

单词 光线
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRIGHT〕Reading in poor light is very bad for the eyes. 在光线不佳的地方看书对眼睛伤害极大。朗文写作活用〔BRIGHT〕The light isn't good here. Go stand by the window. 这儿光线不足,站到窗边去。朗文写作活用〔BRIGHT〕The restaurant has a romantic atmosphere with soft lights and background music. 那家餐馆内光线柔和,放着悠扬的背景音乐,有一种浪漫的情调。朗文写作活用〔BRIGHT〕To avoid eye problems, make sure that your desk is well-lit. 要避免眼睛出现毛病,就要确保书桌上有充足的光线。朗文写作活用〔DARK〕He urged the mule forward through the half-light of the forest. 他赶着骡子穿过光线灰暗的树林。朗文写作活用〔DARK〕I want to take some photographs before the light fades. 光线暗下来之前我要拍几张照片。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕The sun's rays can penetrate the sea to a depth of twenty metres. 太阳光线可照射到大海20米深处。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕Even though it was dark, she could tell it was him. 尽管光线很暗,她还是能认出那是他。朗文写作活用〔SHINE/SHINY〕Jewels glittered in the dim light of the cave. 珠宝在山洞里昏暗的光线下闪闪发光。朗文写作活用〔absorb〕Anything black absorbs most of the light rays that fall on it.任何黑色的东西都能吸收照射到它上面的大部分光线。英汉大词典〔acclimatization〕The physiological adaptation of an animal or a plant to changes in climate or environment, such as light, temperature, or altitude.适应气候:动物或植物在生理上对气候或环境的变化,比如光线,气温或高度变化的适应美国传统〔adjust〕He tried to adjust his eyes to the dim light.他试图使眼睛适应昏暗的光线。外研社新世纪〔amber〕A burst of sunshine sent a beam of amber light through the window.破云而出的阳光透过窗户送来一束琥珀色的光线。柯林斯高阶〔appeal against〕Our captain appealed against the light.我们队长以光线太暗吁请裁判中止比赛。21世纪英汉〔arrow〕Lights arrowed down into the airport.缕缕光线往机场泻下。英汉大词典〔balance〕Now the light outside almost balanced that in the room.这时室外光线同室内光线几乎同样了。英汉大词典〔beam〕He beamed the light towards the low back part of the cave.他将光线照向洞穴后部的低洼处。外研社新世纪〔bounce〕Your arms and legs need protection from light bouncing off glass.需要保护你的手臂和双腿免受玻璃反射光线的照射。柯林斯高阶〔bright〕The bedroom faced south and was bright and cheerful.卧室朝南, 光线充足, 非常惬意。外研社新世纪〔brownish〕You can't see in this light, but my new coat is a sort of brownish colour.这种光线下你看不清楚,其实我的新外衣带棕色。牛津高阶〔by〕There is not enough light to read by.看书的光线不足。英汉大词典〔chink〕A light shone through a chink in the curtains.光线从窗帘的缝隙中照射进来。麦克米伦高阶〔chink〕I noticed a chink of light at the end of the corridor.我注意到走廊尽头的一缕光线。柯林斯高阶〔cocoon〕He stood there in a cocoon of golden light.他站在那儿, 全身笼罩在金色的光线中。外研社新世纪〔converge〕Its rays are converged on a point.它的光线集中于一点。21世纪英汉〔crack〕Light came through the cracks in the walls of the barn.光线从畜棚墙上的缝隙中透进来。韦氏高阶〔dark〕A place having little or no light.黑暗之处:光线很弱或没有光线的地方美国传统〔dark〕Reflecting only a small fraction of incident light.光线微弱的:反射入射光的仅一小部分的美国传统〔diffuser〕A light fixture, such as a frosted globe, that spreads light evenly.均匀散射灯:灯光装置,例如磨砂灯泡,可均匀地散播光线美国传统〔diffuser〕A medium that scatters light, used in photography to soften shadows.漫散屏,柔光屏:散射光线的介质,用在摄影中使背景柔和美国传统〔diffuse〕A cold, diffuse light filtered in through the skylight.一道冰冷的光线透过天窗漫射进来。柯林斯高阶〔diffuse〕The light diffused into the room.光线漫射入房间。21世纪英汉〔dreamy〕The windows cast a dreamy light in the room.窗户将柔和的光线洒进了房间。朗文当代〔eclipse〕By lighting the picture but not the wall, you will create an eclipse of light around the painting, drawing attention to it.只照亮画而不照亮其四周的墙, 这样就会使这幅画四周的光线变暗, 从而把人的注意力吸引到画上。