

单词 光临
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕Dr Fischer requests your company at a dinner to celebrate his retirement at the Dorchester Hotel on November 30th at 10 pm. RSVP. 11月30日下午10时,费希尔博士在多切斯特酒店设宴庆贺荣休,敬请光临。请赐复。朗文写作活用〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕Visit our website on www.stellamary.UK. 请光临我们的网站www.stellamary.UK。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Before I start, I'd like to thank everyone for coming. 进入正题以前,我要感谢各位的光临。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕I saw a sign reading ‘Welcome Visitors’, which I found reassuring. 我看到标牌上写着“欢迎光临”几个字,感到很安心。朗文写作活用〔abode〕Welcome to my humble abode! 欢迎光临寒舍!剑桥高阶〔abode〕Welcome to my humble abode.欢迎光临寒舍。朗文当代〔abode〕Welcome to my humble abode.欢迎光临寒舍。牛津搭配〔abode〕Welcome to my humble abode.欢迎光临寒舍。韦氏高阶〔abode〕You are most welcome to my humble abode.竭诚欢迎光临寒舍。牛津高阶〔along〕This is open to women of all ages, so bring along your friends and colleagues.这对所有年龄段的女性开放,所以请带上你的朋友和同事一起光临。柯林斯高阶〔annoyance〕In his later years, he changed from a slight annoyance into an eagerly-awaited visitor.在晚年,他从一个有点儿惹别人讨厌的角色变成被人热切等候光临的嘉宾。英汉大词典〔appreciate〕Thanks for coming. I appreciate it.谢谢光临。无任欢迎。牛津高阶〔banquet〕To honor at or partake of a banquet.光临或赴宴美国传统〔begin〕I'd like to begin by thanking you all for coming.我想首先感谢大家的光临。麦克米伦高阶〔better half〕Please come to our party—and your better half is invited, too! 请来参加我们的聚会,也邀请您的配偶光临!韦氏高阶〔browse〕You are welcome to come in and browse.欢迎您光临本店随便看看。牛津高阶〔close up〕We've closed up for the day. Please come back tomorrow.我们今天已经打烊了。请明天再光临。韦氏高阶〔come along〕There's a big press launch today and you're most welcome to come along.今天有一个大型的媒体发布会, 非常希望您能光临。外研社新世纪〔come along〕There's a big press launch today and you're most welcome to come along.今天有一个大型的媒体推介会,非常希望您能光临。柯林斯高阶〔come〕Thanks for coming(= to my house, party, etc.).谢谢光临。牛津高阶〔conclude〕Before I conclude, I'd like to thank you all for coming.在结束发言前,我想感谢诸位的光临。剑桥高阶〔corner〕Welcome to our little corner of Philadelphia.欢迎光临我们在费城的这个小地方。牛津搭配〔dignify〕The mayor was there to dignify the celebrations.市长的光临为庆祝活动增辉。牛津高阶〔finally〕And finally, I would like to thank you all for coming here today.最后,我感谢大家今天的光临。牛津高阶〔finally〕Finally, I would like to say thank you to everyone for coming.最后, 我要对每一位光临的人表示感谢。外研社新世纪〔finally〕Finally, I'd like to thank everyone for coming this evening.最后,我要感谢各位今晚光临。剑桥高阶〔first〕First, I'd like to thank everyone for coming.首先,我要感谢各位光临。朗文当代〔force〕The guests turned up in full force.被邀客人全都光临。英汉大词典〔gang〕They ganged around him and thanked him for coming.他们聚在他的四周,对他的光临表示感谢。英汉大词典〔gentleman〕Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.女士们先生们,欢迎光临。麦克米伦高阶〔grace〕Ah so you've decided to grace us with your presence! 啊,这么说你已经决定光临,给我们增辉添彩!朗文当代〔grace〕How kind of you to grace us with your presence.承蒙您的光临,我们不胜荣幸。麦克米伦高阶〔grace〕I'm so pleased you could grace us with your presence!您的大驾光临令我倍感欣喜!外研社新世纪〔grace〕She would grace their party by coming.她的光临会使他们的宴会增色。英汉大词典〔grace〕So you've finally decided to grace us with your presence, have you? (= You are late.) 你看,你终于肯光临寒舍了,大驾难起啊,是吗?(幽默地表示“你迟到了”这个意思)剑桥高阶〔grace〕We are delighted that the mayor will be gracing us with his presence at our annual dinner.市长将光临我们每年一度的宴会,我们感到万分荣幸。剑桥高阶〔grace〕We were graced with the presence of our chairman.承蒙主席光临,不胜荣幸。21世纪英汉〔guest〕Welcome, Mr Prime Minister, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.首相先生,各位嘉宾,女士们,先生们,欢迎各位的光临。麦克米伦高阶〔honored〕I hope to be honored with your visit.我衷心期待你的光临。文馨英汉〔honour〕I'll be greatly honoured by your gracious presence.如蒙光临,不胜荣幸。21世纪英汉〔honour〕I'm glad to see that you've decided to honour us with your presence! 很高兴看到你已决定大驾光临!