

单词 使过
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔antiquate〕To make obsolete or old-fashioned.使成为旧式,使过时美国传统〔date〕To become old-fashioned.使过时,使落后美国传统〔fossilize〕To make outmoded or inflexible with time; antiquate.使(思想)陈旧:使随时间变得陈旧或僵化;使过时美国传统〔intact〕Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.即使过了两百年,这房子的大部份还保持完好。牛津高阶〔irritant〕Pollen is an irritant, causing red and sore eyes in sensitive people.花粉有刺激性,会使过敏的人眼睛红肿疼痛。剑桥高阶〔outdate〕To replace or make obsolete or old-fashioned.使过时:取代、使过时或使变得老式美国传统〔outmode〕To cause to become unfashionable or obsolete.使过时:使变得过时或老式美国传统〔overdrive〕To drive (a vehicle) too far or too long.驱使过度:驱使车辆过远或过久美国传统〔overflow〕An outlet or a vent through which excess liquid may escape.溢流口,溢流管:能使过剩的液体流出去的出口或漏洞美国传统〔overgraze〕To permit animals to graze (vegetational cover) excessively, to the detriment of the vegetation.使过度放牧:让动物过度地吃(植物丛林),到了有害于植物的程度美国传统〔overheat〕To cause to become excited, agitated, or overstimulated.使过分激动:使变得兴奋、不安烦恼或使过于激动美国传统〔overheat〕To heat too much.使过热:把…加热过度美国传统〔overload〕To load too heavily.使超载,使过载美国传统〔overproportion〕To make larger and out of proportion to what is normal, desired, or appropriate.使大得不相称:使过大而超出了正常的、理想的或适当的比例美国传统〔overrefine〕To refine beyond a desired or appropriate point.使过分精炼:精炼得超过了理想的或适合的限度美国传统〔oversimplify〕To simplify to the point of causing misrepresentation, misconception, or error.使过分简单化:简单到了引起曲解、误会或错误的程度美国传统〔overwork〕To force to work too hard or too long.使工作过度:迫使过度工作或过久工作美国传统〔pall〕To cloy; satiate.使生腻;使过饱美国传统〔perversion〕The past has been scarred by countless perversions of justice.无数次对正义的歪曲使过去的岁月伤痕累累。外研社新世纪〔perversion〕The past has been scarred by countless perversions of justice.无数的是非颠倒使过去的岁月伤痕累累。柯林斯高阶〔sensitize〕To make hypersensitive or reactive to an antigen, such as pollen, especially by a second or repeated exposure.使过敏:使…对抗尿过敏或敏感,例如花粉,过敏或反应,尤指通过第二次或重复的暴露美国传统〔sex〕The Prime Minister denied that he had asked anyone to sex up the report.首相否认他指使过任何人改动这份报告。朗文当代〔stretch〕To wrench or strain (a muscle, for example).使过度紧张:扭曲或使(例如肌肉)变紧张美国传统〔supercool〕To cool (a liquid) below a transition temperature without the transition occurring, especially to cool below the freezing point without solidification.使过冷:使(液体)冷却到转变温度以下而不发生转变,尤指使冷却到凝固点以下而不发生凝固美国传统〔superheat〕To heat (a liquid) above its boiling point without causing vaporization.使过热:对(液体)加热到沸点而不导致蒸发美国传统〔superheat〕To heat (steam or other vapor not in contact with its own liquid) beyond its saturation point at a given pressure.使过度加热:在一定压力下把(不接触液体的水蒸气或其它蒸气)加热到超过它的饱和点美国传统〔supersaturate〕To cause (a chemical solution) to be more highly concentrated than is normally possible under given conditions of temperature and pressure.使过饱和:使(化学溶液)在一定的温度和压强条件下,比正常可能的饱和程度更为饱和美国传统〔surcharge〕To fill beyond usual capacity; overfill.使充满:使满得超出了通常容量;使过满美国传统〔sweat〕To cause to work excessively; overwork.使过度工作;工作过度美国传统〔task〕To overburden with labor; tax.使过于劳累;使费力美国传统〔thin out〕You should thin out crowded seedlings.你应该使过密的幼苗间隔稀疏些。外研社新世纪〔trying〕Causing strain, hardship, or distress.费劲的,难受的:使过度紧张的、劳累的或苦恼的美国传统〔undercool〕To supercool.使过度冷却美国传统〔wiredraw〕To treat (a subject, for example) with great length, excessive detail, or overrefinement; spin out.使过分细致;使延长:把(如一个话题)拖得太长;使过分琐细;过细地琢磨;把…拉长美国传统A second honeymoon is a way of revitalizing a marriage through fun, frolics and romance--qualities experienced in the early days.第二次蜜月是使过去经历的兴奋、快乐、罗曼蒂克婚后生活复苏的方法。剑桥国际Doubts about the government's policies are being expressed even by people who have been supportive (= have approved) of the government in the past.即使过去支持政府的人现在也对其政策表示怀疑。剑桥国际




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