

单词 全胜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔VOTE〕Richards won a huge victory at the polls. 理查兹在选举中大获全胜。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕Nixon swept to victory by 47 million votes to 29 million. 尼克松以4,700万比3,900万的票数大获全胜。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕Olson scored twice as the Rams swept to victory. 奥尔森两次得分,使公羊队大获全胜。朗文写作活用〔annihilate〕She annihilated her opponent, who failed to win a single game.她大获全胜,对方连一局也没有赢。牛津高阶〔boarded up〕Spain swept the board in boys' team competitions.西班牙队在男子团体比赛中大获全胜。柯林斯高阶〔board〕Spain swept the board in boys' team competitions.在男子团体赛中, 西班牙队大获全胜。外研社新世纪〔by/in a landslide〕She won the election by/in a landslide.她在选举中大获全胜。韦氏高阶〔carry all/everything before you〕This young boxer has the talent to carry all before him.这位年轻的拳击手有实力获得全胜。韦氏高阶〔clean sweep〕The Red Sox won the series in a clean sweep.红袜队在此次联赛中大获全胜。韦氏高阶〔clean sweep〕The election was a clean sweep for local Democratic candidates.当地的民主党候选人在竞选中大获全胜。韦氏高阶〔clean〕All the polls had pointed to a clean sweep for the Democrats, 所有民意调查都显示民主党将大获全胜。朗文当代〔clean〕Hopes that the French would make a clean sweep at the Games were dashed.法国在运动会上大获全胜的希望破灭了。朗文当代〔clean〕The opinion poll suggests a clean sweep for the Democrats.民意测验表明民主党有可能大获全胜。牛津高阶〔clinic〕Holmes put on a boxing clinic (= gave a very good performance) and beat Shavers twelve out of twelve rounds.霍姆斯在 12 个回合中全胜谢弗斯,如同上了一堂拳击训练课。牛津搭配〔complacently〕The Republicans complacently assumed that Clinton's endless humiliations would result in landslides for them.共和党想满以为让克林顿颜面扫地的事没完没了, 自己会大获全胜。外研社新世纪〔comprehensive〕The visitors completed a comprehensive victory six minutes from time.客队在六分钟前大获全胜。外研社新世纪〔credentials〕She had excellent credentials for the job.她资历出众,完全胜任这项工作。牛津搭配〔deliver〕The team delivered a stunning victory last night.昨晚这个队不负众望,大获全胜。牛津高阶〔election〕The party swept Turkish elections in November.该党在土耳其 11 月的选举中大获全胜。牛津搭配〔finest hour〕The troops triumphed in our country's finest hour.我们的军队在国家的辉煌时期大获全胜。韦氏高阶〔fit〕Everything in his background fitted him for a diplomatic career.他的背景使他完全胜任外交工作。麦克米伦高阶〔fit〕His experience fitted him perfectly for the job.他的经验使他完全胜任这项工作。牛津高阶〔game〕It was game, set, and match for Serena Williams today in the women's single finals at Wimbledon.在今天温布尔登女单决赛中, 塞雷娜•威廉姆斯大获全胜。外研社新世纪〔gammon〕A victory in backgammon reached before the loser has succeeded in removing a single piece.全胜:在西洋十五子棋戏中对方一个棋子还没赢之前获胜美国传统〔gammon〕To defeat in backgammon by scoring a gammon.在十五子棋中全胜对方美国传统〔going away〕They seemed to score at will in the final period and the Knicks won going away.在比赛最后阶段,他们打得十分顺利,仿佛随心所欲地得分,最终,尼克斯队大获全胜。剑桥高阶〔goods〕We expected great things of the England team, but on the day they simply failed to deliver the goods.我们本指望英格兰队大获全胜,可那天他们真是有负众望。牛津高阶〔go〕We're going all out for a big win in Saturday's game.我们会竭尽全力争取在星期六的比赛中大获全胜。麦克米伦高阶〔grand slam〕Sports The winning of all the major or specified events, especially on a professional circuit.【体育运动】 大满贯,全胜:在所有重大的或特定的赛事中获胜,尤指在职业巡回赛上美国传统〔grand slam〕Wales won the Grand Slam.威尔士队大获全胜。朗文当代〔grand slam〕Will France win the grand slam this year?(= in rugby) 法国队在今年的橄榄球比赛中会大获全胜吗?牛津高阶〔inspire〕His superb play inspired the team to a thrill ing 5–0 win.他的出色表现使球队士气大振,以 5:0 大获全胜。牛津高阶〔kick ass〕Our team kicked ass in the soccer tournament.我们队在足球联赛中大获全胜。韦氏高阶〔kick butt〕Our team kicked butt in the soccer tournament.我们队在足球联赛中大获全胜。韦氏高阶〔landslide〕He won last month's election by a landslide.