, or racial separation.分离主义者:拥护文化、种族或人种分离的人美国传统〔separatist〕One who secedes or advocates separation, especially from an established church; a sectarian or separationist.分离主义者:脱离或拥护分离的人,尤指从固定的教会中分离;宗派心强的人或分离主义者美国传统〔white separatist〕One who advocates the creation of a society in which whites live separately from other races or from which nonwhite races are excluded.白人分离主义者:倡导成立将白种人与其它人种分开居住或是将非白人人种隔离在外的社会美国传统At present, the separatist-led army has occupied the capital. 目前,分离主义者领导的叛军已占领首都。译典通I consider myself a feminist, but I hate the labels and separatism.我认为自己是个女权主义者,但我憎恨形形色色的标签以及分离主义。剑桥国际Separatists often resort to chicanery to expound their viewpoints. 分离主义者经常诉诸狡辩来阐述他们的观点。译典通The separatists are fighting for independence for their country.分离主义者在为他们的国家独立而奋斗。剑桥国际There is resentful talk about how “women's centres have been taken over by radical separatists”.关于“妇女中心如何被激进的分离主义者所接管”的问题有一场愤慨的讨论。剑桥国际




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