外研社新世纪〔effect〕The light was ghastly and did not show Mrs. Novak to good effect.光线阴惨惨的,没能充分显出诺瓦克太太的姿容。英汉大词典〔entry〕Make sure the entry is well lit.确保入口处光线充足。外研社新世纪〔ethereal〕The windows give the church an ethereal glow.光线透过窗户给教堂送来了天上之光。韦氏高阶〔fadable〕The light faded as the sun went down.太阳落山后光线变弱了。21世纪英汉〔faded〕Seaton lay on his bed and gazed at the ceiling as the light faded.光线渐渐暗了下去,西顿躺在床上,凝视着天花板。柯林斯高阶〔filter〕Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the cherry tree.光线透过樱桃树柔和的绿阴隐约照进我的厨房。柯林斯高阶〔filter〕The amount of light filtering down into the hold was small.透过甲板照射进底舱的光线很少。外研社新世纪〔flatness〕The grey light and the flatness of the river made it hard to work out distances.光线暗淡, 河面水平, 很难测出距离。外研社新世纪〔flood〕I opened the curtains and light flooded into the room.我拉开窗帘,光线泻满了房间。麦克米伦高阶〔flood〕Light flooded the room.这个房间光线充足。韦氏高阶〔friend〕Bright light is the painter's best friend.明亮的光线对画家是最有用的。英汉大词典〔half-light〕In the dim half-light of evening, I was unable to tell whether it was Mary or her sister.在夜晚昏暗的光线下,我分不清那是玛丽还是她妹妹。剑桥高阶〔half-light〕The soft, subdued light seen at dusk or dawn or in dimly lit interiors.半强度的光:通常在黄昏、破晓或室内光照弱的时候出现的柔和灰暗的光线美国传统〔hue〕The same hue will look different in different light.同一颜色在不同的光线下看起来会有所不同。柯林斯高阶〔indirect lighting〕Illumination by reflected or diffused light.间接照明:用反射或散射的光线来照明的一种方法美国传统〔let in〕There is no glass in the front door to let in light.前门没有玻璃, 光线照不进来。外研社新世纪〔light adaptation〕The process, chiefly involving constriction of the pupil, by which the eye adapts to an increase in illumination.光适应:在光线变强的情况下眼睛的调节,主要包括瞳孔的收缩美国传统〔light〕Could you move to the left a little – you're standing in my light.你能往左边移一移吗 — 你挡住了我的光线。朗文当代〔light〕He looked around in the dim light.他在暗淡的光线中环顾四周。英汉大词典〔light〕The bedroom was big and light.卧室很大而且光线充足。外研社新世纪〔light〕The knife gleamed as it caught the light(= as the light shone on it).刀子被光线一照闪闪发亮。牛津高阶〔light〕We could hardly see the ball in the failing light.光线越来越暗,我们几乎看不见球。牛津搭配〔light〕Will you please move? You're standing in my light. 请你让开些好吗? 你挡住我的光线了。英汉大词典〔model〕In painting, drawing, and photography, to give a three-dimensional appearance to, as by shading or highlighting.使…具立体感:在油画、绘画或摄影中,通过造型或强烈光线照射表现立体的外观美国传统〔mute〕The green-tinted windows muted the light flowing from the small room.绿色的玻璃窗使从小房间里照射出来的光线不那么耀眼。英汉大词典〔night vision〕Vision in dim light.夜视:微弱光线中的视觉美国传统〔nothing〕The light faded away to nothing.光线慢慢变暗, 逐渐消失不见了。外研社新世纪〔optical fiber〕A flexible optically transparent fiber, usually made of glass or plastic, through which light can be transmitted by successive internal reflections.光学纤维:一种有弹性的而且视觉透明的纤维,通常由玻璃或塑料制成,通过内部连续的反射可以传递光线美国传统〔overexpose〕Unfortunately the light was too bright and my pictures were all overexposed.可惜的是,光线太强,我的照片全部曝光过度。剑桥高阶〔perfuse〕His study is perfused with radiance.他的书房充满了光线。21世纪英汉〔perfuse〕To coat or permeate with liquid, color, or light; suffuse.使洒遍:用液体、颜料或光线履盖或渗透;布满美国传统〔photochemical smog〕Air pollution produced by the action of sunlight on hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutants.光化烟雾:由光线与碳氢化合物、氮氧化合物和其它污染物质反应而产生的大气污染美国传统〔phototherapy〕The treatment of a disorder, especially of the skin, by exposure to light, including ultraviolet and infrared radiation.