

单词 信者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cassandra〕One that utters unheeded prophecies.发表预言而不被采信者美国传统〔Hermes〕The god of commerce, invention, cunning, and theft, who also served as messenger, scribe, and herald for the other gods.赫尔墨斯:商业、发明、灵巧之神,盗贼的保护神,也是众神的信使、书吏及报信者美国传统〔Monophysite〕An adherent of the doctrine that in the person of Jesus there was but a single, divine nature. Coptic and Syrian Christians profess this doctrine.基督一性论者:坚信基督只有一个神性的教义的笃信者。科普特教派和叙利亚基督教派宣扬此教义美国传统〔apostate〕One who practices apostasy.背教者,变节者,脱党者,背信者美国传统〔correspondent〕One who communicates by means of letters.通信者:通过信件与人交流的人美国传统〔courier〕A messenger, especially one on official diplomatic business.信使:送信者,尤指官方外交事务中的信使美国传统〔epistolary〕Her diligence as a correspondent prevented any but epistolary writing.作为一个勤奋的通信者, 她只写书信, 不写别的。外研社新世纪〔form letter〕A usually impersonal letter in a standardized format that may be sent to different people or to large numbers of recipients.打印信件:一种格式统一的信件,通常不是私人信函,可送给不同的人或一大批收信者美国传统〔herald〕A person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger.使者:传送或宣布重要消息的人;送信者美国传统〔offer〕The police are offering a reward for any information.警方向通风报信者提供赏金。朗文当代〔proselytism〕The state of being a proselyte.成为改信者:改变宗教信仰的人的状态美国传统〔sloppy〕Spelling mistakes always look sloppy in a formal letter.在正式信函中出现拼写错误总让人感觉写信者草率马虎。剑桥高阶〔unbeliever〕One who lacks belief or faith, especially in a particular religion; a nonbeliever.不轻信的人:无宗教信仰者,不信者美国传统I'm a terrible correspondent--I never seem to get the time to write.我是个糟糕的写信者----我好像从来就没空写信。剑桥国际




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