

单词 先驱
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blaze〕a great pioneer who blazed a trail for others to follow 为其他人开路的伟大先驱者麦克米伦高阶〔forefather〕our country's forefathers 我们国家的先驱们韦氏高阶〔forerunner〕a forerunner of present-day cartoonists 当代漫画家的先驱英汉大词典〔impersonate〕impersonate the pioneer spirit 体现先驱精神英汉大词典〔killer-diller〕a killer-diller pioneer 杰出的先驱者英汉大词典〔moving force/spirit〕one of modern sculpture's moving spirits 现代雕塑的先驱之一韦氏高阶〔pioneering〕pioneering work 先驱工作文馨英汉〔pioneer〕a computer pioneer 计算机方面的先驱牛津高阶〔pioneer〕a pioneer heart surgeon 心脏外科的先驱剑桥高阶〔pioneer〕a pioneer in aviation. 航空业的先驱者美国传统〔pioneer〕a pioneer in the development of radar 雷达研制的先驱英汉大词典〔pioneer〕a pioneer of a new technique.新技术的先驱。牛津同义词〔pioneer〕one of the pioneers of modern science 现代科学的先驱之一剑桥高阶〔pioneer〕pioneer surgeons 先驱外科医生们韦氏高阶〔pioneer〕the pioneers of early colour photography 早期彩色摄影技术的先驱麦克米伦高阶〔precursor〕a precursor of modern jazz 现代爵士乐的先驱朗文当代〔progenitor〕the progenitors of modern art 现代艺术的先驱牛津高阶〔progenitor〕the progenitors of modern art 现代艺术的先驱们韦氏高阶〔reporter〕the chief reporter on the 'Herald' 《先驱报》的首席记者牛津搭配〔spatial〕spatial pioneers 探索太空的先驱者英汉大词典〔trailblazer〕a civil rights trailblazer 民权运动的先驱英汉大词典〔trailblazer〕a trailblazer in the field of medical research 医学研究领域的先驱朗文当代〔tribune〕the International Herald Tribune 《国际先驱论坛报》英汉大词典〔vanguard〕a member of the feminist vanguard 女权主义的先驱之一韦氏高阶




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