牛津高阶〔honour〕It is an honour to have you here.大驾光临,深感荣幸。朗文当代〔honour〕We are honoured (= proud and happy) to have you here tonight.今晚您能光临我们深感荣幸。剑桥高阶〔honour〕We request the honour of your company at dinner.(请帖用语)谨备便酌,敬请光临。英汉大词典〔humble home/abode〕Welcome to our humble home/abode.欢迎光临寒舍。韦氏高阶〔humble〕Welcome to our humble abode.欢迎光临寒舍。朗文当代〔invite〕You are cordially invited to attend the annual parish meeting.诚挚邀请您光临教区年会。牛津搭配〔kick〕We were kicking our heels, waiting for some customers.我们百无聊赖地等待顾客光临。牛津高阶〔lady〕Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you all here today.女士们先生们,欢迎各位大驾光临。麦克米伦高阶〔last〕Last of all, I'd like to thank everyone for coming.最后,我要感谢各位光临。朗文当代〔lei〕Governor George welcomed the Queen to Hawaii with a lei of orchids.乔治州长献上兰花花环以欢迎女王光临夏威夷。英汉大词典〔notice〕Please give us enough notice to prepare for your arrival.请尽早通知我们,以准备迎接您的光临。韦氏高阶〔oblige〕Very oblige with your presence.敬请光临。21世纪英汉〔opportunity〕I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for coming.我愿借此机会感谢诸位的光临。麦克米伦高阶〔opportunity〕May I take this opportunity to thank you all for coming? 请允许我利用此机会感谢诸位的光临。英汉大词典〔partake of〕Will you do us the great favour of partaking of our humble wine?你愿意光临我们菲薄的酒会吗?21世纪英汉〔patronage〕Shopkeepers thanked Christmas shoppers for their patronage.店老板感谢圣诞节顾客的光临美国传统〔pleasure〕We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa.敬请光临小女莉萨的婚礼。牛津高阶〔presence〕How nice of you to grace us with your presence! 您的大驾光临使我们蓬荜生辉 !牛津搭配〔presence〕Your presence is requested.敬请光临。文馨英汉〔presence〕Your presence is requested.敬请光临。英汉大词典〔request〕Mr John Smith requests the pleasure of the company of Mr William White at a dinner at 7:00 pm on 21 April.约翰史密斯先生敬请威廉怀特先生光临4月21日下午7时的晚宴。21世纪英汉〔request〕Mrs Barrett & Her Majesty's Consul General request the pleasure of your company at a dinner at 7:30 pm on 12 September.女王陛下政府总领事巴利特夫妇敬请阁下光临9月12日下午7时30分的晚宴。英汉大词典〔start (sth) off〕I'd like to start off by thanking you all for coming today.首先,我想感谢大家今天的光临。剑桥高阶〔such as it is〕Welcome to my humble home—such as it is.欢迎光临寒舍——尽管敝舍简陋。韦氏高阶〔take〕Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming.请允许我借此机会感谢各位的光临。韦氏高阶〔thank you〕It's good to see you, Mr. Mathias. Thank you for coming.很高兴见到您,马赛厄斯先生。 谢谢您的光临。朗文当代〔thanks〕Thanks for coming.谢谢光临。韦氏高阶〔thank〕She said goodbye and thanked us for coming.她向我们道别,并感谢我们的光临。牛津高阶〔usual〕It is usual to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming.讲话前先感谢大家光临,这是惯例。牛津高阶〔visitor〕We are expecting visitors.我们在恭候访客的光临。韦氏高阶〔vouchsafe〕Vouchsafe me a visit.敬请光临。英汉大词典〔welcome〕It is a pleasure to welcome you to our home.很高兴欢迎您光临舍下。牛津高阶〔wotcha〕Wotcha Dave—thanks for coming.你好,戴夫,谢谢光临。牛津高阶I'd appreciate it if you could let me know ( = Please let me know) in advance whether or not you will be coming.如能提前告知是否能光临敝处,我将十分感谢。剑桥国际It is a great pleasure to welcome your lordship this evening.今晚您大驾光临使我万分荣幸。剑桥国际Many important people will be gracing the opening night of the play (= honouring it by going to it).许多重要人物的光临将为此剧的首演增色不少。剑桥国际Thank you for shopping Land's End.感谢您光临“天涯海角”。牛津商务The flower show was graced by the presence of the Queen.女王的光临给花展增添了光彩。剑桥国际The guests were assembled in the hall in readiness for the arrival of the important visitor. 客人们聚在大厅里,随时等待著那位重要来访者的光临。译典通We are delighted that the mayor will be gracing us with his presence at our annual dinner.我们非常高兴市长将光临我们每年一庆的宴会,这将给我们增光不少。剑桥国际We are honoured to welcome your ladyship (= you) here tonight.今晚我们很荣幸地欢迎您光临。剑桥国际We keep open house at weekends. 周末我们随时欢迎客人光临。译典通Welcome to our online storefront.欢迎光临我们的网店。牛津商务You are invited to join us at our exhibition stand in hall 9.诚邀您到 9 号大厅光临我们的展台。牛津商务Your presence is requested. 敬请光临。译典通




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