

单词 冲浪运动
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barrel〕The photo shows a surfer riding inside the barrel of a wave.照片里, 一个冲浪运动员正在钻浪管。外研社新世纪〔birthplace〕Hawaii was the birthplace of surfing.夏威夷是冲浪运动的发源地。牛津高阶〔bodysurf〕To ride the waves to shore without a surfboard.徒手冲浪运动:不用冲浪板进行冲浪美国传统〔common sense〕Windsurfing is perfectly safe as long as you have/use some common sense.只要具备/运用些常识,帆板冲浪运动非常安全。剑桥高阶〔curl〕The wave curled over the surfer.波浪从冲浪运动员头上盘旋而过美国传统〔display〕The surfboard riders displayed their tanned physiques.冲浪运动员显露他们被晒成棕褐色的身躯。英汉大词典〔hook〕In surfing, the lip of a breaking wave.浪峰:冲浪运动中一个大波浪的浪尖美国传统〔immensely〕Windsurfing is immensely exciting.风帆冲浪运动非常刺激。外研社新世纪〔impact zone〕The spot on a wave where the water is just about to collapse and explode, the spot of greatest danger to and opportunity for a surfer.撞击区:海浪上水即将崩塌和爆发的那个点,对冲浪运动员来说这既是机会也是很大的危险美国传统〔into〕He's into surfing in a big way.他迷上了冲浪运动。牛津高阶〔skimboard〕A thin, flat, round or rectangular board used in skimboarding.滑水板,冲浪板:薄形、平坦、圆形或是长方形的板子,用作冲浪运动美国传统〔surfboard〕A long, narrow, somewhat rounded board, used for surfing.冲浪板:用于冲浪运动的一种长而窄的有些呈圆形的木板美国传统〔surf〕To engage in surfing.作冲浪运动,冲浪美国传统〔wall〕Sports The vertical surface of an ocean wave in surfing.【体育运动】 浪墙,直立浪:冲浪运动中海浪的重直面美国传统〔windsurf〕To engage in windsurfing.风帆冲浪:参加风帆冲浪运动美国传统〔wipe ... out〕I like surfing,but I wiped out twice yesterday.我喜欢冲浪运动,可昨天我翻到水里两次。21世纪英汉Last summer I made the transition from an ordinary long-board windsurfer to a more dynamic short board.去年夏天我从一个普通的长板风帆冲浪运动员转变成了一个更强有力的短板风帆冲浪者。剑桥国际Surfing (= The sport of riding on waves on special boards) is very popular in California.冲浪运动在加利福尼亚很流行。剑桥国际The waves off the Atlantic coast are bigger so they're better for surfing.大西洋海岸的浪大一些,因此那里更适合冲浪运动。剑桥国际




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