

单词 六十
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔around〕around 60 people 大约六十人文馨英汉〔child〕a child of nature; a child of the Sixties. 作为自然产物的人;六十年代的人美国传统〔child〕a real child of the Sixties 真正属于六十年代的人朗文当代〔diamond (wedding) anniversary〕the celebration of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee in 1897 *1897年维多利亚女王即位六十周年庆典韦氏高阶〔heady〕the heady atmosphere of the early sixties 六十年代初期的狂热气氛朗文当代〔jubilee〕a silver/golden/diamond jubilee 二十五/五十/六十周年庆祝韦氏高阶〔service〕a 60-piece dinner service. 一套六十件套的餐具柯林斯高阶〔sixtieth〕his sixtieth birthday 他的六十岁生日韦氏高阶〔sixtieth〕one sixtieth of the total 总数的六十分之一韦氏高阶〔sixtyfold〕a sixtyfold increase 六十倍的增长剑桥高阶〔sixty〕a fine spring day, with the temperatures in the low sixties 气温六十华氏度出头的一个晴朗春日朗文当代〔sixty〕her sixtieth birthday 她的六十岁生日朗文当代〔sixty〕sixty years ago 六十年前朗文当代〔sixty〕the student riots in Paris in the late sixties 六十年代末巴黎的学生骚乱朗文当代〔sweet〕a gentle, rather too sweet, drama hinging on two lonely sixty-somethings一部以两位六十来岁的孤独老人为主角、温情而不过分伤感的戏外研社新世纪〔the〕fashions of the 60s 六十年代的时尚朗文当代〔well〕a man well over fifty [well into his fifties, well on in his fifties] 五十好几岁(将近六十岁)的人文馨英汉




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