

单词 六岁
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALMOST〕John is three years old and Sally is almost six. 约翰三岁,萨莉快六岁了。朗文写作活用〔CHILD〕Orphaned at the age of six, Laura grew up with her father's relatives. 劳拉六岁成了孤儿,在父亲的亲戚家长大。朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕Erik testified he was sexually abused by his father since the age of 6. 埃里克证实,自六岁起他一直受到父亲的性虐待。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕She finally adopted her foster-child, six-year old Shania. 她最后领养了人家寄养的孩子一六岁的沙妮娅。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕My father was posted to Hong Kong when I was six. 我六岁时父亲被派往香港。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕The six-year-old's talents earned him an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show. 那个六岁儿童的才华使他得到在奥普拉·温弗里节目中出镜的机会。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕She was in her mid-forties, neatly dressed with a quiet air of authority. 她四十五六岁,衣着整洁,神态里带有一种不露声色的威严。朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕Sarah is six years my junior. 萨拉比我小六岁。朗文写作活用〔aged〕They have two children aged six and nine.他们有两个小孩,一个六岁,一个九岁。牛津高阶〔age〕He was only in his mid-thirties, but already worry had aged him.他虽然只有三十五六岁,但忧虑让他很显老。柯林斯高阶〔begin〕His passion for music began at the age of six when he had his first piano lessons.他对音乐的热爱始于六岁时的第一堂钢琴课。韦氏高阶〔begin〕She began school when she was six.她六岁时开始上学。文馨英汉〔boy〕I met a boy in his mid-twenties and we started dating.我遇到了一个二十五六岁的小伙子,然后我们开始约会。麦克米伦高阶〔carry〕I sang solos when I was six because I could carry a tune.我六岁时就唱独唱,因为我能够唱准音调。朗文当代〔child〕She was a child of six.她是个六岁的孩子。外研社新世纪〔debut〕He made his debut as a pianist at the age of six.他六岁时第一次登台演奏钢琴。外研社新世纪〔deepen〕Boys' voices deepen in their early to mid-teens.男孩子十岁出头到十五六岁之间嗓音会变得低沉起来。剑桥高阶〔difference〕There's an age difference of six years between the boys(= one is six years older than the other).这两个男孩的年龄相差六岁。牛津高阶〔divorce〕David's parents divorced when he was six.戴维的父母在他六岁时离婚了。朗文当代〔drink〕At sixteen he could drink me under the table.他十六岁时酒量就胜过我了。外研社新世纪〔début〕He made his debut as a pianist at the age of six.他六岁时第一次登台演奏钢琴。外研社新世纪〔exact〕She's in her mid-thirties—thirty-six to be exact.她三十五岁左右,确切地说是三十六岁。牛津高阶〔fiddle〕He first fiddled in public at the age of six.他六岁时第一次登台演奏小提琴。外研社新世纪〔front〕She was only six and still missing her front teeth.她那时才六岁, 还缺着门牙。外研社新世纪〔glue ear〕Over half of all children in Britain get glue ear at some time before they are 16, and it can lead to permanent hearing loss.超过一半的英国儿童在十六岁之前得过浆液性中耳炎,而这可能导致永久性的失聪。剑桥高阶〔going on〕Their daughter is six years old going on seven.他们的女儿六岁多,快七岁了。韦氏高阶〔going〕The child is six, going on seven years of age.这个孩子现在六岁,快到七岁了美国传统〔hardly〕My parents divorced when I was six, and I hardly knew my father.我六岁时父母离婚,我几乎不认识我父亲。朗文当代〔home〕He left home(= left his parents and began an independent life)at sixteen.他十六岁时离家独立生活。牛津高阶〔home〕She has lived in a home since she was six.她从六岁起就在保育院生活。牛津高阶〔jailbait〕She was sixteen, no longer jailbait.她十六岁,不再是祸水妞了。剑桥高阶〔kindergarten〕A program or class for four-year-old to six-year-old children that serves as an introduction to school.幼儿园:为四岁至六岁儿童提供学前教育的课程或班级美国传统〔leave〕Six-year-old Gemma had been left alone in the house.六岁的杰玛被单独留在了房子里。朗文当代〔lightweight〕By the age of sixteen he was the junior lightweight champion of Poland.他十六岁的时候, 就是波兰的次轻量级拳击冠军了。外研社新世纪〔market〕They plan to market the toy for children aged 2 to 6.他们打算向二至六岁的儿童推销这种玩具。朗文当代〔mental age〕She is sixteen but has a mental age of five.她十六岁,但智力年龄是五岁。牛津高阶〔middle〕He was very successful in his middle forties.他在四十五六岁时很成功。牛津高阶〔mid〕He's in his mid-thirties.他三十五六岁。剑桥高阶〔must〕Well, if you must know, I'm thirty-six.好了,如果你非要知道,我三十六岁了。朗文当代〔next〕Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you're married with three kids.这一带的人十六岁中学毕业,接着就结婚,生三个孩子。牛津高阶〔noteworthy〕It was noteworthy that the violinist was only six years old.值得注意的是那名小提琴手才六岁。文馨英汉〔obsess〕The idea of hunting had obsessed me since I was about six.从六岁左右起, 我就一直对打猎着迷。外研社新世纪〔peewee〕The six-year-old is on a peewee league baseball team.这个六岁的孩子是儿童棒球队成员。剑桥高阶〔phenomenon〕They said the six-year old pianist was quite a phenomenon.他们说那个弹钢琴的六岁小孩子着实是个天才。