

单词 六世纪
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Byzantine〕Byzantine architecture 拜占庭式建筑(在五、六世纪以Byzantium为中心兴盛一时的样式)文馨英汉〔century〕The pottery dates back to the sixth century B.C.E.这件陶器可以追溯到公元前六世纪。韦氏高阶〔hundreds〕In the sixteen hundreds在十六世纪外研社新世纪〔sixteenth〕The paintings were made in the sixteenth century.这些绘画创作于十六世纪。韦氏高阶〔trace〕He traces his ancestry [family tree] back to the sixteenth century.他把自己的家世[家谱]追溯到十六世纪。文馨英汉〔trade〕India began trading with Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries.印度于十五六世纪开始和欧洲进行贸易。朗文当代He was a minor poet of the sixteenth century--you probably won't have heard of him.他是十六世纪一个不重要的诗人,你也许没有听说过他。剑桥国际The Spanish conquered the New World in the sixteenth century.西班牙人在十六世纪征服了新大陆。剑桥国际This bronze bell dates from the 16th century. 这口青铜钟是在十六世纪制造的。译典通




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