

单词 再发生
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕We apologize for the error and have taken steps to see that it does not happen again. 我们为此错误深表歉意,并已采取措施以保证这种事不再发生。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕Prison governors met today to discuss ways of preventing similar breakouts in the future. 监狱长今天聚在一起讨论如何防止今后再发生类似的越狱事件。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕She apologized for the incident and promised it wouldn't happen again. 她为这件事道歉,并保证这样的事不会再发生。朗文写作活用〔IN ORDER TO〕Steps must be taken so that this kind of disaster never happens again. 必须采取措施以保证这类灾难事件不再发生。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕The airline has assured travellers there will be no further delays. 那家航空公司向旅客保证不会再发生延误。朗文写作活用〔RARE/RARELY〕There used to be a lot of disputes over land boundaries but nowadays such problems scarcely ever arise. 以前地界纠纷频繁,但这种问题现在几乎没再发生。朗文写作活用〔all-out〕We will be going all out to ensure it doesn't happen again.我们要全力保证此事不再发生。柯林斯高阶〔apologize〕We apologize for the mistake and promise that it won't happen again.我们为所犯的错误道歉,并且承诺以后不会再发生这种问题。韦氏高阶〔brace〕The city braced itself for a possible new quake.全城作了可能再发生一场地震的防备。英汉大词典〔consent〕The people will never consent to another war.人民决不会同意再发生一次战争。英汉大词典〔continual〕These adjectives are compared as they mean occurring over and over during a long period of time.这些形容词可以互相比较,它们都表示在一段长时期内一再发生的。美国传统〔damn〕You'd better make damn sure that it doesn't happen again.你最好保证这样的事情不再发生。韦氏高阶〔guarantee〕He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again.他向我保证这种事情绝不会再发生。牛津高阶〔incident〕After nearly falling twice, she managed to make it to the top of the cliff without further incident.她两次差点儿跌落,此后总算攀上了崖顶,没再发生其他意外。牛津搭配〔let go〕You're late. I'll let it go this time, but it had better not happen again.你迟到了,这次我不追究,但是这种事下次最好别再发生。韦氏高阶〔maintain〕He maintained that such things should never be done again.他强调这种事情不应再发生了。英汉大词典〔make sure〕Make sure it doesn't happen again.要确保这事不会再发生了。韦氏高阶〔occurrence〕The occurrence of theft in the locker room has stopped.更衣室没再发生过盗窃事件。韦氏高阶〔occur〕I don't want such a thing to occur again.我不希望再发生这样的事情。21世纪英汉〔occur〕We hope this won't occur again.我们希望别再发生这样的事。英汉大词典〔one-off〕It was just a one-off; it won't happen again.这事绝无仅有,不会再发生了。牛津高阶〔one-off〕We would like to assure all our customers that this was a one-off event.我们要向所有顾客保证这种情况不会再发生了。外研社新世纪〔raging〕If raging inflation returns, then interest rates will shoot up.如果再发生严重的通货膨胀,那么利率就会迅速上调。柯林斯高阶〔reassurance〕Experts offered their reassurances that the accident wouldn't happen again.专家让公众放心,这种事故不会再发生了。韦氏高阶〔reassure〕Experts reassured the public that the accident wouldn't happen again.专家让公众放心,这种事故不会再发生了。韦氏高阶〔recur〕If this cheating recurs, you will be expelled.如果这样的作弊行为再发生,你将被开除。英汉大词典〔repeat〕It was a terrible journey – I hope we don't have a repeat performance (=have the same thing happen again) on the way home.这一路上太糟糕了 — 我希望回程不会再发生这样的事。朗文当代〔reprise〕A recurrence or resumption of an action.再发生:某一行为的再发生或继续美国传统〔rest〕You can rest assured that nothing of this nature will happen again.你可以放心,这类事不会再发生了。英汉大词典〔return〕The problem may return.问题会再发生。牛津同义词〔return〕We must avoid a return of the problem.我们一定要避免问题再发生。牛津同义词〔scandal〕The real scandal is that nothing has been done to make sure it doesn't happen again.真正可恨的是,没有采取任何措施确保此类事件不再发生。牛津搭配〔seal〕Further floods may have sealed the fate of the few remaining villages.这些少数幸存下来的村庄注定躲不过再发生的洪灾。麦克米伦高阶〔stop〕We need to stop the violence in our city.我们需要让我们的城市不再发生暴力。韦氏高阶〔that〕See to it that this never happens again! 注意不要让这事再发生了!英汉大词典〔the ink is not dry/still wet〕The ink was barely dry on the peace agreement when fighting broke out again.才刚刚签署和平协议,战斗又再发生了。剑桥高阶〔trouble〕I'm sorry you've been troubled – it won't happen again.对不起,给你添麻烦了,这种事绝不会再发生。麦克米伦高阶〔woe betide sb〕This is the second time he's been sent home from school this month, so woe betide him if it happens again! 这是他本月内第二次被从学校赶回了家,要是再发生一次这样的事,他就要倒霉了。剑桥高阶〔word〕I give you my word (=I promise) that it won't happen again.我向你保证这种事不会再发生。朗文当代Another nuclear accident in the same place is virtually/almost inconceivable.在同一地点再发生一次核事故简直/几乎是不可想象的。剑桥国际New safety procedures have been introduced to ensure that a similar accident never happens again.已采取新的安全措施以确保类似事故不再发生。牛津商务One way of preventing further flooding would be to deepen (= make deeper) the river bed.防止再发生洪涝的一个办法就是挖深河床。剑桥国际The surprising by-election result is regarded by many as a freak that will not be repeated throughout the rest of the country.那次补缺选举的惊人结果许多人都认为是件怪事,全国其他地方不会再发生了。剑桥国际




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