牛津同义词〔piddle away〕Surely a casino would not allow two 16-year-olds to piddle away their pocket money?赌场当真不会让两个十六岁的人浪费掉他们的零用钱么?外研社新世纪〔play〕Karen began playing basketball when she was six.凯伦六岁时开始打篮球。朗文当代〔quit〕I quit school at 16.我十六岁辍学。朗文当代〔recede〕He was in his mid-forties, with a receding hairline .他四十五六岁,发际往后移。朗文当代〔receive into〕She was received into the Christian church at the age of sixteen.她十六岁时加入了基督教。21世纪英汉〔resign〕At sixteen, I resigned myself to the fact that I'd never be a dancer.十六岁的时候,我不得不接受这个事实 — 我永远也成不了舞蹈演员。朗文当代〔send〕I was sent away to school at the age of six.我六岁时被送去上学。朗文当代〔sight〕You will get a free sight test if you are under 16.如果你不满十六岁,可以免费检查视力。朗文当代〔sixteen〕He moved to London when he was sixteen (=sixteen years old) .他十六岁时搬到了伦敦。朗文当代〔sixteen〕She'll be sixteen in January.她一月份就十六岁了。外研社新世纪〔six〕He learnt to play the violin when he was six (=six years old) .他六岁学拉小提琴。朗文当代〔six〕Her children are aged six and five.她的孩子一个五岁, 一个六岁。外研社新世纪〔six〕She'll be six in June.她六月份就六岁了。外研社新世纪〔slog〕She has slogged her way through ballet classes since the age of six.她从六岁开始就一直苦学芭蕾。外研社新世纪〔subdebutante〕A girl in her middle teens.妙龄少女:指十五、六岁的少女美国传统〔unfasten〕When Ted was six we decided that he needed to know how to fasten and unfasten his seat belt.特德六岁的时候,我们认为他得知道如何系上和解开安全带了。柯林斯高阶〔vibrant〕She was sixteen, young and vibrant.她十六岁,年轻而充满活力。朗文当代〔waif〕She was a dirty-faced waif of some five or six years.她是个流浪儿, 五六岁大、脸上脏兮兮的。外研社新世纪〔wash〕Most baseball players are washed up at 35 or 36.大多数棒球运动员在三十五、六岁退出球坛。 英汉大词典〔wear〕He must have been around his mid-forties at least, but he'd worn well.他至少该有四十五六岁了,不过显得很年轻。朗文当代〔work〕I started working when I was sixteen.我十六岁就开始工作了。韦氏高阶〔write〕In some countries children don't start learning to read and write until they are six.有些国家的儿童到了六岁才开始读书写字。牛津高阶A whole village, united in their grief, comfort each other at the funeral of six-year-old Kylie Smith.整个村子同感悲伤, 在六岁的凯利·史密斯的葬礼上互相安慰。剑桥国际At the age of 6 she made up her mind to become a judge.她六岁时就决定要当法官。剑桥国际At the age of six she could read a newspaper.六岁时她能读报。剑桥国际He started work at sixteen as an apprentice chef.他十六岁起当厨师学徒。牛津商务He stopped eating meat at the age of sixteen but gave up fish and became a strict vegetarian two years later.他十六岁时不再吃肉,两年后不再吃鱼,成了一个严格的素食者。剑桥国际He was a shrimp of a boy, about six years old. 他是个六岁左右的小家伙。译典通He was six years old when he was shut away in an asylum for stealing an apple.当他因偷一个苹果而被关进收容所时,他才六岁。剑桥国际Her boyfriend is her senior by six years. 她的男朋友比她大六岁。译典通I've got a family crisis on my hands--my 16-year-old sister has got pregnant.家里出了件大事要我来处理----我那十六岁的妹妹怀孕了。剑桥国际In my mind's eye she remains a little girl of six although she's actually a grown woman.在我的想象中她仍然是个六岁的小女孩,虽然她其实已是个成熟女人了。剑桥国际Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself. 华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。译典通My parents separated when I was six and divorced a couple of years later.我六岁的时候父母分居,几年后便离婚了。剑桥国际My parents split up (= ended their marriage) when I was six.我父母在我六岁时离婚了。剑桥国际She entered a convent (=became a NUN) at the age of 16.她十六岁时进了修道院。剑桥国际She lost her virginity at the age of sixteen.她在十六岁时失去了童贞。剑桥国际She spoon-fed her son until he was age six and people began to laugh. 她用汤匙喂儿子喂到他六岁,人们开始嘲笑她。译典通She's only six, but she knows about the birds and the bees.她虽然只有六岁,却懂得性基本知识。剑桥国际She's only six, but she's still old enough to know better than to run out into the traffic.她只有六岁,可已经 大得知道不该跑到车流里去。剑桥国际The Minister claimed that the latest statistics on the literacy and numeracy (= ability to do basic mathematics) of eleven to sixteen-year olds did not reflect a decline in the standard of education in the country.这个部长声称最近进行的关于十一至十六岁孩子的识字和识数能力的统计并不反映国家教育水准的下降。剑桥国际The boy became an orphan at six. 那男孩六岁时成了孤儿。译典通The most grotesque story was told by an oil worker who saw a small boy of five or six shot.最恐怖的故事是一个石油工人讲述的他看到一个五、六岁的男孩中弹时的情景。剑桥国际The police have launched a manhunt after the body of a six-year-old boy was found last night.自昨晚发现一具六岁男孩的尸体后,警方已展开搜捕行动。剑桥国际The six-year-old is on a peewee league baseball team.那个六岁的孩子在一家小俱乐部的棒球队里。剑桥国际They are children above six years old. 他们是六岁以上的孩子。译典通




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