光线疗法,光照疗法:通过暴露在光下对疾病的治疗方法,尤指皮肤病,包括紫外线和红外线治疗美国传统〔phototoxic〕Rendering the skin susceptible to damage by light. Used of certain medications and cosmetics.光毒的:使皮肤易受光线损害的。用于一些药物和化妆品美国传统〔pierce〕The men's lanterns pierced through the dense mist.男人们手中灯笼的光线穿透了浓雾。朗文当代〔play ... out〕The game was played out althongh the light was bad.虽然光线不佳,比赛还是坚持到底。21世纪英汉〔play〕The game was played out although the light was bad.虽然光线不佳,比赛还是坚持到底。英汉大词典〔real〕Physics Of, relating to, or being an image formed by light rays that converge in space.【物理学】 实像的:属于或与空间会聚光线形成的影像有关的美国传统〔refraction〕The ability of the eye to bend light so that an image is focused on the retina.眼睛的折射力:眼睛折射光线的能量,从而使物体形象集中于视网膜上美国传统〔refract〕Light is refracted when it hits water.光线进入水中会被折射。韦氏高阶〔rod〕Anatomy Any of various rod-shaped cells in the retina that respond to dim light.【解剖学】 视网膜:视网膜里的一种对昏暗的光线可作出反应的杆状细胞美国传统〔see〕Cats have the ability to see in very dim light.猫能在极暗淡的光线下看见东西。英汉大词典〔shade〕Light diminished in intensity as a result of the interception of the rays; partial darkness.阴影:因光线被截断导致的光亮强度减弱;部分黑暗美国传统〔shimmer〕A flickering or tremulous light; a glimmer.闪烁不定的光线,闪光美国传统〔show〕The harsh light showed up the lines on her face.在耀眼的光线下,她脸上的皱纹清晰可见。牛津高阶〔sleep〕Botany The folding together of leaflets or petals at night or in the absence of light.【植物学】 夜间闭合:夜间或没有光线时小叶片或花瓣的闭合现象美国传统〔sliver〕A sliver of light fell across Sue's bed.一束光线照在休的床上。麦克米伦高阶〔softly〕The room was softly lit by a lamp.屋里点着一盏灯,光线很柔和。牛津高阶〔speed〕The length of time required or permitted for a camera shutter to open and admit light.暴光的时间:照相机快门打开并让光线进入所需的或能允许的时间长度美国传统〔strain〕You'll strain your eyes trying to read in this light.在这样的光线下看书会弄坏眼睛的。朗文当代〔streak〕The last streaks of light faded from the sky.天空中最后几缕光线消失了。牛津搭配〔stream〕A beam or ray of light.光线或光束美国传统〔strike〕Her hair looks red when light strikes it.当光线照射在她头发上时,她的头发看上去是红的。麦克米伦高阶〔virtual focus〕The point from which divergent rays of reflected or refracted light seem to have emanated, as from the image of a point in a plane mirror.虚焦点:似乎发出分散的反射光线或折射光线的点,如同从平面镜的一像点发出一般美国传统〔watery〕A watery light began to show through the branches.一缕淡淡的光线开始透过树枝。外研社新世纪I saw the blade of an open knife shine in his hand in the torchlight.在电筒的光线下我看到一把打开的小刀的刀锋在他的手中闪闪发亮。剑桥国际In the dim half-light of evening, I was unable to tell whether it was Mary or her sister.在夜晚昏暗的光线下,我不能辨别那是玛丽还是她妹妹。剑桥国际In through the window came the last few oblique rays of evening sunshine.最后几束夕阳光线透过窗子斜斜地射了进来。剑桥国际My eyes were blinded by the direct rays of light. 在光线的直射下,我看不清楚东西。译典通Our bedroom was very dark until we put a larger window in.我们的卧室光线很暗,直到安了扇大点的窗户后才好些。剑桥国际Pulling down the window shades subdued the light in the room. 拉下窗帘使房间的光线变暗了。译典通Reading in a dim light is bad for the eyes. 在暗淡的光线下看书有损视力。译典通Staff evacuated passengers from the underground train by torchlight through the tunnel to the station.车组人员靠着电筒的光线让乘客穿过隧道从地铁撤离到了车站。剑桥国际The light is too dim for me to read. 光线太暗,我无法看书。译典通The mountain was visible only in outline as the light faded.光线 暗下去了, 只看得见山的轮廓。剑桥国际We could just pick out the path in the weak beam of the (Br and Aus usually) torch/(Am) flashlight.我们刚巧能够在手电筒发出的微弱的光线下辨清道路。剑桥国际




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