

单词 使老
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CAUSE〕About half of the chemicals that were tested caused cancer in rats. 做试验的化学物中约半数使老鼠患上癌症。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕In Marlowe's opinion, religion was invented in order to keep people down. 马洛认为,发明宗教的目的是为了使老百姓顺服。朗文写作活用〔boyish〕Even as an old man he retained his boyish charm.即使老了,他依然保留着那份童真。剑桥高阶〔buy up〕The mention of price rises sent citizens out to their shops to buy up as much as they could.物价上涨的说法使老百姓都涌进商店大量抢购商品。柯林斯高阶〔cheer〕Our visit has cheered the old man.我们的来访使老人很高兴。21世纪英汉〔crack〕Stress and overwork are causing teachers to crack (up).压力和过度劳累使老师们身心疲惫。剑桥高阶〔despair〕My handwriting was the despair of my teachers.我的字写得很差,使老师们感到十分失望。牛津高阶〔goal〕Two field goals gave the Tigers an early lead.两次射门得分使老虎队早早领先。牛津搭配〔groan〕The steps of the old house groaned under my weight.我的体重使老房子的楼梯吱嘎作响。21世纪英汉〔hand〕The old way of life became outdated at the hand of the new technology.新技术使老的生活方式过时了。英汉大词典〔impaired〕The disease causes impaired vision/hearing in elderly people.这种疾病致使老年人的视力/听力减弱。韦氏高阶〔laugh down〕The students laughed the teacher down.学生笑得使老师讲不下去了。21世纪英汉〔outshine〕Several new players outshone the veterans.几名新选手使老将们黯然失色了。朗文当代〔percolate〕The industrial prosperity percolated down to all the people.工业繁荣使老百姓共享其利。英汉大词典〔poisoning〕The rats were controlled by poisoning.用毒杀法使老鼠受到控制。牛津高阶〔progress〕Regular tests enable the teacher to monitor the progress of each child.定期的检测使老师能监测每个孩子的进步。牛津搭配〔read〕She reads the old man to sleep every evening.她每天晚上读书使老人听着听着就睡着了。21世纪英汉〔respond〕This modest group size allows our teachers to respond to the needs of each student.这样的小组规模适中,可以使老师照顾到每一个学生的需求。柯林斯高阶〔shame〕His son's crimes put the old man to shame.儿子的罪行使老人感到羞耻。英汉大词典〔spanner〕He was sorry to have to throw spanners into an old friend's daydream.他对不得不使老朋友的幻想破灭感到遗憾。英汉大词典Even as an old man he retained his boyish charm.即使老了,他仍保留着孩子气的魅力。剑桥国际His conscious lie exasperated his teacher to no end. 他故意说谎使老师非常恼怒。译典通New technology often makes old skills and even whole communities redundant.新技术常常使老技工甚至全部员工被解雇。剑桥国际Steve got a little carried away and made a pass at me, even though his wife was there.史蒂夫有些忘乎所以,对我动手动脚的,即使老婆在也无所谓。剑桥国际These are a few of the problems which can afflict the elderly.有几个问题会使老年人苦恼。剑桥国际We calmed the old lady down. 我们使老太太平静下来。译典通




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