

单词 全能的上帝
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔God〕God Almighty全能的上帝啊;天啊外研社新世纪〔all-powerful〕He denied the existence of an all-powerful God.他否认全能的上帝的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔all-powerful〕She believes in an all-powerful God.她相信全能的上帝。韦氏高阶〔almighty〕Almighty God = God Almighty 全能的上帝韦氏高阶〔almighty〕Almighty God or the Lord Almighty全能的上帝外研社新世纪〔almighty〕Let us now confess our sins to Almighty God.现在让我们向全能的上帝忏悔我们的罪恶。外研社新世纪〔god〕Almighty God/God Almighty (=used in prayers and HYMNS) 全能的上帝〔用于祷词和圣歌中〕朗文当代〔graciously〕May Almighty God graciously vouchsafe to hear the prayers of his people and turn away his judgment from this sinful land!愿全能的上帝仁慈惠赐, 应允听取他的臣民的祷告, 收回他对这片罪孽之地的审判!外研社新世纪〔swear by〕I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.我向全能的上帝起誓, 我所呈证据皆为事实, 毫无保留, 除此之外别无其他。外研社新世纪〔swear〕I swear by almighty God that I will tell the truth.我向全能的上帝起誓,我以下所说句句属实。牛津高阶




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