

单词 决不是
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕Learning another language is never easy, but if you work at it you'll soon get results. 学习外语决不是件容易的事,但如果你努力钻研,很快就会有收效的。朗文写作活用〔accidental〕The murder was meticulously planned; there was nothing accidental about it.谋杀经过精心策划,决不是偶然的。英汉大词典〔accident〕It was no accident (quite an accident) that...…决不是偶然(完全是偶然)的。英汉大词典〔advertisement〕Dirty streets are no advertisement for a prosperous society.肮脏的街道决不是繁荣社会的景象。牛津高阶〔anything〕Berg was anything but a scientist.伯格决不是个科学家。英汉大词典〔coincidence〕It was no coincidence that the two disappeared on the same day.二人在同一天失踪决不是偶然的。英汉大词典〔guarantee〕Wealth is no guarantee of happiness.财富决不是幸福的保证。英汉大词典〔makeweight〕She may be the youngest member of the team, but she's no makeweight.她可能是队里最年轻的成员,但决不是凑数的人。剑桥高阶〔nisi〕The decree is nisi and not absolute.本判决不是最后和绝对的。英汉大词典〔no〕This is no place for a child.这决不是小孩子去的地方。英汉大词典〔random〕The pause in speech is by no means of random occurrence.言谈中的停顿决不是随机发生的。英汉大词典〔rather〕The old man is no coward; rather, he is a man of high spirit.这老汉决不是懦夫,而是个勇敢的人。英汉大词典〔reflection〕These comments are no reflection on your motives.这些议论决不是在批评你的动机。英汉大词典〔relation〕A hardback at £8 bears no relation to a child's pocket money and little relation to the kind of money that Mum can produce on demand from her handbag.售价8英镑的精装书决不是一个孩子的零用钱所能支付的,就是要妈妈从钱包里一下子掏这么些钱也难以办到。英汉大词典〔rigid〕It's no tourist place, I assure you. You'd be bored rigid.我跟你说清楚,这地方决不是旅游胜地,你去了肯定腻烦得要命。英汉大词典〔self〕She didn't do it for any reason of self.她那样做决不是出于私心。牛津高阶〔serious〕She sounded dead serious.听她的口气决不是开玩笑的。朗文当代〔shrug〕That disgrace can never be shrugged off.那种耻辱决不是轻易可洗刷掉的。英汉大词典〔straightforward〕For someone who can't read, shopping is by no means a straightforward matter.对于不识字的人来说,购物决不是一件简单的事情。朗文当代〔timorous〕She was no helpless, timorous female.她决不是柔弱胆怯的女性。朗文当代〔virtue〕She was certainly no paragon of virtue! 她决不是道德高尚的典范!牛津高阶Commentators believe there is no other reason for the latest killings than a renewed wave of bigotry and hatred.评论家们相信最近的一系列杀人案决不是其它原因,而只不过是一轮新的种族歧视和种族仇恨。剑桥国际Disarmament isn't a black-and-white issue for me.裁军问题对我来讲决不是一个非此即彼的问题。剑桥国际He is anything but a liar. 他决不是一个撒谎的人。译典通Somehow I gave the impression that I was interested in his son, which wasn't what I'd intended at all.不知何故,给人的印象是我对他的儿子感兴趣,但这决不是我的初衷。剑桥国际




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