他在上个月的选举中大获全胜。外研社新世纪〔landslide〕Her party won a landslide victory in the 1990 general election.她的政党在1990年的普选中大获全胜。麦克米伦高阶〔landslide〕The opinion polls are predicting a landslide for the Republicans in next week's election.民意调查预测共和党将在下周的选举中大获全胜。剑桥高阶〔mandate〕He won the election so convincingly that he believed he had been given a mandate for change/reform.他在竞选中大获全胜,因此他认为自己被授予了改革的权力。韦氏高阶〔mandate〕He won the election so convincingly that he believed the people had mandated him to carry out his policies.他在竞选中大获全胜,因此他认为人民已授权他实施他的政策。韦氏高阶〔mile〕With a Labour candidate in place they won by a mile.有一个工党的候选人坐镇,他们大获全胜。柯林斯高阶〔notch〕You must notch up a fine victory in the competition.在这次比赛中你一定能大获全胜。21世纪英汉〔outright〕She failed to win an outright victory.她没能大获全胜。外研社新世纪〔outright〕She had failed to win an outright victory.她没能大获全胜。柯林斯高阶〔outright〕She won outright.她大获全胜。朗文当代〔outright〕She won the competition outright.她在竞赛中获得全胜。韦氏高阶〔post〕She is well qualified for the post.她完全胜任那工作。英汉大词典〔score〕The Liberals have scored a dramatic victory in this by-election.自由党人在这次补缺选举中戏剧性地大获全胜。英汉大词典〔seed〕Jones, seeded second, has won her last ten matches.2号种子选手琼斯在过去的10场比赛中保持全胜。剑桥高阶〔spin〕An aide was already spinning the senator's defeat as ‘almost as good as an outright win’.一名助手已经开始将那位参议员的失败描述成“几乎是大获全胜”。牛津高阶〔strength〕The B-side's emphatic victory illustrated Australia's strength in depth.B方的大获全胜表明了澳大利亚队有许多优秀的替补队员。麦克米伦高阶〔sweep the board〕Australia swept the board in the swimming, with gold medals in every race.澳大利亚大获全胜,囊括了游泳项目的所有金牌。剑桥高阶〔sweeping〕The candidate failed to win the sweeping victory he expected.这位候选人没能如愿以偿地大获全胜。剑桥高阶〔sweep〕Last year, Durham swept the board, winning all four team events.去年达勒姆队大获全胜,囊括了所有4个团体项目的冠军。麦克米伦高阶〔sweep〕New Jersey swept Detroit last season.在上个赛季,新泽西队全胜底特律队。牛津高阶〔sweep〕Nixon and Agnew swept to victory with 47 million votes.尼克松和阿格纽以 4700 万张选票大获全胜。朗文当代〔sweep〕The opposition party swept the election.反对党在选举中大获全胜。韦氏高阶〔sweep〕The winning of all stages of a game or contest.大获全胜美国传统〔sweep〕They won the series in a sweep.他们在系列赛中获得全胜。韦氏高阶〔triumphant〕They emerged triumphant in the September election.他们在九月份的选举中大获全胜。牛津高阶〔triumph〕This track has been the setting for some of her greatest triumphs.这条跑道是她数次大获全胜的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔unbeaten〕He's unbeaten in 20 fights.他20战全胜。外研社新世纪〔unbeaten〕He's unbeaten in 20 fights.他20战全胜。柯林斯高阶〔unbeaten〕Manchester United remain unbeaten this season so far.曼联队本赛季到目前为止保持全胜纪录。剑桥高阶〔victory〕Jesse Owens swept to victory in the Olympic Games of 1936.杰西‧欧文斯在1936 年的奥运会中大获全胜。朗文当代〔victory〕The party swept to victory in the 2008 election.该党在 2008 年的大选中大获全胜。牛津搭配Australia swept the board in the swimming, with gold medals in every race.澳大利亚队在游泳项目中大获全胜,囊括了所有比赛的金牌。剑桥国际Her conjecture that the election would be a landslide proved to be true. 她关于选举会大获全胜的推测证明是正确的。译典通His experience fitted him perfectly for the job.他的经验使他完全胜任这个工作。牛津商务Looking at his CV, he should fit the sales job perfectly.看他的履历,他应该完全胜任营销工作。剑桥国际Neither side found it possible to win an outright military victory.双方都觉得不可能获得一场军事上的完全胜利。剑桥国际Scotland's stunning victory avenged last year's humiliating defeat by Wales.苏格兰的大获全胜洗刷了去年败给威尔士的耻辱。剑桥国际The battle culminated in total victory. 这一仗大获全胜。译典通The football team achieved a complete triumph. 足球队大获全胜。译典通Their party swept the board in the election. 他们的党在选举中几乎获全胜。译典通




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